Part 39: Alpha & Alphina Arrival

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It had been three days.

And I felt like I couldn't get enough of her.

Even as we hiked back through the woods, I just kept admiring her figure move through effortlessly, smoothly, almost cat-like. She made me want to just take her right here-anywhere.

"You know, you really need to stop thinking like that."

I smiled. Our connection was complete and getting stronger. "Sorry."

"No you're not." She looked back and smiled.

"You're right," I winked. "I'm not."

We reached the first area of houses, and many of the people recognized us right away. Thankfully we were dressed.

"Good morning, Alpha, Alphina!"

"It's our Alpha and Alphina!"

Someone gasped. "Great Goddess!"

"Are we royalty?" I asked her. "We're highly approachable."

Amber smiled up at me. "I'm not out this far often."

"We should tour the grounds on a regular basis."

"Agreed." She brightened and waved. So did I.

Schoolchildren raced to us. This was something we didn't expect. We greeted them quickly, fielded a few questions. It was then I saw Renee. She was bigger now, waddling more with the weight of her child. She ran to us, and then stopped, unsure what to do. I stepped forward and hugged her.

"Renee!" I smiled. The schoolchildren gasped. "How are you?"

"We're doing fine, just fine!" She smiled. "The children came in from playtime to tell me you were here and I did not believe it!"

"Hello, Renee," Amber smiled, hugging her. "Where's Lance?"

"Working on the military houses today," Renee smiled. "You know they can hardly see them when they are colored green!"

"That's the idea," I shrugged. Actually, it was my idea and I forgot to run it past Amber, but she only smiled.

"A good one," Amber nodded with approval.

We visited for awhile and then headed to the main house. We'd barely gotten in the door when Vida jumped Amber.

"I knew you two were together!"

Cole walked up and whispered, "I trust things got worked out?"

"Had a breatkthrough."

Cole gave me a slap on the shoulder. "About time!" He strode toward the kitchen. "Breakfast, anyone?"

We all readily headed toward the kitchen.

Lara turned and did a double take. "Oh....oh!"

I wanted to laugh. She could tell. Amber rolled her eyes. "Good morning, Hannah."

"Good morning!" She gave a romantic kind of sigh. "What will the alpha and alphina have?"

"Surprise us."

She smiled widely and got to work.

"You are home!" Zuri smiled, entering the kitchen with Dar. She went straight to me, and picked her up and hugged her. I did it so fast I didn't think. I looked at Amber, and she smiled, but her wheels were turning.

"Yes, we're back," Amber nodded, and Zuri hugged her tightly. She closed her eyes feeling Zuri sigh against her. She opened her eyes to look at me, and her look turned sheepish.

"Wow, just dropped off the grid for three days and  nights," Dar raised an eyebrow. "Hmm." He extended his hand and I took it. "Welcome back."

Mattie and Zach showed up, and Mattie went straight to Amber, pulling her away to talk.

"So, the place didn't fall apart while we were gone?" I asked teasingly.

"No," Zach shrugged, giving a small smile.

"Everything is fine in Wisdom," Cole reported. "I informed them that you and Dar were heading that way soon. Is that still the case?"

"Yes, definitely, even more so," I said, sitting at the table.

"Ah, everyone is here!" Hannah smiled. "Sit, breakfast is ready!"

"Do you have to go?" Zuri asked Dar. She looked sad, even a bit worried as we all found seats. Amber sat across the table from me, each of us sitting at the ends.

"I think it is important," Dar gave Zuri's hand a squeeze. "Cole should stay here and help with things, especially with Mattie in her condition."

"You know, I'm doing just fine right now, thank you!" Mattie's green eyes flashed.

"I asked Cole to stay," Zach confessed. "I think it would be better to have extra hands here, especially with Jiro acting more out of character lately. Too many visits."

"I also agree, I think the Alphina needs all the help she can get," I said. "I would feel much more at ease if she had Cole here with Zach and Mattie. Dar and I should be able to handle a simple trip home." 

"What do you hope to find?" Zuri asked.

"The oldest books are stored at Wisdom," Dar informed. "and there may even be information that the elders can give us. Isn't your father a chief historian, Ian?"

I was too busy staring at my mate across the table. I did hear my name though. "What?"

The whole table softly laughed and chuckled, but then Dar asked, "Uh, are you sure you don't want to wait a little longer?"

 "We can leave tomorrow, Dar."

"Oka-ay," Dar nodded. trying not to laugh. "I have no problem with that." He saw Zuri's reaction which was not pleased. He leaned over and kissed her temple. "I won't be gone, long."

"Poor thing," Amber purred as I began nibbling her ear. "While you're gone I'll be sure to keep her busy and be supportive, I promise."

Dar's eyebrows raised. "Thank you, Amber...really, I appreciate that."

New Age Werewolf Series Book 1: Taming A She WolfWhere stories live. Discover now