Winging it

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After another eventful drive with James back from the mall, he finally pulls up to the twins house. He turns to you and says,

"Thank you so much for the fun day kitty girl, I hope to be hanging out with you again soon" He leans over and gives you a hug, 

"Thank you so so much James" you spot the necklace in the side view mirror, "I love it." You say still staring at the refection of the diamond bird wing.

"I'm so glad, you look so stunning in it" James smiles and presses the button that automatically opens the door and you hop out. James backs up and you give him one last wave, he tries to wave back, but instead he almost crashes into Ethan and Grayson's garbage cans, you laugh and then head inside.

You walk in, but no one greets you at the door, you assumed they didn't hear you, and it's probably because you could hear Keeping Up With the Kardashians at full volume in the living room. You head that way, and when Ethan spots you he lunges for the remote and changes it to a football game.

"Were you guys watching-" you start to ask, but Grayson abruptly stands up and cuts you off,

"No, definitely not... do you want something to drink?"

Normally you would have kept pushing finding the situation hilarious, but you were so tired for all the shopping you didn't really care. "Yes," you respond, "a glass of water would be nice."

Grayson walks to the kitchen and you follow him. While he is filling up the glass he grabbed, you notice something you hadn't seen before. A little glint by his left ear. It was a little earring that looked really familliar, but you couldn't put your finger on it right then. Grayson hands you your water,

"I'm going to go back to the game if that's alright?" he asks, not meeting your eyes.

"Yeah of course, I'll go take a shower... enjoy your 'game' " Grayson smiles and joins Ethan back on the couch.

You finish your glass of water, and go back to the living room,

"Hey Ethan?"

"Yeah?" he responds looking up from his phone

"Is it alright if I go shower?"

"Uh yeah, but use Grayson's mines a mess right now" he responds casually looking back at whatever he had previously been doing on his phone.

 You take a quick glance at Grayson making sure you had his approval too, he nods his head.

"Okay cool" you say, and head the opposite direction then what you were comfortable with.

When back in Grayson's room you get chills remembering the last time you were in here, you walk into the bathroom which is much cleaner than Ethan's, Ethan's bathroom was messy before, you shuddered at what it much look like now. 

You take a moment to admire your reflection in the mirror, taking a closer look at the gorgeous necklace James had got you. It was insane how such a small piece of silver could make you feel so beautiful. That's when your heart sank, you realized that the reason Grayson's earring had looked so familiar was because the wing was the exact match to yours, how could you have missed that? What would Grayson think if he noticed? Has he already noticed? He would never believe this was a simple coincidence, no he would think your a freak! Your thoughts are interrupted by your phone going off, it was Ethan:

Hey I'm going to pick up some dinner, does pineapple pizza sound okay?

You laugh a little, for living alone they were so childish, they couldn't even make their own dinner!

Sounds good. You type back finding it hard to fight the smile on your face.

You sit down and wrap your cast, you've done it enough time's to be able to do it perfectly the first try. You head into Grayson's shower. It was a large walk in one, completely made of glass. The shower head was so high and the water fell down like rain. The water felt refreshing, like every drop was washing away part of the day you endured with sister James. You decided to cut your shower short, you knew Ethan would be back with pizza shortly. You step out and immediately realize you forgot to bring a towel with you. You started to panic and decide to text Ethan,

Hey are you back yet?

No, I'm about to head back though. He replied, confirming your fears,

Okay, see you soon! You text back, even though everything was not okay because this meant you were going to ask Grayson.

You take a deep breath and then yell his name, "Grayson!" you wait for a response, but get nothing. So instead you turn back to your phone and text him,

Hey, come here

Why? He responds

I'll tell you just come here. You text back not quite ready to tell him the embarrassing details.

A moment later the bathroom door starts to open, and you scream.

"What?" he asks the door only slightly cracked,

"Don't come in!" you shout with clear panic in your voice,

"Well what the hell am I supposed to do them?" he asks, clearly very confused.

"Could you get me a towel?" you plead with him, he sighs and you hear him walk away, a few seconds later he slides a towel through the crack in the door.

"Thank you!" you shout when he closes the door again,

"Don't mention it" you hear him shout back as he leaves the room.

You dry yourself off, thankful for the towel, and then get dressed. You quickly brush out your hair, positive Ethan would be back by now. Before leaving the bathroom you take one last look at yourself and spot the necklace one last time, for tonight you slip it under your shirt and head for the kitchen to find Ethan, Grayson, and only a quarter of a large pineapple pizza left.

You sit down at the island across from the twins and help yourself to one of the last remaining slices.

"So" Ethan breaks the silence, "what did you think of James?" Grayson starts laughing and for some reason, you get it.

"Actually, James was great and we had a lot of fun. I mean he's definitely... something, but super sweet and welcoming"

Ethan raises an eyebrow and nods his head, shoving another slice of pizza in his mouth. 

"I'm glad you like him, because he's coming over to film the rest of the video tomorrow" Grayson says, sounding more genuine than sarcastic.

"Actually" Ethan adds on, "Alison you have a doctor's appointment tomorrow, they want to check on your ankle"

"Maybe they can check you into a hotel while there at it" Grayson looks up from his pizza, "I want my couch back"

Ethan shoots him a glare but you thought it was more funny then anything. Soon after, you finish your pizza and head back to the couch that you stole from Grayson.

By Chance (Dolan Twins)Where stories live. Discover now