Chapter XII - Oh, Merlin...

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Draco's POV

A week after I woke up I was released from the hospital wing. Madam Pomfrey told me to avoid stress and stay away from situations that could bring me too many emotions. I was told I had serious anxiety problems, and the panic attack I had could have been fatal if Harry didn't scream his lungs out and nobody came to rescue.

Speaking of Harry, he spent everyday sitting my hospital bed next to me and talking about his experience of being a ten year old, and filling me on everything I had missed. He slept there with me, after shouting angrily at Dumbledore for trying to take him to his quarters, and he glared at anyone who even dared to suggest him to leave.

I was not to go to classes for another week as I was released, and I spent that week with Harry in our quarters, playing games and just hanging around, since I was advised to not leave and to rest.

As he was twelve years old, he was already allowed to do magic, and I taught him some basic spells like Lumos and Wingardium Leviosa.  

He treated me like I was dangerously sick the whole time, cooking me soup and covering me in blankets every time he thought I shivered in the slightest way. He constantly made me tea, kissed my face and cuddled with me. And I didn't mind at all, even though it was obviously exaggerated.

It was now my last day of "home" rest, and the next day I would start attending to classes again.

"Hey, Dray! I was thinking, maybe we could walk outside for a little while, I'm pretty sure we could both use some fresh air, don't you think?" ha asked, as he was washing the dishes from our lunch, because he was too stubborn to let me wash them.

"I suppose, but we can't be long, I have a meeting with professor Slughorn in the afternoon."

"I know, and the meeting's at five, we have plenty of time. Plus, it's a beautiful day outside, it would be a waste to spend it locked in here." he said, matter-of-factly.

"Fine." I said. "And how did you know I had a meeting?"

"Because I'm keeping track of your schedule so you don't have to stress about it. Now up! Off we go!"

Stubborn boy! I told him he didn't need to!

"Ugh, you can't leave anything to me, can you?"

"Nop!" he said, popping the p.

I shook my head then got up, grabbed my robes and put them on.

"Ready, angel?"

"I've been ready for half an' hour now. Come!" he said, while he ran to open the door for me.

"Such a gentlemen!" I said, in a mocking tone.

- Always! - he replied, with a sophisticated tone, then he bowed at me and we started laughing.

Then we left the quarters and headed outside.


Harry was right when he said it was a beautiful day outside.

We spent the afternoon walking around to nowhere in particular and I even let Harry try and use a broom, and, of course, he nailed it without even getting instructions on what he was supposed to do. He's the quidditch youngest seeker in a century for a reason, right?  

After spending hours flying and walking around, it was time for me to go to Slughorn's meeting.

"Hey, Harry! Come down, we need to go!" I shouted. He was in his broom flying around when he saw me gesturing for him to come down and he flew to the ground.

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