The Plant

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You were curled up to Grayson, who was warming you up in the freezing temperature, watching the few stars you could see in the city. One thing you knew for sure about yourself is that you loved stars, or anything that lit up in general. The prettiest things you've seen since having memory included the sparkling lake in the redwoods, the Christmas tree, and the stars at night. You soaked up every single thing you experienced in a way that you assumed others wouldn't. You appreciated everything because you never knew when it could slip away. You could finally get used to the concept that this was your life now, memories or not, and you were enjoying it.

Grayson sat there silently, he never asked for anything from you. Even though you weren't talking you enjoyed every second. Simply his presence made any stress fall away, you could sit there for eternity, but you knew that was very impractical. A throbbing pain pulls you from your thoughts. It was coming from your ankle which wasn't a surprise. You had walked around without your boot, which was the one thing you were told not to do, not to mention swimming probably wasn't smart either. You didn't really care, because this moment was ore impotant to you, but the pain was hard to ignore.

"Grayson?" you pull him from his thoughts,


"Could we go to the guesthouse?" you ask, sitting up and pulling away from him slightly,

"Of course, is there something wrong?" he asks looking down at you,

"No, I'm just cold" you lied, not wanting him to feel bad about your ankle, but when you stood up you couldn't help but wince, you hoped he didn't see it in the dark, but your limping silhouette was a dead giveaway,

"Are you alright?" he asks, quickly coming to your side to help hold you up,

"Yeah, I'm fine" you lied again, "My ankle just hurts a little"

"Would you like some help?" he asks as you currently still use him as a base to balance yourself,

"No, I'm okay" you take a step and instantly regret it as you wince again, he sees it and gently puts your arm around his neck. You use him as a crutch and sit on your couch, elevating the ankle which in the light you can see is a little swollen.

"I'm going to call James and see if he'll drop off the stuff I left at his house" you say pulling out your phone. Grayson was looking at you and you could tell he was concerned. You assumed he felt guilty which is the last thing you wanted,

You call James and the phone rings a few times before he picks up,

"Hey girl how's every thing in tea town?" he asks, making you laugh,

"It's all good James, sorry the sleepover got cut short."

"Don't be sorry!" he says, "I had so much fun, and this is giving me some time to work on videos and emails and such"

"That's good" you say reaching for your necklace, "do you think you could bring my stuff over here? I left in a hurry and forgot it"

"Oh I am so sorry sister, could I drop it first thing tomorrow? I am on a role with these E-mails and it DIRE that I get them done" you feel let down considering it wasn't 'dire' an hour ago, but it was fine you were inconveniencing him the way it was,

"Of course, thanks James" you respond, hiding your disappointment,

"See you then!" he says, automatically hanging up, you turn to Grayson,

"James isn't going to-"

he cuts you off, "I heard, don't worry I'll go get it" he says taking his keys out of his pocket, 

By Chance (Dolan Twins)Where stories live. Discover now