Chapter XX - Boyfriends?

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A/N - 1000 reads? Oh Merlin I don't know what to say!!!!! You guys are absolutely amazing and I love you so so so so muuuuuuch!!!!!!!

Draco's POV

The rest of the week passed by not so quickly, since anywhere I went I would run into people who would make nasty comments about me, but I was glad Harry stood by me for the whole time.

It was now Saturday evening, and Harry, Hermione and Weasley were walking around Hogsmeade, just enjoying the sunny day it turned out to be.

"Look out, Harry!" Hermione shouted, as Harry bumped into another person for what looked like the third time. He was acting strange, and I was starting to get worried, so I walked closer to him and put an arm around his waist, and he leaned into my shoulder, sighing.

"Is everything alright, angel?" I asked, and he nodded. "Harry, don't lie to me... I know you're not okay... what happened?"

"It was nothing, Draco, just drop it." he whispered.


"Please... just for now." he pleaded, as he stopped walking and looked into my eyes.

"Fine..." I finally said.

After a while we stopped at The Three Broomsticks to have a quick drink, and we sat at a high table near the bathrooms.

"Hum.. Harry? Malfoy? Look. I've been meaning to ask... hm... are you two like... hm.. dating? Like boyfriends? Because you act like it, but you never said you were actually into a relationship."

Harry and I exchanged a questioning look, and we realised we never really established that. We were just two teenagers living together that kissed casually.

"Hum..." Harry started, looking slightly disappointed. "I-I don't know..."

I turned to him "Hmm... do-do you want to? Like hm... be together together?" I asked.

"W-Would you be willing to?" he asked, as his eyes widened and filled with hope.

"Yeah, I think I would... So... hmm.. would you like to... hm... be-"


"Yes, boyfriends." I said, smiling.

"So... make it official?" he asked, and I inclined my head in confusion. "Like, hmm... act like a couple and that..."

"We kind of already do that..." I pointed, and he smiled at me, before pulling me into a passionate kiss.

"Ugh, you're always doing that." Weasley said, and Hermione elbowed him.

"Leave them, they're in love." she said, smiling at us, as we broke the kiss and looked at them, blushing.

"I just don't really see what's the point of starting now, you have only one week left anyway!" Weasley said, and my head dropped immediately, as I remembered he was right.

"RONALD!" Hermione shouted.

"I-It's okay, 'Mione. Yes, we probably have only a week left. Then so be it. Let's make the most of this week! Enjoy it, and not think about what's going to happen next Saturday." Harry said, and I gave him a small smile, before pecking his lips.

"I love you, angel..." I whispered. 

"I love you too, my dragon." he whispered back.

"Dragon?" I asked.

"Yeah... I found Dray yesterday, and that reminded me of our time together... and you are strong and beautiful and powerful. Just like a dragon." he explained, and I smiled at him.

"I ship it!" We heard Hermione say, and we chuckled, as Ron kept staring at us awkwardly, looking slightly guilty.

"Don't worry about it, W-Ronald. It's fine." I told him, and he stared at me wide eyed, then I saw a smile spreading on his face.

"You really changed, didn't you?" he asked, and I smiled at him. "Well, I think I can tolerate this Draco." he said, and laughed, and I laughed with him, until the four of us were a laughing mess and everyone stared at us.

We regained our breaths, and smiled at each other.

"Shall we order?" Harry asked, and we all nodded, calling the waiter and spending the evening there, as a group of friends who seemed to have no worries in their lives.


Night time arrived soon, and Harry and I found ourselves layed in my bed, arms around each other, looking at the ceiling.

"Dray..." Harry started, and I turned to him. "Will you- will you be okay? Eventually? If-if I don't remember I mean..." he whispered.

"I don't know, angel... I really don't... or maybe I do, but I'm just to scared to admit it..."

"Admit what?"

"That-that I'm nothing without you... that as soon as you forget me I'll have nothing... and that it will break me, so hard... but I think what will hurt the most will be the fact that you won't even know I'm hurting... and that I need you..." I said almost inaudibly, as tears fell from my eyes.

I felt arms wrapping more tightly around me, and I silently cried into Harry's chest.

"I'll always love you, Dray... even if I don't know it... I always will... and we'll find out way back to each other, I'm sure of it! Do you trust me?" he asked and I nodded, looking up at him. Then, suddenly, his lips were on mine and we were embraced into a passionate and desperate kiss, and soon our tongues were dancing together in perfect sync. Harry started to put his hand under my shirt, and I froze and stoped the kiss.

"I-I'm sorry, Draco... I just got carried away... I'm sorry..." he said, sounding guilty.

"Harry, love, you don't have to apologise... but I'm sorry I can't give you what you want... I-I'm not ready..." I whispered.

"It's completely fine, Dray. Don't worry about it, okay? It was my mistake, I shouldn't have done that..."

"It's okay, Harry. Drop it, alright?" I asked, and he nodded, before starting to kiss me again.

We were soon both gasping for breath, and we layed there, curled against each other, and we quickly found ourselves lost in the other's eyes.

"My boyfriend's so beautiful..." Harry said, and I chuckled.

"Boyfriend... it's weird, isn't it? I mean, being boyfriends and all. But it's a good weird, don't get me wrong! I-It's just new and-"

"Draco?" he stoped me.

"Hum?" I asked, confused.

"Just shut up and kiss me, will you?" he replied.

We could say we barely slept that night, seeing as we spent most of it either making out or talking and talking.

We fell asleep at almost 3 a.m., Harry's head on top of my chest, and my arm was around his back, protecting him, from everything and nothing.

Just having him here with me makes me feel safe...

Little did I know, the said safety was on the line, and we were in more danger than we could ever imagine.

A/N - Ooooohh, cliffhanger! Sorry not sorry! Only a week left for Harry to turn back, nooooo! And we arrived chapter twenty, yeeeeah!!!! Thank you for reading, leave your vote and your comment if you want, and I love you all! Bye!

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