Part 32: The Warrior & the Witch

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I didn't know how to explain all this.  How do you explain wolf lore to your half human witch mate?

I walked to our quarters with the book under my arm. I wasn't the wise man; how on earth did I remember this legend? I actually listened in classes about lore, that's why. I thought of it as a history class, and sometimes fight and battle techniques revealed themselves through the stories. All I knew was that I wanted to be a hero too, someday, a general, whatever. I never thought something as grand as this would be or could be true.


She surprised me by opening our door.

"How did you--"

"I could smell you coming," Zuri smiled. She got up on tiptoes to kiss me and I managed to get my arms around her and still hold on to the book. "How was your day?"

I watched her walk in front of me, admiring her form in jeans. I could tell she was redecorating our room a little. "Oh, it's been interesting."

She turned around and smiled, sitting on the couch to fold laundry. "Really?"

"Uh, yeah."

She did a double take. She realized there was something I wanted to talk about. "Come on, talk to me."

I sat next to her. "Ian and I have been talking."

"I saw that," she raised her eyebrow. "About what?"

"We are going to Wisdom."

"Oh, I've never been--"

"No, just Ian and me."

Now she was frowning. "What's going on?"

I started choosing my words carefully. "It's about a legend."

"A legend."

"Okay, you see, years ago--like centuries, actually-there was a huge war between vampires and werewolves,"  I began. "The werewolves had a clear advantage because we could walk in daylight. So, the vampires had alchemists put together the purest silver to keep our kind away from them. It worked pretty well, and the vampires began to thrive in numbers."

"Sounds bad."

"It was, so I heard," I shrugged. "So then the wisest wolves gathered and created something called the WolfStone."


"Yes, it's the purest moonstone ever mined and created, then embellished with enchantments and power," I told her. "A terrible battle ensued, and both species decided to simply leave each other alone. There are parts of every land mass that is werewolf territory and parts that are vampire territory."

"Where is it supposed to be now?"

"Well, wolves began to fight over it--all the territories wanted to keep it, but it tipped scales in power, everyone knew that. So the wise wolves chipped off four pieces of the Wolfstone to the four winds and entrusted them to packs they felt would not try to take over. The wise wolves hid the rest of the stone and no one knows where it is."

"Wow, quite a story," she started looking a little worried.

I wished I could tell her not to, but I had to go on. "Legend is that the WolfStone can be found. The four pieces must be found by the wise wolf, the woman, the warrior and...the witch--"

Zuri jumped up. "That's crazy!"

"Is it?" I asked her, taking her hands in mine. "Jiro--"

"He didn't take me, you know that!"

I squeezed her hands. "I know, Zizi, but he said that if you weren't the witch, maybe your offspring could be." I watched her shake her head. "Zizi, I think Jiro's after the WolfStone, not just to take over the Makya pack, but all packs."

"But you said it was just a legend!"

"Legend usually possesses some truth, and I can't remember a time when all four beings existed at the same time, and we're mates, Zizi." I watched her shake her head no, and I shook mine, too, but for a different reason. "I must find out what I can, if only to protect you, if only to protect us."

New Age Werewolf Series Book 1: Taming A She WolfWhere stories live. Discover now