❄️ Chapter 26 ❄️

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A/N: Our ship hasn't sailed yet...

Winter was completely focussed. The only thing on his mind at that current moment was saving his sister. Everyone was counting on him to rescue the Master's pawn. After all, saving Icicle had been his major priority since Carnelian's death... until of course this whole prophecy and his entire tribe being in danger. There was absolutely nothing else on his mind.

That was a lie.

He had just kissed a NightWing for moons' sake!

Winter was trying to tell himself that it was only a last resort, and that he had no choice. It was the only way to snap her out of it!

But that was also a lie. Winter wanted to kiss her.

How could Moon act like it had never happened? She was so calm and collected even after she had been mind-controlled.

Now, as they silently raced through the volcano tunnels, Winter's scales felt all jittery. He could not focus. Every now and than he would glance over at Moon and she would smile like nothing at all was awkward between them.

I'm probably overreacting.

Stay vigilant Winter. Icicle needs you.

After following the directions his new friends had given him, Winter and Moon finally ended up where Icicle was being looked after. When Winter entered the cave, he half expected his sister pinned to the floor and snarled at but it seemed Stardust had managed to contain her rage for now.

Icicle's talons were tied and her body was pressed up against the far wall. Daze kept his distance from the fuming princess but Stardust stayed close enough to leave Icicle no choice but to stay put and cooperate.

Winter hated seeing his sister like this. Her eyes were fixed on the new comers, like blank black coals.

He was beginning to worry now. Icicle hadn't been herself for so long, so would it be harder to free her?

"Icicle." Winter said, trying to make his voice sound soothing, calm and nicer than usual. That was easier said than done considering everything that had just happened.

His sister's head whipped toward him but he could tell she was still watching a silent Stardust out of the corner of her eyes. "I will be much harder to fool brother," she said, with a non-Icicle glint in her eyes.

Moon shrank back behind Winter. "Did I sound like that?" she asked, guilt lacing her voice. She glanced at the NightWing triplets but didn't ask questions. Because she's reading their minds.

Winter shook his head. "No. You sounded more like your own self than the Master. He targeted Icicle because he knew she would be easier to sway."

"You're quite smart Prince Winter. Indeed, it would be a shame to waste such a healthy young mind." Icicle/Master purred.

"Let my sister go!" Winter exclaimed. "You don't need her anymore. She's played her part. We're here, right where you wanted us. Why keep her any longer?"

Mind-controlled Icicle only smiled. "You pathetic dragonets have no idea what you're messing with," she seethed, ignoring the question. It felt wrong to call this thing Icicle. This was anything but Icicle at the moment.

She moved around in her binds slightly. Stardust went to lunge forward and restrain her but Winter yelled quickly yelled for her to stay back. The only disadvantage of allowing Icicle to speak was that she was now free to use her frostbreath. Winter didn't want his new companions to get hurt, especially after everything they'd done for him.

"Icicle please. This isn't you!" Winter pleaded. He didn't have a clue on how to free his sister. He wasn't sure how Icicle would react if he suddenly kissed her. No, I have to take a different approach.

"What would Hailstorm think of all of this? Don't you think he'd be disappointed in your delicious. Killing a SkyWing, taking down our entire tribe? Do you realise how bad this will be for you?" Winter asked. Out of the corner of his vision he spotted Icicle flinch. Keep going. "Why make it any worse?" He hoped he had hit a soft spot. Icicle and Hailstorm used to be very close.

"Hailstorm would be proud. After how Mother and Father treated us, they deserve everything they're going to get."

"So what, they've treated us badly? You're tougher than that sister! They've made you who you are today. Our family taught us how to be strong and fight for what we actually believe." Winter said. "Do you really believe in wiping out the IceWings?"

The others remained silent, watching Winter put his plan into play. Moon nudged him encouragingly. Maybe she could sense the Master starting to break.

"What about all the times they've mistreated you brother? Oh, I could see you hurting when they were disappointed in you again. You always tried to please them, but Mother and Father couldn't care less about you." Icicle grinned evilly. The Master certainly knew how to play the game. "To them, you're useless. A complete worthless nuisance. You know what? I reckon they wished you had died instead of Hailstorm."

Winter gulped. Everything she/he said was true.

"That's not true Winter." Moon hissed. "You're not worthless, you hear me? So don't you dare believe that you are! He's trying to play with your mind, just like he did to me!"

Moon's words boosted Winter with hope. How she had such an effect on him, he had no idea. Winter was more than glad she was back to her old self. He needed her now more than ever.

"Permission to punch her?" Daze asked.

Winter shook his head. He wasn't sure they'd be able to beat the Master out of her.

"Icicle we're your family. Flesh and blood!" Winter cried. He wasn't about to give up hope yet.

Icicle's voice faltered. "I killed her," she whispered.


"I killed the SkyWing," her head drooped. "I can't go back to our family."

Stardust whipped her head towards Winter in confusion. But Winter was focused on Icicle's helpless state. Was his sister feeling guilty?

Is it possible the Master left her with strong, bottled up emotions?

"Is he really gone? Is she back to herself? Did I do it?" Winter asked.

"Y-yeah. I can't sense his presence anymore." Moon said, but she looked a little uncertain.

"I'm so sorry!" Icicle wailed in such an uncharacteristic tone. This was not like her at all. She hasn't been herself for a long time. Should I be worried.

"Hey, it wasn't your fault. The Master made you do it." Winter said, creeping closer to his sister.

"But what if I wanted to? I wanted to hurt Carnelian. I wanted revenge. I did it. I did it. Oh moons, what have I done?" Icicle said, her voice dripping with regret.

Daze backed away from the upset prisoner. Stardust swished her tail warily. She looked at Winter and Moon with an expression that said don't do it.

She's my sister.

I have to help her.

He knelt down cautiously and met Icicle's teary eyes. He'd never seen his sister cry or show any sign of weakness before. The Master had messed with her head for too long.

"I'm going to do everything in my power to get the old Icicle back." he said, untying the ropes from her wrists. He still stayed well out of reach from her frost breath zone. "I want my sister back."

"Then you'll do me a favour and let me fulfill my destiny!"

A sharp pain struck his forehead as Winter's vision crumbled into darkness.

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