Part 26: Getting the Party Started

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Sorry this Is late. I am working day camp hours, so things might be a little late over the summer but I will try not to be CRAZY late. Amber's quite the nut to crack, huh? Enjoy!

I didn't let on, but I was nervous.

When the doors opened out to the party, people stopped talking and turned. There was a guard on each  side of us on every other step.

"Easy, Zuri, easy." I heard Dar's voice soothingly say.

I managed to get a glance at Zuri. For a second she looked like she was going to back into the house. I turned and managed to catch her eye, giving her a quick wink. Dar gave a small smile, and kissed her temple. He was ready to protect her and so was I. She was the fastest friend I ever made.

I looked at Amber. "Okay." Finally we took the first step forward together, with our small party following.

Amber's eyes were straight ahead, and she had a small smile on her face, nodding to guards in thanks as they stood respectfully and at attention. They did not move until all had passed, and then went to the perimeters of the party.

"Pack leader?" I shook my head. "Queen is more like it."

"Believe it or not, an attempt was made on my life once."


"After that, the guards decided to do things this way for public appearances," She looked sad. "I made a modification, though."

"What is that?"

"That they stand at their posts in groups of three so they can take turns enjoying the party." She finally looked at me. "This party is for us, but is far more for them. I watch these people work at their trade or guard our territory, and I want them to have fun, feel the benefits. I see to it, it balances them."

I did not miss the look of affection she had as she greeted people and introduced me as her mate. She genuinely cared about these people, what they thought. My father was a bit different, a bit more distant. She was right there-touchable, approachable...

I felt a stab of jealousy. There were times she seemed more connected to them than me. I gently squeezed our joined hands and she smiled up at me, squeezing mine back, and I felt the pain of longing lessen. I wanted to be a part of her, really a part of her.


I cringed inwardly. I knew that voice. We both turned to see Gina standing there, beautiful as always. She turned heads wherever she went, honestly, even in her tie dye dress, looking bohemian and somewhat poor.

"Yes, Gina?" Amber said softly. I could hear the tension in her voice, but her expression conveyed nothing.

Gina bowed. "Thank you for letting me stay, and thank you for the shelter, the clothes, the food-everything."

"It is what I offer all refugees," Amber took her hand, giving a small smile, then her expression melted into one of concern. "I'm sorry you haven't found your mate yet."

Gina shook her head, her expression sad. "I probably don't have one."

"I think you do," Amber said quickly. "I believe it."

"You do?" Gina asked.

Amber was completely softened by Gina's lack of confidence, and took her hands. "I believe it, Gina. You just have to be ready."

"Ready how?"

God, Gina was taking long, but I noticed Amber becoming more relaxed.

"Learn all you can here, grow...and he will come, I believe it," Amber said. "For some reason, my mate's path and mine did not cross till now. It's almost funny how we seemed to miss each other, but one must believe that fate-the Goddess-lends a hand."

Gina's eyes were glassy. "Thank you!"

"You're welcome, Gina."

Gina bowed again, turned and left. She joined the single women, who were smiling and excited to see what my mate said to her.

I led her away to the garden after that.

I turned to look at her. "Thank you for that."

"It was nothing," she replied, but she didn't return my gaze. "I know a lost and heartbroken woman when I've seen one." She took a deep breath. "I've been there."

"He hurt you like that."


"That's how you became so--"

"Strong? Resilient?"

"Closed off."

Now she turned to me. "Sometimes you have to set your feelings aside to see better, or as they really are."

"So now what do you see?" Our eyes locked. Never have I seen such a storm of emotions, or felt them, so jumbled. It was like fire, the difference between holding your hand near it or being foolish or curious enough to put your hand in it. But I wanted it. I wanted to know, hear it. "What do you see, Amber?"

Amber didn't answer. She didn't have time to. The ways parted to arrival of Theron and Jiro.

"I don't believe this." I was thinking aloud. Suddenly, Cole, Dar, and Zach were there, and the guard perimeter tightened. Women and children backed toward the food tables. No one knew what to think, to do. I gave a stiff half bow. "Theron." I nodded. "Jiro."

Theron bowed. "I see you two have reached an accord."

"We have decided to work and be together as the Goddess intended, yes." Amber said. "Your visit is...a surprise. Especially you, Jiro." If looks could kill, Jiro would have dropped dead.

Theron took a breath for patience. "We need to talk."

New Age Werewolf Series Book 1: Taming A She WolfWhere stories live. Discover now