Chapter XXI - The War

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Harry's POV

Draco and I were having lunch on Monday, after a long long potions class, where professor Slughorn spent the whole time writing on the board, and I swear I saw many people sleeping. 

We were sitting together, trying to hold hands and eat at the same time, and we were having a nice time, despise the glares and sneers that people turned to Draco.

As we finished our meals, we saw professor Dumbledore getting up from his chair, to stand in front of the Great Hall, a slightly frightened expression on his face.

He cleared his throat, getting everyones attention, sighed, and started talking.

"Good evening, dear students. I wish I could be standing here, announcing something that you all would be thrilled about, or simply for an average update on Hogwarts' classes or professors. Alas, I'm afraid that's not quite the reason I stand here. Something is about to happen, something bad. As you all know, Voldemort has stayed in the dark for a long while now, but we all knew that wouldn't last forever. From one day to another, we found ourselves desperate for help, and I'm not pleased to inform you that he started making his first moves."

Everyone was staring at Dumbledore, scared, shocked, and some even fainted.

"The Dark Mark was found on top of many houses where muggleborn wizards lived, or muggle families of wizards."

Hermione and many muggleborns gasped, and they all looked terrified.

"The war has started. And we all shall be ready to fight when the time comes. Hogwarts' wards have been reenforced, and security has been increased to the most, so you are safer here than outside. It's still not one hundred percent safe, but I need to advise you that in times like this, nowhere is safe." And with that, he turned around, sitting back at the High Table.

The Great Hall was soon filled with whispers, which were followed by screams.

I turned to Draco, and he was staring blankly at where Dumbledore was standing.

"Draco... let's get out of here." I said, and he nodded, and followed me out of the Great Hall.

As soon as we arrived the door, Draco started screaming in agony, holding his arm, and I quickly ran to him and held him. Everyone was looking at him.

He kept screaming and screaming and I had no idea what to do.

Then I realised it was the arm that had the Dark Mark. What if it was Voldemort trying to get to him or something?

"Draco, Draco, shh... you're okay, you're okay, I'm here, breath... just breath..." I whispered, but it only made his screams become louder, and tears were falling as rivers from his eyes.

I held him bridal style and ran to the hospital wing, many professors, as Snape, Dumbledore, and McGonagall were following us.


Madam Pomfrey was trying to hold Draco down for about fifteen minutes now, and I was starting to freak out. The professors were sat beside me, as I paced back and forth.

"Harry, dear, please, calm down. He'll be okay." Professor McGonagall reassured me, with a sad smile.

"I-I'm sorry, I'm just scared..." I said.

"You have knowledge that he has taken the Mark, right?" professor Snape asked, and I nodded.

"Y-Yes, why?"

"I think the Dark Lord his trying to summon him..." he said quietly, and I gasped.

"W-What? A-And will he be able to?" I asked.

"No, he won't. Hogwarts has wards against summoning and apparition, so there's no way he would be able to take Draco. But that's way he's experiencing so much pain."

"Will he be okay?"

"Yes. The pain is temporary, so after it ends, there will be no pain left at all." he answered, and I nodded.

"Thank you, professor..." I whispered, and I swear I saw Snape smile, as he whispered me "You're welcome." back.

Then the door of the hospital wing opened, and I saw Madam Pomfrey pecking in.

"He's-" I didn't let her finish as I rushed past her to find Draco's bed, and she shock her head, smiling. "-okay."

I sat by Draco' side, and he smiled weakly at him.

"Hey, angel. I'm sorry I scared you... the Dark Lord was-"

"I know, Dray, I know. Snape told me." he nodded. "How are you feeling?"

"The pain's gone, but I feel slightly weak... and hungry." he said, chuckling softly.

"When do you get to leave?"

"Pomfrey said that I could leave whenever I wanted to, as long as I was feeling fine." he said. "And I am right now, so let's leave this place, it smells like sick." he made a disgusted face and I laughed.

"Yeah, it does smell like sick." I agreed.

He smiled at me, and I leaned in, planting a sweet kiss on his lips, and then helped him up and we left.


Classes were dismissed for the rest of the day, and the professors were gathered in Dumbledore's office, discussing how to proceed.

I was sitting in the couch with Draco, and we were reading about the effects of being under Dark Magic, trying to find a way to help Draco and save him from Voldemort's influence. All we knew by far was that as long as he was in Hogwarts or in any place with wards against apparition, he was safe from being summoned, but still, the burning he felt was horrible, and we had to find a way to at least ease it.

But we couldn't exactly a Dark Mark section, since such think didn't even exist. But we could at least try.

I just knew I had to talk to my godfather somehow, before I turn back to sixteen, because Easter Break was coming in three weeks, and Hermione told me his house was warded, and I needed to ask him to let Draco stay there, since there's no way I'm letting him back at the Manor.

After a while of looking, we gave up, since there wasn't even any information that could be used in the slightest way. I put down the books and pulled Draco into a soft kiss, as I sat on his lap.

We had already had dinner, so we got up and walked to Draco's room, I put on only some sweatpants, as it was a hot day, and Draco seemed tore between wearing a shirt or not wearing it.

"Shirtless." I said, and he looked at me, tilting his head in confusion. "It's too hot to sleep with a shirt on, and you don't have to be ashamed to show the mark in front of me..." I explained softly, and he nodded, tossing his shirt in a near chair.

He came and layed on bed next to me, and I noticed he was trying to hide his arm from me, so I grabbed it, and when I felt him flinch, I used my other hand to caress softly his cheek.

"I really don't mind Dray, I just want you to feel comfortable." I whispered, as I brought his marked forearm to my lips and started leaving soft kissed around it. He was staring at me, wide eyed, not knowing how to react. "I don't want you to be ashamed of it, okay? It doesn't show you're weak... it only shows how brave and caring you are, for doing this to protect your family." I carried on leaving kisses around the mark.

"Thank you..." he whispered softly. "I love you..."

"I love you too, so much."

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