Chapter V - Tears and Realizations

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Draco's POV

The next couple of weeks passed by quickly, Harry was slowly becoming more open about his feelings and past, but there was clearly still a long way ahead of us.

In the end of the first month, Harry and I were inseparable. He claimed that he didn't like Weasley, after he threw a hex at me because Harry was wearing green. Weasley had told me several times to watch my back and to never hurt Harry, and warned me that if I even in the slightest way tried to change him he would beat the hell out of me. Of course I didn't believe he would do that, he's too weak, plus, I would never try to manipulate a little kid, that would be beyond cruel, even more if that kid was my little angel.

Granger and I were polite towards each other, since she visited often to see Harry. He seemed to like her, but refused to talk to her if she was with Weasley, and didn't trust her not nearly as much as he trusts me. Once she asked me if she could take Harry with her to Hogsmeade, and as I was about to let her, Harry ran towards me, jumped on my lap and told me to not leave him, which made Granger half-smile at us and at how changed was our relationship, even if she was a little bit jealous that it wasn't her who Harry ran to every time he saw, and wasn't the one who he put his almost complete trust on.


"Harry, hurry up!" I shouted.

"Comin'" he shouted back.

Professor Slughorn had requested to see us today, after dinner, saying he needed to talk to us, about, hopefully, any sign of progress on the potion that would bring Harry back to his normal age. Don't get me wrong, if it was for me, I would never change him back, I love having my cute little angel running around with his cute little face and his cute little smile. But I knew I couldn't be selfish like that. If I wasn't doing this for me, then I was doing it for Harry, and believe me when I say that at this point I would do anything for the little boy who had me wrapped around hid little finger and didn't even know.

He came out of his room wearing a Gryffindor robes that had been enchanted to fit him, and his hair was really really messy.

"What happened with your hair, angel?" I asked.

"The wobes got stuck in me head and it messed evewything up. I'm sowy." he said, looking at his feet.

"How did the robes get stuck? It's supposed to be dressed as... a jacket? Yes, that. Did you not unbutton it before putting it on?"

He shook his head.

"Well, next time remember to unbutton it first, okay?" I asked, while straightening his hair with my fingers, and he nodded.

Then, I picked him up and took him to Slughorn's office.


When we arrived, professor Slughorn invited us to come in, and we took a seat in front of his desk, Harry on my lap, as he refused to sit on a chair on his own.

"Hello there, boys." Slughorn greeted us with a warm smile.

"What did you want to talk to us about?" I asked, curious.

"It is confirmed that the potion will take five months to brew, but there is something else to it. The potion is meant to be given little by little to the person affected, that being Harry, - Harry, who was almost falling asleep in my shoulder by now, shot his head up and looked at us, confused. -meaning he won't grow to his normal age only taking the potion once, but he will have to grow 2 to 3 years each time."

Harry was still staring at us confused, but I could feel he was really tired, as his eyes kept threatening to close.

"And when will the first time be, may I ask?"

"I was thinking today. It is already done, and the sooner he takes the potion, the sooner he will be able to change back."

I nodded, and he handed me the first potion.

"What's happening, Dwaco?" Harry asked, sleepishly.

"Don't worry about that, my little angel, it's okay, I'll explain it to you later, try and sleep for a little bit" I said, and he nodded in agreement and started drifting off to sleep.

When his breaths evened and turned into soft snores, professor looked at me, concerned.

"But there's one thing you should know, Mr. Malfoy."

I looked at him and he sighed, getting me worried.

"Unfortunately, When Harry gets back to the age of sixteen, there is a really remote chance he will be able to remember anything that happened while he was under the effects of the potion."

I stared at him in shock, my eyes almost begging him to tell me he was lying, and that I wouldn't lose my Harry when he gets back.

"W-what?" I asked, my voice cracking.

"I'm so sorry..." he said.

I excused myself, picked sleeping Harry up and walked away from the office, shoving the potion in my pocket.


When we arrived our quarters, I tucked Harry on his bed, leaving a kiss in his forehead and smiling sadly at him, letting a tear fall down my face, followed by others, and then I went to my room, deciding I would give him the potion next day.

As soon as the door closed, I fell on the floor sobbing uncontrollably. I couldn't take it, I couldn't loose Harry. He was my everything, he was my only chance to be actually happy for once, the one who made me wake up with a smile everyday. I won't be able to deal with the fact that the five months we spent and are going to spend together will be just thrown away like they were nothing. Why had life to be so cruel? What had I done so bad that I needed this kind of punishment?

I continued to sob, and my tears didn't seem to have an end.

Then, suddenly, I heard the door open, and when I turned around, I saw Harry looking at me, with worry clear in his shiny beautiful eyes. He walked towards me, kissed my tear-stained cheek and hugged me firmly. I began sobbing all over again, and Harry just held me in his tiny arms, casually leaving soft kisses on my face, not bothering to say a word.

And that's when it hit me. It was like I was stabbed right in the heart. The one thing I've been pushing away for so long, not wanting to admit it.

I was in love with Harry Potter.

Not sweet and loving five year old Harry.

But strong and perfectly broken sixteen year old Potter.

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