Chapter XXIX - Gone

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Draco's POV

After we returned to our quarters, Harry and I entered our room, taking our shirts off and falling into bed as soon as we caught sight of it.

Harry laid on his side, with his arm under his head, watching me with admiring eyes.

I smiled at him, and he placed his hand gently on my chin, pulling my lips to his in a short, yet soft kiss, smiling into it.

We stayed in that position for a few moments, before Harry grabbed me by the waist and pulled me as close to him as it was possible.

I rested my head in his chest, feeling it rise and fall with every breath he took and hearing his soft heartbeat.

We fell asleep like that, not even bothering to change, just enjoying the other's warmth and company.


The next morning, I woke up to a shivering and sweating Harry, and I instantly started worrying.

"Harry?" I whispered. "Harry! Harry, can you hear me?" I said a little bit louder, starting to shake him awake.

He woke up a few seconds later with a gasp, and he suddenly started crying.

"What happened?" I asked him softly, as I wrapped my arms around his trembling body. "Harry, love... talk to me... Was it a nightmare?" 

He nodded into my chest, trying to stop himself from sobbing harder.

I started running my hand through his hair, and I felt his relaxing from that gesture.

"You're okay, angel... it was just a dream..." I whispered in his ear, and he looked up slowly, locking his emerald eyes with my mercury ones.

"Y-Your father... he-he was there... and your mother... we need to get to her!" he mumbled between sobs.

"What are you saying?" I asked, scared now.

"And the Dark Lord! He was there too! We need to go!" 

"Harry! Talk to me!"

"She's in danger! I know it! I saw it!" he cried, and my expression turned into one of horror.

"A-Are you sure?" I asked.

"Just trust me dammit!" he snapped.

I nodded, then looked at my nightstand, finding my mother's letter that I hadn't read yet.

I opened it, and as soon as I read what it said, I let it fall from my eyes, and tears started falling from my face.

"W-We can't go..." I whispered.


"It's a trap Harry!" I said, handing my mother's letter to him.

Dear Draco,

You have no idea how much I miss you, my son, but you should know, you mustn't return. 

It's dangerous, and I need you to know, that writing this will probably end badly for me, but you need to keep Harry safe, and yourself. At any costs.

The Dark Lord is planning on finding someone to attract him to the Manor, and to trick him into a death trap.

So, please, if you want the Wizarding World to have any chance at defeating him, Harry can't come near the Manor.

Nor can you. Everyone knows about you two, and they are furious.

But I want you to know that I support you completely, and that I love you, Draco, from the bottom of my heart.

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