🌙 Chapter 19 🌙

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Turtle's expression said it all.

This was a huge secret that he hadn't told a soul, yet. Moon knew this would jeopardise their mission. Whatever it was - and she had a bad feeling she knew - the Master valued Turtle because of it. Turtle was his secret to escaping this life and getting his revenge.

"He said these chains were magically sealed." Turtle said, looking down at his talons.

"Yeah, and what use is that to us?" Winter asked, stating the obvious.

Moon held her breath, knowing the major plot twist that was to come. "Well, what if I magically un-seal them?" Turtle said simply.

Qibli and Winter gasped, finally understanding the truth. "No!" Qibli exclaimed. He smiled excitedly at the thought and then frowned at what it could mean for the Jade Winglet.

"You've kept that from us this whole time! From everyone?!" Winter said, shocked. "Of course, it makes sense that you would be. It runs in your family!"

"So that's what you were afraid I knew!" Moon breathed. Turtle nodded.

"What? I don't get it!" Kinkajou cried, completely oblivious. Hahaha, of course she doesn't!

"I'm an animus Kinkajou." He said.

"Woah!" Kinkajou gasped. She shook Turtle's shoulders vigorously, "Do you know what this means? Turtle, you could stop the prophecy!" But the prophecy didn't mention magic, did it? Moon thought. Just a whole lot of Ice and Night stuff. But I did see Turtle in the vision, it must've been him.

He was bowing down to the Master...

Not stopping him.

"One thing at a time. First I'll get us out of these chains." Turtle said, thinking of a clever spell that could work.

"I hate to be the bearer of bad news," Qibli began. Moon didn't understand why dragons start sentences like that. It just implies that whatever is going to come out of their mouths next can't be a good thing! "But these locks aren't connected. For example Kinkajou, Turtle and I are all chained by seperate locks. Unlike Moon and Winter who are chained together. I figured that it would drain Turtle's soul more if he had to break each of the locks. Maybe Turtle, you could free Moon and Winter so they can somehow find a way to get the rest of us out." Moon noticed out of the corner of her eye that Qibli winked at Winter and the IceWing blushed.

Moon hadn't realised until then that her and Winter were chained together. It gave her a weird feeling to know that they were somehow connected.

Then she realised how ridiculous that sounded and that she was completely missing Qibli's point. "I agree, we can't risk you going psycho or losing your soul Turtle." Winter said. "Moon and I could also try and eavesdrop on the Master's 'important meeting'."

It's like he wants to spend time with me.

Moon actually didn't mind the thought. "And we can find your sister." Moon whispered to Winter, nudging him slightly with a smile.

"But what about our friends? Shouldn't rescuing them be our main priority?" Winter asked while Turtle and Qibli were discussing a spell.

"The Master can't hurt them while Turtle is around. Turtle is a clear threat to him. After all, Icicle was our mission from the start, and I know how much this means to you."

Winter returned her smile.

"Enchant Moon and Winter's lock to open once I say the word Winterwatcher." Turtle said in a slightly deeper voice.

Winterwatcher? What the heck is that? Moon guessed that this was Qibli's doing, from the snicker he was trying to hold back. And the fact that Winter was glaring daggers at him with a look that said, 'I'll get you back for this.'

Moon kind of expected to feel some kind of magical rush from that spell but was gravely disappointed. Until Turtle whispered, "Winterwatcher," again and the lock snapped open, freeing her and Winter.

"No detours you two!" Qibli called, erupting in laughter. Moon figured it wasn't worth wondering what he had meant.

"Quick!" Winter said grabbing Moon's arm and leading her down the dark, creepy tunnel in which the Master had disappeared to. Moon had seriously had enough of creepy tunnels.

Winter looked at her for confirmation and she nodded. She could hear voices and thoughts coming from wherever that tunnel lead to.

Without thinking, she held Winter's talon, wrapping her claws around his. It was cool, but comforting. When Winter didn't pull away, Moon almost forgot what was at stake. She almost let her confusing feelings get in the way of their mission.

Feelings. Huh.

Cautiously, they walked ahead, careful not to make a sound. Winter was on the lookout for NightWings and Moon was supposed to be listening for dragons' thoughts, but she was distracted.

Three moons! This can't be happening.

She looked up at Winter. His striking ocean blue eyes and strong, cool presence stung her like bee. From the moment she had met him, she knew she had strong feelings for him. She just hadn't decided whether they were positive or negative yet.

I like Winter!

I'm in love with an IceWing.

She really should've been listening out.

Once Moon had finally shook her thoughts and feelings away, temporarily, she caught the sound of at least four dragons very close by. If they were caught, the Master would make sure they never saw Kinkajou and the others ever again.

Quickly, she spotted a large rock with a nook behind it big enough for a dragon to hide in. One dragon.

Panicking, Moon did the craziest thing she could think of. She pushed Winter in behind the rock so he would be safe, ignoring his struggles and confused, worried expression.

Moon left herself out in the open to deal with the NightWings.

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