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 You and Ethan waited in the ER for a ridiculous amount of time. I mean com'on what is this Disneyland? Ethan told you how he grew up in New Jersey and how him and his brother moved here in L.A. when they were only 15,

" Wow, that must've been terrifying. To be so young in a place so unfamiliar..." You trail off realizing you are in similar circumstances.

" Yea, but we found our passion here. Now we are doing everything and more that we could have dreamed of since we were little kids." 

" Must be nice." You replied growing slightly frustrated.

Ethan must have realized, " Hey, its alright." He reaches out pushing a stray piece of hair behind your ear. You look up into his eyes, and its only an awkward moment before a nurse steps in font of the two of you. 

"Uhmmm... Uhhhh..." she squints at her clipboard, " no name?"

Ethan jumps up " Yep, that's us!" He helps you up from the seat and holds you up supporting your weak side, you guys follow the nurse to your bed. Ethan sits you down and you wait for the doctor.

A moment later the doctor walks in, 

"What seems to be the problem?"  He asks glancing up from his clipboard and pulling the pen out of his pocket. His eyes widen when he sees your black and blue bruised ankle. 

" I guess that's not really a question." he returns back to his clipboard. Ethan taps him on the shoulder and in a loud whisper says, 

"Hey could I talk to you for a second?"

The doctor looks up, slightly annoyed, "sure..."

The doctor and Ethan step outside and close the curtain,

You hear Ethan's familiar voice, "There's kind of one more thing" he says, sounding concerned, "She can't remember anything"

"What do you mean she 'can't remember anything' " The doctor asks puzzled.

"I mean" Ethan says exasperated, "she can't even remember her own name"

You assumed Ethan didn't want you to hear this, but the only thing that separated you from that conversation was a thin cotton curtain no thicker than a piece of paper; In fact you could even see their shadows through the curtains, every exasperated arm throw from Ethan and head nod from the doctor. They went back and forth about how he found you, 

"Okay this is serious, I'll order a CT scan." the doctor responds, "This sounds like a simple case of Amnesia. "

Ethan and the doctor return back to the room and you pretend that you didn't hear their conversation.

"Were going to run a couple tests is that okay with you?" the doctor asks,

"of course" you respond fighting the pit of anxiety in your stomach.

Several tests and scans later you're brought back to your bed. A young man walks in,

" Alison Nicholson, congratulations your baby looks great, see you next week." He left without another word.

Ethan walks through the curtains,

" Hey, how's it going?" He must have noticed the pure terror on your face. " Are...are you okay?"

"No! You think I'm okay? I'm pregnant!" You snapped.

Ethan's jaw fell slack, he was clearly at a loss for words. He sat down in the corner of the room burying his head in his hands. Just then your doctor walks in, 

" Well miss... um nevermind"

" Alison." you correct him.

" Okay..." he responds seeming slightly confused " Alison, everything seems to be fine except your amnesia and broken ankle."

"Is my baby okay?!" you ask frantically

"Baby?" he asks, he looks at Ethan for a straight forward answer, but he is just as unhelpful as you are.

"If you were pregnant believe me we'd know by now." 

You look back at Ethan who now sitting up regaining his color, He probably needs the bed more than you do, the poor kid looked like he was going to have a heart attack.

The doctor sighs, "okay then Miss. Alison would you like contact your family?"

"You found my family?" you asked ecstatic.

"Well no.. I was hoping you did. This means after we get your ankle all wrapped up were going to send you off with some prescription pain killer you can pick up later, and get your picture in the system so someone can claim you." he replies.

"How?" you respond, "how am I supposed to get painkillers without a car? Where will I stay without money? I don't even have insurance! At least I don't think I do!" Overcome with emotion you break down and sob.

The doctor stares at you dumb founded, Ethan stands up from his corner, sighs and curses under his breath,

"Ah, shitfuck" then louder, "I'll take her."

The doctor looks at him even more dumbfounded then before "... are you sure?"

"Well" he responds, "we've gotten this far"

By Chance (Dolan Twins)Where stories live. Discover now