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You slowly wake up and rub your eyes, that was the first full nights sleep you had gotten in a while. Yawning you casually pick up your phone and for the second morning in a row your heat stops beating the second you look. Thousands of notifications from twitter. shit, you think to yourself, what could it possibly be now? You debate even going to check it out, but your curiosity gets the best of you.

You start reading through tweets, which were mostly hate.

 Dance on me Dolans : Wow Ethan could do so much better who even is this girl?

Spit on me Grayson: #Allithan confirmed everyone! #Allithan confirmed!!!!

Ethan please love me: Ethan's got a girlfriend? That's it I'm switching lanes.

You were getting more and more confused by the second, not only did you not understand what "Allithan confirmed" or "switching lanes" meant, but you were also just lost on why all of a sudden a flood of millions of Dolan stans came looking for the kill, then you found a twitter thread that finally explained what was going on,

Dolan Tea: Okay for anyone who doesn't know the tea: Bryant posted a picture of Ethan and a girl named Allison Nicholson on Instagram this morning. It has been speculated the two were dating and this is some strong evidence. Allison is generally unknown to the public eye, but many suspect she is a model for James Charles. She has previous ties to him and happens to be wearing Sisters Apparel in Bryant's pictures. This also could be how her and Ethan met, through James. That's all I have to spill for now I'll keep everyone posted.

You quickly go to Bryant's Instagram where he had posted that picture of you and Ethan on the rock that you actually loved. You were scared though, you meant Bryant could post pictures of you not you AND Ethan. You lock your phone and throw it down. You were in some deep shit, there was no hiding this one. 

You sat in bed thinking about all the tweets. The fandom thought you were a model, which was absolutely hilarious, they also were very wrong about you and Ethan dating. Everything they had speculated was misinformation and you were getting ripped to shreds over it. You start to panic, but then remember Ethan's words. He said that it will be okay, and blow over in a few days. You trust Ethan. This is probably not the fist time this has happened, and you weren't even in the wrong! You take a deep breath and go take a shower, getting dressed in leggings and a blue crop top, you head to the house.

After the one sided war with the twitter Stans you weren't afraid of seeing Grayson this morning, you definitely didn't want to, but you needed to be around Ethan and that meant you could put up with his bullshit. When walking in you let out a sigh of relief seeing Ethan and just Ethan at the counter eating some cereal, at least this part of your morning could be peaceful. 

Ethan notices you and looks up, "Hey"

"Hello" you say grabbing a bowl to join him for breakfast, "Twitters gotten worse" you laugh sitting down,

"Man, I was hoping you hadn't seen it" he said looking down at his phone,

"It's okay, like you said it will blow over" you smile, "That's a cute picture of us anyway"

He laughs, "I'm glad your so positive this morning, sorry you were thrown into this"

"It's all okay, I'm the one intruding on your life remember?" 

"Yeah" he sighs looking down at his breakfast, you knew he would feel bad regardless of what you said.

"What are you doing today?" you asked, you know you sounded clingy, but in the moment you kind of were. Ethan kept you happy and busy and that's exactly what you needed,

By Chance (Dolan Twins)Where stories live. Discover now