Chapter IV - Don't ever leave...

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Draco's POV

After I dressed Harry and I, we started making our way to the first class of the day: charms.

Harry was overly excited about it, since he claimed to never have seen real magic with his own eyes.

The expression he made after I showed him my wand was priceless, but not as priceless as the one he had after I levitated a jar that was on the corner.

We were walking hand in hand, and it was obvious Harry was using all his strengths not to let go of my hand and run into the classroom.

Who would have thought? The boy who lived being eager to get to class? The world must be ending!

When we arrived the door of the classroom I heard him giggle to himself, and I saw the widest smile in his face.

I opened my arms to pick him up, and he jumped on me, laughing.

I settled him on my hip and opened the door, only to be greeted by all eyes looking at us.

Harry buried his face on my shoulder, embarrassed, and I rubbed his back.

"It's okay, angel. They are only looking because they're jealous."

"Why would they be jealous?" he asked, confused. "I'm only a fwe- no, I'm not. Am I?"

"No, of course not! You are a beautiful and strong young man!" I reassured him.

I can't believe he is still tempted to call himself a freak. His muggle family must really have gotten into him.


"Yes, angel. So, so strong!"



He smiled.

He has trust issues clearly, as he always needs people to assure him of everything they say. I'm not complaining, I'm just worried about him.

We made our way to a table in the back, and then professor Flitwick entered the classroom, and smiled as he saw us.

"Why is he so small?" Harry whispered to me.

"He is part-wizard part-goblin, that's what makes him smaller." I told him.

"What is a goblin?" he asked me, confused.

"Goblins are a highly intelligent race of small humanoids with long fingers and feet that coexist with the wizard world." I explained, hoping it wasn't too confusing for him to understand.

He nodded at me and thanked me for explaining it, and I gave him a smile.

"Good morning, students." Flitwick started, climbing a pile of books to get taller. "Today we will continue were we left last lesson. Can someone please enlighten me on where were we?"

Guess who put their hand up straight away? Granger, of course!

"Yes, Miss Granger?"

"We were learning the theory about the engorgement charm, engorgio." 

"Very well. And could you please tell us in what does this charm consist?"

"The engorgement charm is a charm that causes the target to swell immensely. If the caster attempts to engorge the target beyond a certain point it will violently explode. Although this spell is safe to use on animals, it is not recommended until the counter-charm has been perfected."

"You sure know your spells, Miss Granger. Five points to Gryffindor." Flitwick said, with a smile in his face.

I rolled my eyes and groaned.

Small Accidents, New Beginnings - DrarryNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ