Chapter XVII - Azkaban break

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Draco's POV

It was already Monday morning and Harry and I woke up later than we were supposed to.

"Breakfast is almost finishing, Harry! Hurry!" I said, as I tried to undo the buttons of my nightgown quicker than usual, which resulted on getting them stuck and stressing even more.

"It ends in twenty minutes, Dray. We don't need twenty minutes to eat!" he replied, as he was calmly putting on some new black jeans we had gotten the day before. 

"Maybe you don't need twenty minutes, but I do! And it's not twenty anymore. It's eighteen." I stated, as I finally had managed to get rid of the damn nightgown and dressed a grey shirt.

"Ugh. Just relax. If you don't finish your food I'll finish it for you! Plus, it's seventeen minutes. And your hair is a mess."

I looked at the mirror. "My hair's perfect! How-" I felt a hand ruffling my hair. "HARRY! That's going to take five more bloody minutes now! You git!" I shouted, and he was laying on the floor laughing hysterically.

I finished getting dressed and when I looked at the time there were only ten minutes left. I looked at Harry, who was leaning in the doorframe for about five minutes now, already ready to leave, glared at him, then sighed, simply passing my fingers through my hair in hope it wouldn't look awful. 

I dressed my school robes and Harry dressed his, we left our quarters, and when I turned to glare at Harry, he smiled at me and grabbed my hand, holding it.


When we arrived the Great Hall there weren't many people, as breakfast time was already finishing, and we sat the end of the Slytherin table, since it was almost empty.

There weren't many options on what to choose to eat, since the only stuff left was either the more disgusting one or the one that seemed endless.

I finally decided to simply grab a toast, and when I looked at Harry, he was already finishing what looked like his second plate.

"How can you eat so much?" I asked.

"How can you eat so little?" he replied, smirking at me, as he grabbed my toast and took a tiny bite, then putting it back in my plate.

I looked at him confused, then shook my head and got back to eating, now only six minutes left.

A while later I finished my toast, and Harry finished his third plate of food, and we got up and left the Great Hall, heading to our first lesson of the day: Potions.


Apart from the stares and whispers from everyone because of the "Malfoy-Potter kiss", potions went smoothly.

We learned about the Elixir to Induce Euphoria, which is is a sunshine-yellow potion that induces a sense of inexplicable, irrational happiness upon the drinker, if I remember correctly. It was a rather tricky potion, and next class we were supposed to brew it, but I think I can handle it.

After that we had double Transfiguration, then lunch.

Harry and I sat next to Hermione, who was alone, something about Weasley being sick or dead. I didn't really pay attention when she explained, and I couldn't care less. It's Weasley.

"-and so he couldn't come." she finished.

"Sounds interesting." I replied, trying to hide the fact that I hadn't payed attention.

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