U me and the stars

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Allison's Pov

Your mind is engulfed by the thought of Grayson's lips on yours. His hands wrap around your back pulling you closer to him. Your hands are tangled in his hair and it feels all too soon when you hear the door unlock. 

"Fuck." Grayson groans as you jump away from him. 

"What. The. Hell?" Ethan asks standing at the threshold of the kitchen. Glass covered the floor, your feet were covered in cuts, and Grayson was leaning against the counter looking a little breathless. "Help her!" Ethan commands his brother. Grayson sighs before he swiftly lifts you off the glass, you wrap your arms behind his neck and he sets you down on the couch. 

You can hear them in the kitchen, Ethan asked what happened and Grayson would either ignore him or tell him not to worry about it. 

Ethan was very clingy the rest of the day, constantly asking if you if you were okay or if you needed help. He was making you feel helpless and it was really getting on your nerves. Moreover it was the fact that Grayson hadn't spoken to you. You wanted him to reassure you, you wanted to hear his voice. He was there all day lingering around, in the kitchen and he even pretended to be cleaning the living room. 

Ethan insisted on helping you to your room. Your cuts were cleaned up and you could walk perfectly fine but you didn't want to be like Grayson and push people away.

"Thank you Ethan." You smile as he walks you to your bedroom. It was a little unnecessary, a little overbearing but Ethan was just kind and caring like that. 

"If you need anything, just let me know." He smiles and leaves the room. You sigh falling back into your bed. As you close your eyes you're flooded with the memory of Grayson. You couldn't help the creeping feeling that you guys were getting better and now that you kissed again you were surely to be back at square one.

A second kiss with Grayson. He cant say that doesn't mean anything, you don't just kiss the same girl over and over again if it means nothing to you. But maybe it didn't mean anything to him, of course it didn't. Grayson isn't the one hurting you anymore, you are. Torturing yourself with that kiss that you thought you'd never feel again. 

The next morning you roll over and reach for your phone on the side of the bed.  Pure anxiety filled you as you flipped it over to look, but it looked the same from the night before. You also notice a text from Ethan,

Gray and I went to breakfast, we'll be back in a bit.

You thought this was strange because, a) Ethan always invited you to come to breakfast and b) Grayson always made his own, but you waved it off. They probably just wanted to go hang out together. You go into the house, straight for the kitchen still in your pajamas. You didn't feel like trying too hard so you pulled out the cereal and milk, taking a seat at the counter. You were nervous to see Grayson today, but prayed it would be different than last time. You ate in silence, swinging your necklace back and forth in your hand as you imagined a hundred different ways Grayson could hurt you again.

After finishing up and washing the dishes, you were still the only one home. You went back to the guesthouse and took a long hot shower. Even after getting dressed and blow drying your hair the twins were no where to be found. There was no way they were still at breakfast, they probably ran off to shop or skateboard or film. You sit on their couch and start binge watching Shane's conspiracies. 

Multiple videos in you hear the sound of a key in the door and you sat up, excited they had finally come home,

"Hey!" you say watching them quietly come into the house

"Hi" Grayson responds, they were holding a few random bags from random stores, and they quietly went down the hall to Ethan's room.

They were acting really weird and you knew automatically they were up to something. You laughed a little knowing they probably thought they were acting natural when in reality they were acting weirder then ever. You didn't know what they were doing, and you probably didn't want to. Instead you turn your attention back to the TV.

The rest of the day was strangely quiet and lonely. The twins were once again no where in sight. You were shamelessly watching episodes of Keeping up with the Kardashian's, that Grayson started recording a few weeks ago.

" Wait, Khloe dumped Tristan?" Grayson's voice startles you and and a smile dares to creep on your face seeing his angry stance. "Allison!" He says with a pout on his face and his arms crossed over his chest. 

"Grayson" You mock him in a whine.

He scrambles for the remote pausing the episode, " You were supposed to wait for me."He sighs pinching the bridge of his nose. 

You shrug, "I got sick of waiting." 

He stands there with the remote in hand, jaw clenched and a piercing gaze, "Wait for me, Ally." His hush tone didn't match his tantrum from seconds ago.

"I will." You smile losing yourself in his dark eyes, they were like swimming pools, but brown.

"Good." He walks around the couch and envelopes you hands in his pulling you up from your comfortable spot among several blankets and pillows. " I have a surprise for you... well we have a surprise." He rambles on pulling you down the hallway. In the few seconds it took from you to get from the couch to Ethan's doorway your palms were sweaty against Grayson's and you were trying desperately to control your breathing, you couldn't decide if it was from the fact that you and Grayson were currently holding hands or that the last time they surprised you, you basically received a house and a piano. 

Grayson dropped your hand from his the second he walked through the door to Ethan's room and although you knew it was a simple gesture to lead you down the hallway you couldn't help but wish it was something more.

 "Oh shit we are telling her now?" Ethan asked his brother seeming almost worried.

"I don't know are we?" Grayson says sitting down on the bed.

"Yeah" Ethan shrugs and turns to notice the clear confusion on your face as you played with your necklace swinging it back and forth.

" Allison..." Ethan began as he holds up an envelope from his bedside, " Pack your bags." He says with a smirk on his face, you glance over at Grayson who has a huge smile plastered on his face as well.

"What?" You ask reaching for the envelope in Ethan's extended hand. With shaky hands you rip open the envelope.

"Ethan? Grayson?" You nervously glance at them and back to the papers in your hands. "Four plane tickets?" You question entertaining the idea that the papers were a figment of your imagination. " To... Hawaii?"

"Yea!" Ethan nods his head eagerly and you take a seat on the bed beside Grayson.

"You guys really are amazing... but your fucking insane! I don't remember anything outside of L.A. I cant just hop on a plane and leave the continent! Why would you do this?" You fall onto your back closing your eyes in an attempt to recollect yourself.

"This is why Allison." You hear Ethan say as his voice gets closer to you

"Yeah your a fucking mess." Grayson begins laughing and you shoot up from your spot on the bed to glare at him. He puts his hands up in defense the smile never fading from his face. " Come on Ally you need this, you know you do, hell even i need this! Just a relaxing getaway, you me, the stars, the ocean, oh and Ethan and Bryant." You look at Ethan to see him laughing as he shakes his head.

" Bryant's coming?" You ask warming up to the idea of you, Grayson and the stars.

" See i knew she would come if Bryant came with us!" Ethan says proudly.

Grayson rolls his eyes at his brother and gives you a nod. You sigh standing to your feet and making your way out of the room.

" Wait, Ally! Where are you going?" Grayson whines.

" To pack my bags." You glance back at them with a smirk to see their shocked expressions. I guess they didn't expect me to agree so soon, you think to yourself before turning on your heels and making your way out to the guest house.

By Chance (Dolan Twins)Where stories live. Discover now