Chapter XXXI - New Beginnings

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A/N - Final chapter!!! And I was only planning on posting it Monday, but guess I didn't want to make you wait for so long!!! Hope you like it!!

Harry's POV

I woke up feeling my head pounding, and to an unusual silence in the dorm.

I tried opening my eyes, but they were refusing to do so, so I gave up an tried to go back to sleep.

But then I felt there was a body pressed against mine, and that my arms were around it.

Did I drink last night? I thought

I forced my eyes open, and when they did, they were filled by an immensity of light, which caused me to groan.

The person next to me yawned and got up slowly, but I still couldn't tell who he or she was.


It's definitely a he.

"Who is there?" I groaned, blocking the sunlight from my eyes with my hands.

"So you don't remember... I shouldn't have gotten my hopes up..." he murmured.

"What?" I asked, in confusion.

"Oh, nothing, don't worry, Harry." he said.

I know that voice.

I started taking my hands of my eyes.

"Please, don't freak out." he pleaded, which got me even more confused.

And as soon as my hands were out of the way, I realised why.

"MALFOY?!" I shouted.

"Harry, please-"

"What the hell are you doing in bed with me?! And why in the name of Merlin are you calling me by my first name?!"

"Harry-" he tried reaching for my hand, but I slapped it away.

"Get away from me!"

"Harry, just let me explain!" he snapped.

I could tell by his voice he sounded hurt, and I had no idea why.

"What is there to explain? And why are we shirtless? And why is your neck full of hickeys!? Oh my- why didn't- did we? No-"

"Harry!! Calm down, would you?" he said.

"No, I won't calm down!! I'm leaving." I said, grabbing a shirt that was on the floor and putting it on, before storming out.


I closed the door behind me, and stood there, not knowing what to do.

Then I heard sniffles, that turned into pained sobs, and I had no idea what to do.

I sat with my head against the door, hearing my long time enemy cry desperately, and feeling my heart squeeze at it, for some reason.

I wanted to leave, I really wanted to.

But I couldn't bring myself to do so.

I also wanted to enter the room again, and comfort the boy in pain.

Yet, I couldn't bring myself to do that either.

So I stayed put, hearing Malfoy's sobs getting louder and more painful, and I could feel a tear threatening to fall from my eye.


I wish I knew.

I sat there for a few more minutes, before I heard the front door barge open, revealing a very concerned Ron and Hermione.

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