When it rains it pours

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You hear a low grunt in your ear and you slowly open your eyes, That's when you feel the firm grip around your chest that was holding you back, it was Grayson! Oh God, you think to yourself, I can't wake up that would wake him up. The awkwardness of the situation made your heart beat uncontrollably, you try to calm yourself down worried the rapid thud of your heart would wake him, which was ridiculous you admit, as previously stated these boys truly do sleep like a pile of bricks. It's fine, you think, just close your eyes, and pretend you have no idea that any of this happened. You do so, and with that your mind trails off to thoughts like why the hell you and Grayson were cuddling, or how the hell it happened. Eventually you drift off counting sheep with Grayson's arms still tightly wrapped around you, gluing you to his chest.

The next time you wake up, you were alone. You heard and smelled pancakes cooking and got excited feeling the rumbling in your stomach. You crawl out of the tent, which was now in full daylight and was just as you suspected, very wrong. You stand up and stretch, Grayson notices you,

"Good morning" he says right as he flips a pancake which immediately starts sizzling on the grill,

"Good morning" you yawn while rubbing your eyes, "those look amazing" you smile making your way to the grill,

"I thought you'd like some pancakes this morning" he smiled flipping another,

"You thought right" you said laughing and sitting on the seat by the car from last night. 

Grayson keeps grilling and you find yourself thinking about earlier that morning, he had to have noticed when he got up right? you thought internally panicking, I probably should have just slowly wiggled my way out of his arms instead of staying there. You watch him load some pancakes onto a plate, you know what? It's whatever, he doesn't know you know, and besides we were in a poorly built tent in the woods, nights get cold. With that you decided to stop your train of thoughts, the biggest factor was probably that Grayson brought over breakfast, and to be honest, you wanted to enjoy the pancakes.

"So" you say finishing your first bite, "What's the plan for today?"

"That's for me to me to know, and you to find out" he says raising an eyebrow at you,

"Oh God, you are going to kill me aren't you?" you ask smiling

"No promises" he laughs as you both finish breakfast.

After that you both take turns getting dressed in the tent, he tells you to hop in the car. He drives you down to a little lake with a dock, on the dock there are two kayaks parked floating in the water,

"We are going kayaking?" you ask staring at them in the distance,

"Oh no," he responds, "Those aren't mine, I had something different in mind." with that he takes off his shirt and makes a run for the dock, flipping into the water with a huge splash.

"Well that's a little rude!" you shout back at him looking from your boot to the water,

"Don't worry I know" he laughs getting out of the water, he then unlocks his trunk and pulls out a little raft he must of blown up that morning, you smile and he runs back into the water. You float your way into the lake leaving your boot on the dock where you were praying it would stay relativity dry. Swimming was a lot of fun, you got to float on the beautiful lake with the blue sky and water so calm it could have been glass. 

You were enjoying the beautiful scenery when suddenly Grayson pops up at the front of your raft, obstructing your view, he stares at you,

"What?" you ask him smiling,

instead of answering he flips your raft and you get plunged into the icy water, you come up for air, but you weren't angry you were laughing, 

"Your going to regret that" you say shooting him an evil grin, he starts swimming away, but you catch up and begin trying to dunk him under the water. He gets a hold of you and playfully throws you in the air, you let out as little shriek when you hit the water, and go right back to swimming after him. You two played like siblings trying to see who could splash the other the most, and it was so much fun. You wrestled with him trying to get him under water until you were both exhausted and out of breath. 

By Chance (Dolan Twins)Where stories live. Discover now