🌙 Chapter 4 🌙

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Moon was running as fast as her legs could carry her. The wind whipped past her face and Sunlight glimmered off of the silver teardrop scales by her eyes.

Thick black smoke cornered her at every turn. She was trapped in a dark abyss that would eventually swallow her up.

A sparkling figure stood in front of her like a glittering ice mountain. It's blue eyes pierced right through her, sending freezing shivers down her spine. Moon tried to run but it was no use. She screamed her heart out as the poisonous smoke encircled her mind and filled her lungs. It left her with wild hallucinations and she began to hear voices she couldn't possibly be hearing.

Moon crumpled onto the ground in a blurry daze.

She was unconscious on the ashy, grass floor for what felt like ages until she could faintly hear a familiar voice that she knew wasn't just the poison playing tricks on her.

"Moon!" It yelled. "Moon! Come on now Moon. Please don't die!"

Two talons gripped hers. They were freezing cold but at the same time comforting.

Winter, Moon realised with a shock. She still couldn't breathe through the smoke.

"Go! Leave me!" Moon choked out concerned for him.

The smoke's poison must've gotten to Winter too. His grip loosened as he collapsed beside her.

"Never," Winter whispered, sending strange shockwaves of warmth through Moon's heart.


Moon leapt off her fern bed, breathing heavily. Luckily she didn't wake Kinkajou or Carnelian who for the past two days since the incident, hadn't said a word to Moon. The only thing she's gotten out of her were some very nasty thoughts .

That nightmare. It couldn't have been a vision, could it? Winter would never say anything like that to me. It's impossible. He hates me. Right?

No, it was probably just a dream. But why would I be dreaming about Winter? She shook her head and blocked the thought from her mind. Her feelings towards him were normal. Totally.

I think I'm missing the point. I just had a nightmare, vision or not, about my probable death.

If only she knew a way to determine if it was a vision of the future or just a silly dream. That would calm her down heaps.

"Moooooooon!" Kinkajou yelled in her ear, "Come on, come on wake up! Today is a WONDERFUL DAY!"

"Why?" Moon groaned, easing out of bed, grabbing everything she needed for the day.

"Because we have NO HISTORY! Eeeeeeeek!" Kinkajou squealed.

Moon noticed that something was different. "Where's Carnelian?" The grump SkyWing usually was the one who woke Moon up each morning by yelling at Kinkajou.

"Oh, she left super early. I don't think she likes us anymore," The yellow RainWing whispered.

"Kinkajou, I don't think she ever liked us in the first place." Moon said.

"True. Oh well, we don't need her," Kinkajou sighed. "The rest of our winglet is awesome!"

"But what about Winter? Doesn't he hate us too?" Moon wondered out loud, immediately wishing she hadn't said that.

"He doesn't hate us. I can tell," Kinkajou said enthusiastically. How can she be so sure. He told me himself that he hates us. Then again, he has been acting different lately. Maybe she's right and he doesn't actually hate me... us.

Well of all dragons, I should be the one who knows how he really feels about me.

But to be honest I'm not even sure how I truly feel about him.

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