🌙 Chapter 25 🌙

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A/N: Your wish is my command! I grant you..... CHAPTER 25!




I'm planning to introduce another canon character very soon. Who do you think it could be?

Hint: Someone you will not expect!!!

Anyway, let the Winterwatcher continue...

Moon's eyes fluttered open.

Oh yeah, she had passed out.

She gasped. Her "vision" was beginning to come back now. Burning, screaming dragons, a cryptic prophecy. She would have to demand that the Master give her some answers later. Moon didn't think that could just happen to anyone.

Then again, she somehow knew it had happened before.

She brushed that thought aside.

Moon had awoken in a dark, small cave, somewhere she hadn't explored yet. Don't trust anyone, the Master said warily.

Suddenly Moon realised what he meant. Winter, the lying IceWing himself, was sitting in the corner of the cave, breathing heavily. She didn't like how close their scales were. Why did this place have to be so narrow?

Why would I trust this loser?

"Should I even ask if you're okay?" Winter asked, throwing a pebble at the wall. By her expression, he remained silent.

Moon noticed the boulder pushed up against the entrance to the cave. Why was she in here? She just needed to leave. She could as easily push that boulder over and walk out, but some prickly feeling on the back of her neck caused her to stay.

"What am I doing here?" Moon asked, getting straight to the point. She didn't want to mess around. Stay cautious.

Winter turned his head to meet her eyes. Moon tried to ignore how blue and striking his were. "I saved you!" He cried, as if it were perfectly obvious.

"From what?!" She yelled, matching his tone. Why did everything have to be so difficult around him? Why do IceWings have to be so infuriating?

Winter flung his arms up and lay his head back against the wall, still facing her. "You were having a vision Moon! I had to stop you from spilling our prophecy into the Master's head."


Tell him I already know all of his secrets.

Before Moon could respond, the words spilled out of her mouth. "The Master already knows your secrets," she choked.

Winter raised his eyebrows. "Ha! There's more to me than you might think!"

Moon had a feeling that was true. Although, she also had a feeling that Winter was no longer talking to her. There was something going on here. Was the Master keeping something from her?

Focus Moonwatcher.

"What happened to Icicle?" Moon asked.

"She tried to follow me after I grabbed you." he explained, his frustration calming down slightly. "I had some friends deal with her for now."

Moon's heart sank. Who were these "friends"? Did Qibli and the others follow Moon too? No, they don't trust Winter anymore. Would Moon's best friend be alright? Winter wouldn't hurt his own sister, would he?

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