Part 25: Moon Festival

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"Wow, Vida, you've really outdone yourself," I said, shaking my head at Zuri's transformation. Zuri fidgeted. She really needed to look in the mirror. Her hair, though somewhat thin, looked beautiful with the body waves. Her hair covered part of her face so her scars wouldn't show, and that made her happy. There was almost no makeup on her, and she stood in a flowing maxi dress with earth tone colors that covered her so no one see those scars but was light and airy. I guided her to the mirror to look at herself.

"Oh!" Zuri breathed, her eyes welling up as she stared at her reflection. "Oh, Vida..."

Mattie wiped a stray tear from her cheek. "Dar is not going to be able to keep his hands off you!" She gave me a wink, and I squeezed her hand. This was why I took others who needed a place to start over. Sometimes that's all one needs.

"Thank you!" Zuri turned to Vida and gave her a hug. I couldn't help but smile. Part witch, part human, half wolf, I thought, but she was becoming more and more of just one of us. Vida looked at me, and I knew she began to believe that, too. Hopefully she could help with Cole. He did not take being flipped into the pool well.

"Ready?" Vida said brightly. "They will be waiting for us out there in the hall."

We all nodded yes, though Zuri was still unsure. We all stepped out into the hall to see them waiting. Zach and Cole were talking and laughing but Dar and Ian were not. They seemed to make some conversation but it was clear to see they were tolerating each other.

Vida was unsure, more than anything. She seemed uncomfortable every time she looked at me.

"Vida?" When I saw her turn startled, I exhaled heavily. "Vida, I am not angry about it, alright?" I saw her instantly relax.

"Before we face the public, I need to tell you something."

I turned to look at Ian. "What?"

"I let Gina in."

I stilled for a moment. "Let me get this straight. The first decision you make here on your own as alpha is to invite your ex--"

"It wasn't like that."

"Was it? I told you I wasn't ready so you brought in your substitute?"

"Let's not go there--"

"Oh, you mean the wolf who followed his mate here?" I poked his chest. "See the difference?"

"She has nowhere to go--"

"After traipsing about the territories being a sweetheart, I guess she's running out of places--" Suddenly, I felt myself pushed against the wall, wrists held over my head. If looks could kill, Ian would be dead right now. "Get your hands off me."

"Not until you calm down and listen."

"Calm down? Listen?"

"Notice how I haven't said a word about Dar," he growled. "Do me a favor and follow suit about Gina for now."

"Fine." As soon as I felt him slightly relent, I snatched free, and started moving away from him. "I'll even behave in public."

"Best you do."

I whirled around. "" Who the hell does he think he is?

"One, this is our first official event as a couple," He counted, stalking toward me. "Two, we have a hybrid to introduce to society and it's not in her best interests if we look divided." He backed me against the wall again, and I almost forgot to breathe, my knees weak at his closeness and scent. "Three, it is the full moon, and I am trying to respect your wishes, but let's get something straight: if I really wanted to, I could take you tonight, make you beg me to." He lowered his face to my own, and pulled me against him, lifting me off the floor. Our foreheads bumped softly, our noses brushed, and our eyes met. His lips were a breath away from mine. "In short, I smell your heat, mate. You fight and run from it, but I know it, run to it, embrace it. Your 'control' over me is no more than I allow."

I was breathless. He meant every word. I felt tears come to my eyes, and I tried to step away to compose myself, but he quickly brought an arm around my waist and kept me against the wall, making my lower body arch into his as his other hand gently clasped the back of my neck. His growl became more of a whisper.

"Calm down, love. Gina needs help, just like Dar, simple as that." He caressed my cheek with the back of his fingers, then my lips with  his thumb. He pressed his lips to my forehead and inhaled deeply. I could tell he wanted me to breathe with him, so I did. One. Two. Three. He pulled away, and kissed me tenderly. "My poor Alphina. You don't have to fight everything, least of all, me." He tilted my chin up, smiling at me. I gave a small smile back, still trying to get a grip on all the emotions he stirred in a simple minute. I suddenly felt exhausted.

"Are we ready now?" I heard Dar asked gently.

Ian finally stepped aside, and took my hand in gentlemanly fashion. "Yes, we are."

I realized that whole little exchange was witnessed by our betas and their mates, as well as Dar and Zuri. I felt a wave of embarrassment wash over me as they all turned toward the front door and faced it, ready to go.

Just as Ian was about to open the door, Zuri quickly stepped forward and gave me a quick hug from behind. I felt her cheek against my back. I turned, puzzled.

"Thank you, Alphina," she whispered. "Thank you for everything."

Those words made me remember who I was. I ran this territory for a decade. I built it from nothing with my people and we were now a powerful people. I glanced at Ian, who was smiling ear to ear. I was also this wolf's mate--and he was powerful, not just in how he wielded his power, but how he also restrained it.

Hannah rushed to the doors. "All is ready." She searched our faces and finally looked at Ian and me. We nodded, and the doors opened to the public.

New Age Werewolf Series Book 1: Taming A She WolfWhere stories live. Discover now