❄️ Chapter 18 ❄️

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"I'm sorry," Winter whispered to Moon for the third time. It was all his fault. Winter knew that, no matter how many times Moon assured him it wasn't. He trusted the fake note, and now he got himself and his friends stuck here for ever. He tried to wriggle his way out of the tight shackles but it was no use. They were sealed tight.

"Oh don't be sorry dear Winter, we all make silly mistakes. You were so desperate to save your sister and prove yourself to your parents that you forgot about your friends. If only you could make it up to them. But that doesn't seem very possible now, does it?" the Master purred. Were there other mind readers in the NightWing tribe? "Those chains are magically sealed, so don't bother trying to escape."

Perhaps he was reading Moon's mind. After all, she was the only one who wasn't wearing SkyFire. It made Winter's heart leap to know that she was thinking about him.

But still, the Master was like every other NightWing. He was born on this volcano, not under the moonlight like Moon. It wasn't possible for him to be a mindreader.

But it's still possible that he's an Animus.

"How did you even end up here?" Qibli asked. Winter wished he could actually see the Master. He would be able to see what the volcano eruption did to him. Qibli was obviously thinking the same thing. If they were gong to die down here, they might as well ask questions.

"I knew the volcano would erupt many years before it did. I was prepared... unlike the rest of the tribe," the Master explained. "I barricaded myself in here where I would be safe. I thought that someone would come back for me, but they never did. Not even my own son."

"You're an Animus!" Moon gasped.

"Indeed, I was the Animus that the whole tribe completely forgot about," The Master said. "I passed the glorious gift onto one of my four children. He saw it as a curse and ran away when he was nine. His loss, I guess. I was going to bring the NightWing tribe back to its former glory. I had found a way to give us back the powers that we lost centuries ago."

"You enchanted yourself to read minds and see the future," Qibli realised, touching his SkyFire pouch protectively. "What happened to your son? Is he still alive?"

"Ah, that's right Qibli," The Master sighed. It was creepy that he already knew the Jade Winglet's names. "My son cursed me before he left. He bound me to this island forever which is why I couldn't escape the eruption. If I was to leave, I would die. My son became very dangerous. He used his magic too much after that, and he paid the price for it."

Winter gulped. Of course! "Your son is Stonemover!"

Winter felt Moon stiffen beside him. He tried his very best to stop the wriggly, warm feeling he felt when their scales collided.

"So you know him then?" The Master sneered. "And I'm guessing that you've already met the troublemaking Stardust and her twin brothers. I'm like a father to them too."

"I'm afraid we have," Winter growled.

"They're not the smartest of dragons and they certainly didn't have ambition like Stonemover, but they cannot ever betray me like Stonemover did." The Master chuckled from the shadows. "They, like many other loyal NightWings, woke up to the fact that living under the rule of a RainWing will never make us superior to the IceWings. It's a shame really. We were going to be the most feared family in the history of Pyrrhia. The Master and his magic son Stonemover! I am still going to be the most powerful dragon ever. Even more powerful than my ancestor Darkstalker."

"So, you have other followers who still live with you on the volcano?" Kinkajou pointed out.

"Yes little Kinkajou. Every day they sneak out of the Rainforest just to come back and do their job for me! Even if they don't come willingly, you already know how I can manipulate other dragons. Just like I manipulated Icicle."

"What are you going to do with us?" Kinkajou asked.

"You five are the only dragons that can stop me from fulfilling Moon's little prophecy," The Master explained. "Which is why I need your precious Icicle. As long as I have her, the IceWings can't get in my way. I need you to help free me of this curse."

What has he done to her?

"How can we possibly help you? We don't know a thing about Animus magic!" Moon exclaimed, fighting the chains again. Winter had never seen the shy, little NightWing act this fierce before!

"Maybe you don't little Moonwatcher, but I'm sure Turtle could be of assistance." The Master glared at Turtle through the shadows. The SeaWing hid his face. "You've been awfully quiet haven't you SeaWing?"

Turtle was unable to speak. Winter knew that Turtle had always been a nervous dragon, but this was a little odd. What did he have to do with Animus magic anyway?

"I have to meet with my children. Behave little prisoners or else! I'll be back later," The Master said. Winter waited until the pounding footsteps faded away.

"Now would be a good time to tell us what you know Turtle," Moon whispered to the other side of the chamber. Everyone turned to the red faced SeaWing.

"I-I know how we can escape." Turtle said, pointing at the magic shackles.

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