Chapter 27

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Over a week has passed since you ruined the Dolan Twins. Well 'ruined'. They are fine now, Grayson is still noticeably tense when you and Ethan are together. But only time can heal emotions, he's definitely improving.

Like yesterday, Ethan gave you a hug and Grayson didn't clench his fist, you can't say the same for his jaw but he'll get there. You feel like the fight although awful brought you and Grayson closer together. You two finally understood each other. Grayson was an emotional wreck hiding under his hard exterior that people seemed to drool over. You appreciated the soft side of Grayson, although you definitely didn't mind when Grayson went all tough and macho on everyone. And you, well you were still finding yourself, and you were more than grateful to have Grayson there for you, he helped you out with a ton of things. He always helped you find things you liked and disliked; one of which being his onion, tomato, avocado toast that you finally tried. 

You and Ethan also developed a different relationship. Although you both agreed your experiment was something neither of you wanted you guys were better friends than ever. Ethan and Grayson were definitely your best friends. But you had a different connection with Ethan then what you had with Grayson. Ethan was the friend that you would spend hours playing video games with or go out and drive around for a quick photo shoot. 

Grayson was different, you guys spent a lot of time together doing much different things like shopping for plants for the guest house, and he even got you hooked on survival videos. You loved spending time with Grayson but you always had this little feeling in the back of your head and the pit of your stomach. Being with Grayson had many rewarding feelings but you also felt anxious and would overthink the stupidest things. So sometimes a basic hangout with Ethan was just what you needed to clear your mind.

A couple nights ago over dinner the twins so graciously announced that they would be leaving you here while they fly to Jersey and spend Christmas with their family. A very lonely week wasn't ideal but definitely tolerable, you also didn't want to hold the twins back from seeing their family. So you did your best to assure the concern from Ethan and the worry from Grayson. 

"Guys I'll be fine it's only for a week or two, besides James put himself in my phone as an emergency contact." You were still trying to convince them you'd be fine even with their suitcases in hand and their flight in 2 hours.

"Oh shit!" Grayson says dropping his bags, "I almost forgot."

"Oh yea!" Ethan says also dropping his bags.

"Ally stay here and cover your eyes I'll come get you in a minute." Grayson rests his hands on your shoulder and you smile bringing your hands up to your eyes. You feel his hand leave your shoulder and they disappear off to god knows where. You stood there letting the minute drag on into several. What if they left me here and they are off to the airport right now? God your such an idiot Allison. No, Grayson said he'd come get you. You trust Grayson, besides it's probably barely even been a minute. You calm yourself from your spiraling thoughts that seemed to happen too often. The silence was consuming, sure you stayed in the guest house alone, but the only time you were ever really alone was when you were sleeping. This is how it was going to be for the next week, completely silent. You are pulled from your thoughts when you feel a hand on your shoulder, it wasn't Grayson's hand, it was Ethan's. You thought it was strange that you could noticeably feel the difference in Grayson's firm grip to Ethan's delicate touch as if he were afraid to touch you. You turn around and sure enough Ethan was standing right there.

"Where's Gray?" You ask not sure what was going on and a little surprised they didn't take off for the airport.

"He's in the guest house, come on." You follow Ethan out into the guest house and you weren't really sure what to expect, these boys were completely unpredictable, "Over here." Ethan pulls you into your bedroom where you find Grayson standing in front of a mystery draped in a blanket along the empty side of your room. 

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