Chapter III - Freak

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A/N-From now on most of the story is going to be in Draco's POV, only when Harry gets older it will start having his POV again.

Draco's POV

The quarters that were assigned to us were close to Madam Pomfrey's infirmary, which would be useful in case Harry got sick.

He was still sleeping when we entered the quarters, and let me say, they looked dashing. The walls painted in a delicate combination of green and red as the ornaments and decorations were a soft silver and gold, creating a beautiful harmony between Slytherin and Gryffindor, which I never thought I would admit that worked perfectly.

There was a kitchen, a living room mixed with a dinning room, one bathroom and two chambers, one for me and one for Harry. I entered Harry's, that was, as expected, decorated in red with delicate strands of gold, and laid him down on the soft single bed and covered him so he wouldn't get cold. Then I closed the door slowly so I wouldn't wake the sleeping angel- wait what? Did I just think that? Hell the little boy's getting to me. I sighed, then smiled.

I went to the bathroom to take a quick shower and went to my bedroom, which was all covered in green and silver. It had a queen sized bed as soft as Harry's. I laid down and fell asleep smiling, thinking about the journey that awaited me.


The next morning I woke up and went to see Harry, but when I entered his room, he wasn't in his bed, neither were his pillows. Where is he?

I started searching for him around the room and that's when I found him on the corner, sleeping on top of his pillows and curled up in a ball, as if he was trying to keep himself warm.

"Harry?" I whispered softly, trying to wake him up.

He groaned and opened his eyes slowly, then gave me a tired smile.

"Mownin'." he said, yawning and curling up tighter.

I touched his face and it was cold, like freezing cold.

"Why aren't you in bed, angel?" I asked. Did I just call him angel? I must be going mad!

"Fweaks awe not supposed to sleep in beds." he said, as if it was obvious.

"Harry... you're not a freak... you can sleep in the bed, you know? You're not with your uncle anymore. You're with me now, and I'll take care of you..." I said sweetly.

"I'm not?" he asked, surprised, and his eyes lightened up.

I smiled at him and put my hand to his cheek.

"No. And I promise to not let your uncle get to you, ok?"

"You pwomise?"

"I do."

"Thank you Dwaco." he said, smiling.

"You're welcome angel."

"Why do you call me that?" he asked confused.

"Because you are my little angel." I replied, pinching his nose softly. "Now, let's get you warmed up!"

He smiled then nodded.

"Do you want to take a bath?" I asked and he flinched, fear obviously growing in his eyes.

"D-do I need to?" he asked, shaking.

"It would be better if you did." I said, trying to convince him.

He gulped his tears and then slowly nodded.

I picked him up and took him to the bathroom, turning on the water and preparing a warm bath for Harry.

When it was all set, a brought him closer to me and started slowly taking off his shirt.

As his shirt was removed, I couldn't believe my eyes. His chest was covered in bruises, most of them looked recent, but there was one that caught my attention, and brought tears to my eyes: he had the word freak craved in the middle of his stomach, right above his bellybutton, it was a rather deep wound, and it had dry blood all around it.

Poor Harry was crying at this point, and mumbling apologies repeatedly, but I softly tried to calm him, while rubbing his back, careful to not touch any wound.

"You're not a freak angel..." I whispered to him. "Do you trust me?"

He nodded, trembling.

"Then do you believe me when I tell you you're not a freak?"

He hesitated, but nodded and wiped his tears.

"Harry, if anyone ever tries to tell you you are something you're not, promise me to not believe them, will you?"

He nodded again, hugging me weakly.

"Do you still want me to wash you? That way I could clean your wounds, and you could play with the bubbles how does that sound?"

"Sounds good..."

"It does, doesn't it?"

He nodded.

"Then let's get you cleaned up. It may sting a little, but then it will go away, ok?"

He nodded again and I sighed.

After the giving Harry a bath and cleaning his wounds, I proceeded to start making breakfast.

I used a book that showed how to make pancakes with magic, and they were done in less than five minutes.

Harry was sitting on the couch, hugging a grey stuffed dragon.

"Hey, angel I made breakfast. Do you like pancakes?"

I saw his eyes lightening up at that and I chuckled, then handed him a plate with one, covered in chocolate.

He hummed with every bite, and ate like he hadn't eaten in days, which I started to doubt was the case.

I smiled at the little boy as he was eating, and then I looked to his stuffed dragon, that he seemed to like very much.

"Were did that dragon come from, angel?" I asked, curious.

"It was in the bedwoom!" he said happily, but then his smile dropped "I wasn't supposed to take it, was I?"

"No no no! It's yours Harry!"

"It is?"

"Yes it is! So is everything in your room!"

"Even that big castle in the cownew?" he asked, his eyes shining brighter at every word he said.

"Even the big castle!"

He smiled. And his smile made me smile.

"Do you know what is the dwagon's name?" he asked, excited.

"No, what is it?"

"It's Dway. It is almost like Dwaco, youw name! So I named him that. Because you awe weally impowtant to me."

My eyes were teary. Merlin, I've never felt so loved. It's been only a day and I was strangely feeling home. More than I've ever felt. I loved that I had Harry.

I pulled him into a hug.

"You are really important to me too angel." I whispered.

And then I knew. Sitting here, right in front of me, was my chance to begin again. My chance to have the life I've always wanted but never could have.

My chance to be loved.

And my chance to love.

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