Run Me Over

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You are abruptly woken up by aggressive knocking on the front door. You sit up, still confused when you hear Grayson yell through the door,

"Hey! I made breakfast and Ethan won't eat it! Do you want any?" he then continues knocking rapidly on the door and you force yourself out of bed. You slowly open the door with your messy hair and groggy eyes to see Grayson standing there already perfectly dressed and ready for the day,

"Do you want breakfast?" he asks innocently, as if he didn't just pull you from your deep sleep,

"Yeah, but can you give me a damn minute?" you then shut the door and head back to your room.

You fix your hair and quickly put on some clothes, then you finally go to open the door, and when you do Grayson was still there,

"Do you want breakfast?" he asks as you open the door, you stood there for a second wondering if this was Déjà vu, 

"Yeah..." you say walking out and joining him,

"Hey" he says, "Don't act like I didn't give your damn minute" 

You look at him and then start laughing, now seeing what he was doing, you walk past him and towards the house. When inside you see what Grayson made for breakfast... and don't blame Ethan for not wanting to eat it. It looked like avocado toast with random herbs, seeds, and onions on top.

"Um, you know I'm not really that-"

You are cut off by Ethan walking into the kitchen swinging his keys, he notices you,

"Hey Allison you want to go get breakfast with me?" he asked,

"Uh.. " you look between Grayson, Ethan, and the horrible breakfast, "Yeah" 

Grayson takes a bite of his breakfast, "Fuck you guys this is delicious"

"No, Gray it's not." Ethan says opening the front door. Grayson chucks an avocado at Ethan's shoulder but he dodges it. "Run!" Ethan yells playfully leaving the house and making a run for his car. You laugh and follow after him, "Sorry Gray, no hard feelings." you close the front door and make your way to Ethan's jeep.

" Poor Grayson." You laugh pulling your seat belt across your chest.

" Ah he'll get over it." He replies starting the engine.

"No, I mean, poor Grayson his cooking sucks, that kid is going to whip up some strange concoction of food one day and get himself sent to the hospital." 

Ethan laughs pulling out of the driveway, " Yea, it wouldn't be the first time."

"What do you mean?"

" When we were kids, our house was on a huge plot of land, there was literally an entire forest to go out and spend our days in. So that's pretty much what we did."

"Oh yea, hence Grayson's obsession with the outdoors."

"Exactly. So yea we were always getting into trouble and always doing dumb shit that got us hurt. But one day we were coming back from that forest and Grayson tripped on a rock, he busted up his chin and had to get three stitches." You were still confused what this had to do with your comment about Grayson's cooking but you were enjoying the story regardless so you didn't question it. "So that day we came home from the hospital and my mom made us some mac n cheese, well Grayson said it was missing something, so he put a tide pod in his mac. Had to take the poor kid right back to the hospital." 

"Oh my god are you serious?" You knew Grayson A) sucked at cooking and B) was a little slow sometimes but that seemed far out of realm for Grayson.

By Chance (Dolan Twins)Where stories live. Discover now