Chapter XXVIII - Moonlight

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Draco's POV

After a few rounds of wizard chess, Harry decided the game was against him and that it was it's fault he couldn't win.

It was already half past five when we put the game away, and went to sit on the couch.

I sat at the end of it, and Harry laid his head on my lap, grabbing my hand and putting it to his hair.

"What are you? A dog?" I asked, laughing softly at him.

"It feels good." he said. "And I know you like stroking my hair. It's a win win situation."

I leaned down and planted a kiss on his forehead, before beginning to play with his soft locks, running my slender fingers in his head, massaging softly, as he hummed in pleasure, making me smile.

After a while, he closed his eyes, and I watched him sleep peacefully.

I would say it was creepy, if he didn't do it every morning before I woke up.

I thought it was strange, but now I get it why he does it.

It makes my heart go all fuzzy, just to know that he is here, and that he feels comfortable enough to fall asleep in my lap.

I never really payed attention to his sleep state.

His hair is messy, as I've been playing with it, his eyelashes are softly pressed against each other, his mouth his slightly open, his chest rising and falling with every breath he takes.

I couldn't help but smile at this boy I had the honor to call mine.

But the smile quickly faded, as I remembered that after tomorrow would be the day I would stop being able to see him like this, the day that everything I have will be taken away from me.

I'm only holding on to the slight hope that is still in me that he won't forget. That he will remember each and every single moment we have had for this past five months. That he will still love me.

I looked at him sadly for a few hours, just trying to memorise every single part of him that I could.

Then it was time for dinner, so I shacked my sleeping angel softly, and he slowly opened his eyes, letting out a soft yawn.

"Hi..." he whispered, his voice husky and his hands rubbing his eyes.

"Hey... it's time for dinner, love. Can you get up?

He nodded, before stretching himself and sitting up, groaning.

He rubbed his face once more, and ran his hand through his hair, brushing it so it wouldn't be such a mess.

"Let's go." he said, getting up and grabbing our coats, handing me mine, and then we left.


As soon as we arrived the Great Hall, we caught Severus' eye, and he glared at us, motioning me to cover my neck.

I blushed, before pulling my coat up, so it would cover as much as it could.

We walked to Ronald and Hermione, and sat in front of them.

As soon as they looked at me, Ronald blushed and looked down, and Hermione smiled.

Well, this is awkward.

"Hello, you two! Seems like you've been busy!" she exclaimed, and Ronald glared at her.

I turned crimson and Harry smirked at me.

"Oh my! You- did you?" She asked, and I quickly realised what she was talking about.

"No! No we haven't!" I almost shouted, and half of the Gryffindors turned to look at me.

"Yet." I heard Harry say, which made me flush even more, if it was possible, and glare at him. "I'm just kidding Dray! Don't look at me that way." he said, laughing.

"Git." I murmured.

"Asshole." he replied.






"What the hell is a mooncalf?" he asked.

"Another word for idiot." I said, smirking at him.

"Aw, my boyfriend's so smart!" he said, in a babyish voice, as he pocked my nose.

"And mine is so amazing!" I said, mimicking his babyish voice.

"Not as amazing as mine!" he said, and that was the beginning of a new silly argument that made Hermione look at us dreamily and Ronald as if he was about to vomit.


We finished dinner and decided to walk outside the castle for a while, even though it was almost past curfew.

We walked hand in hand, admiring the beautiful castle Hogwarts was, and how amazing it looked under the moonlight.

But there was one thing that looked so much better under the moonlight.


The way his perfect skin glows, the way his hair flies backwards due to the small night breeze, and the way his emerald eyes shine brighter every time he looks at the stars.

But it may be the last time I see this beautiful angel under the night lights.

So I stoped walking, held his other hand, turning him to me, and took his lips on mine, in a desperate and full of emotions kiss.

It said so much more than words ever could.

It had joy, sadness, pain, love, fear all mixed together.

All mixed in the pair of lips pressed against each other like their life depended on it.

Like in the second they split, they would break apart.

Stop breathing.

But here, kissing Harry under the moonlight, all those fears, sorrows, all that pain, every bad emotion faded.

Faded just like the stars do when the sun comes up.

And Harry is my sun, my moon, my everything.

He is bright as the sun, mysterious as the moon, and when he appears, I can't look at anything else.

Just like my eyes glue themselves to the moon, that beautiful circle in the sky.

I didn't want the kiss to ever stop.

I didn't want my sun and moon taken away from me.

I could feel hot tears falling from my face as I wrapped my arms around my lover's neck, and he wrapped his around my waist.

He was crying too.

Pouring all his heart into this kiss.

The kiss that felt like the last one.

Like we would fade away as soon as it was over.

So we kept kissing, and kissing, for what felt like forever.

But I would stay here, kissing the love of my life forever.

Because yes, Harry is the love of my life.

And I didn't believe I would ever find one.

But I did.

I found Harry.

My Harry.

My angel.

My love.

And I didn't want to ever let go.

Because I need him, so freaking much.

And I love him, more than I've ever loved anyone in my whole life.

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