The Flu for U

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The next thing you know you were being lightly shaken awake on the couch by Grayson, Ethan standing over his shoulder. At first you were extremely confused, but then you sprung up,

"You guys are back!" you practically squealed flinging yourself into Grayson's arms, then quickly moving to Ethan,

"Uh yeah, but we thought you were dead" Ethan laughed as you held onto him feeling safe once again.

You laughed, and then stopped, "Wait what time is it?" you asked frantically looking for a clock,

"It's noon" Grayson answered, "Have you been asleep this whole time?"

You looked between them, you were so confused on how you could have possibly slept for this long

"Yeah we had been texting you all morning" Ethan said sounding worried, you were going to reach for your phone to check when all of the sudden you didn't feel so good. Ethan noticed,

"Allison are you okay?"

"Uh..." you stand there for a second longer, "I'm just going to go throw up" you race to the bathroom and barley make it to the toilet on time before you are retching into it, you feel the twins come running after you. Grayson comes over and pulls back your hair and Ethan just watches in horror,

"Allison are you okay? we should probably get you to a doctor" Ethan says watching you sit up,

"No, I'm okay I think" you say,

"I think you have a fever" Grayson says, stepping back and giving you space. He looks to his brother, "She feels really hot"

You start to get up off the floor, "No, guys I'm fine, look it was a one time thing" you quickly realized you spoke too soon, because while standing up you feel nausea sweep over you again and you quickly get back down to throw up again.

"Okay, no we have to take you somewhere" Ethan said pulling out his keys, ready to drive you to the nearest Doctor.

"No! You say, staying sitting this time, I don't want to go to the..." you trail off making the connection, "Oh my God" you groan, "The Doctor! That stupid fucking Doctor gave me the Flu with his tainted gloves!"

"What are you talking about?" Grayson asks, taking another step away from you,

"The Doctor that I saw didn't change his gloves before lining me up for the X-ray, he gave me the flu!"

"Are you serious?" Grayson asked looking shocked,

"Yes, I believe his exact words when he realized was something along the lines of, 'If your body remembers anything let's hope it remembers how to fight infectious diseases' " You mumble leaning against the wall,

"Wait, what the fuck kind of Doctor were you going to?" Ethan asked, he looked very concerned.

"I don't even know he was an asshole" you say laughing a little remembering your delightful conversations with him,

"Well clearly" Ethan said, "I think we should still take you to the ER"

"No, I'm fine it can't be that serious."

"It looks serious, can't people die from the flu?" he asks sounding more and more panicked,

"I'm okay I promise" you say putting your head in your hand, "I just need some rest"

"She's probably right" Grayson added in, "Taking her to the Doctor right now might just make her more sick, we need to just keep an eye on it"

Ethan looked between his brother and you on the floor before very hesitantly agreeing, "Okay, let's get you to bed then"

By Chance (Dolan Twins)Where stories live. Discover now