Chapter XXVII - Hugs

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Draco's POV

Defence class passed by quickly, as every subject was going to be done in pairs, so I stayed with Harry.

People gave me weird looks for not being with my house, but Harry told me to ignore them, and I did.

Defence Charms was rather easy, as we learned about the disarming charm, which me and the other fifth, sixth and seventh years already knew.

Potions was easy aswell, it's always easy for me.

But what made me struggle was muggle defence, which consisted in physical fighting, which meant punches and kicks and everything.

Thankfully I was with Harry, who already knew most of this stuff, and he was extra careful with me.

Thank Merlin Dumbledore let me stay with him, otherwise it wouldn't have went really well.

 As soon as the class ended, I was exhausted, and Harry had to basically drag me do the Great Hall for lunch.

We sat at the end of the Gryffindor table, away from everyone, and ate quickly, before standing up and hurrying to our quarters.


As soon as we entered the quarters, Harry pushed me to the wall and held my hand above my head, looking deeply into my eyes.

"Merlin, you're so beautiful." he murmured, before leaning in and kissing me passionately.

Then we heard a cough, which made Harry basically fly away from me in a fright, and we found that the said cough had came from Harry's godfather.

Harry groaned, not because of not wanting Sirius here, but because we were interrupted.

"Nobody ever let's us be alone!" he joked, as he walked closer to his godfather and hugged him.

"Should I have the talk with you?" Sirius asked him, before turning his gaze to me, and Harry and I blushed.

"No, thank you." Harry said. "I think I'll be fine."

"Thank Merlin, I had no idea what the hell I would say." Sirius laughed, and Harry soon joined him. "Come here, kiddo!" he told me, as he held the arm that was not hugging Harry open.

I walked to him slowly, and as soon as I got closer, he took me into the hug aswell, and I smiled sweetly at the affective gesture, before hugging him back.

"You haven't been hugged much, have you?" he asked softly.

"Not by any adult, and honestly not by any other person, if we don't count Harry." I murmured, and he hugged me closer to him.

"Then let's change it, shall we?" he whispered, and I nodded, letting a tear fall from my eye.

Harry left Sirius' embrace to smile at the sight, and Sirius held both his hands around me, as I silently let tears fall from my eyes.

"Thank you..." I whispered, shacking, and Sirius gently pulled away from the hug to wipe away my tears.

"You're not alone anymore, Draco." he said reassuringly, and I couldn't help but smile.

"Hey, Dray, Sirius and I were thinking, and what about you go spend holidays in his place? It would be safer than the Manor, and it has wards against apparition, so you wouldn't need to worry about being summoned by Vol- The Dark Lord." Harry said, and I felt my eyes filling with hope.

"Really? You would let me? But Harry, you probably won't even remember us by then, you'll still think I'm against you and that I hate you!" I protested.

"And that's why he wanted to ask me about it now, so even if he doesn't remember, you'll still have a safe place to go, a home." Sirius explained.

"I don't know how to thank you..." I whispered.

"You don't have to, it's my pleasure to help you, son. And if you want, I could get your guardianship for the summers. It shouldn't be hard, seeing as we're family by blood." he said and I smiled again.

"Thank you... so much!" I said, as I launched myself into his arms again, before jumping back. "I'm sorry! I didn't mean to-"

"Come here, it's fine." Sirius said, as he took me into another hug.

He broke it a few moments later, and stood up, straightening his clothes.

"I just wanted to pass by quickly, so I should be leaving, Remus is making lunch and I'm already really really late, so, if I want to keep my head in place, it's probably best if I went home." he said, chuckling, and Harry and I laughed with him.

"Bye, Sirius!" Harry said.

"Bye!" I waved him goodbye, and he waved back to both of us before leaving.

I stood there, smiling, and I felt a pair of strong arms wrapping around my waist from behind.

I put my hands over his, and he hugged me tighter, starting to leave kisses on my cheek, trailing down until he reached my neck, where he started sucking lightly.

"Harry..." I whispered, and he hummed into my neck, sending shivers through my whole body. "I love you..."

"I love you too, my dragon..." he whispered into my ear, which sent even more shivers to me.


His hand played with the hem of my shirt, and then I felt cold fingers touching my skin, and I hummed softly.

Harry was still kissing my neck when I noticed that there was someone staring at us with an angry expression on his face.

I instantly pulled Harry's hand from my waist and he groaned in protest, before realising we had company. 

"Hello, professor..." he murmured.

"Hi there, Severus... hmm... what brought you here?" I asked awkwardly, as my godfather looked at us in disgust.

"There is a letter for you, Draco." he said, coldly. "It's from your mother." My eyes grew wide, as I ran to get the letter, Severus handing it to me, before pointing at my neck. "Cover it, it's disgusting." he said, and it took me a while to realise that he was talking about the hickey's Harry left in my neck.

"Thank you for the letter, anything else?" I asked.

He shock his head, before turning around and leaving the room.

"Well, that was awkward." Harry said, and I chuckled, before walking to a mirror.

I looked at my neck and groaned. It was full of purple marks, and they would be hard to cover.

"Harry! How am I supposed to go out with these?" I pointed at my neck.

"Maybe I just want everyone to know you're mine, and if they dare yo touch you, they won't get away easily." he said, as he walked to me, leaving a soft kiss in my lips. "Why is it everytime we have a moment someone decides to interrupt us?"

"I have no idea." I answered, before kissing his lips softly. "Chess?"

"I'm going to beat you this time!" he said, as he ran to get the wizard chess board, and set it on the table.

"Game on!"

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