Chapter XXVI - Defence and Attack

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Harry's POV

Draco and I got dressed and walked out of the room, flushed and smiling, and found a smirking Hermione and a disturbed Ron waiting for us.

We stood in front of them in an extremely awkward silent for a few minutes, before Draco finally broke the silence.

"I'm not in the mood for awkwardness, I'm out." he said, turning around and walking to the front door, leaving me staring even more awkwardly at Ron and Hermione.

"Harry! Are you going to stand there looking like a lost puppy or are you coming with me?" Draco asked, making me flush as I realised he had been waiting for me to follow him, and slowly I backed away from my friends.

I walked to Draco, grabbed my cloak, putting it on, and we left the quarters, leaving the probably-soon-to-be couple to stare after us.


We met with a bunch of other students in the seventh floor, as Dumbledore said the defence and attack classes would be held there.

I remember slightly that there is a hidden room somewhere in this floor, and I have a feeling that's where the class will be held.

Everyone was whispering in confusion at the empty corridor, except for a some sixth year Gryffindors and a few Ravenclaws and Hufflepuffs.

I wonder if they know about it from the same reason I was supposed to know.

A few moments later, the hall went silent, as the professors came into it in a line, all looking serious.

They stood in front of a wall, and Dumbledore walked a little bit forward, clearing his throat, getting everyone's attention.

"Good morning, students. You are probably wondering why would I require you all to gather in a deserted corridor like the one we stand in, and some of you already know the answer to that question. The Room of Requirement. A room that a person can only enter when they have real need of it. Sometimes it is there, and sometimes it is not, but when it appears, it is always equipped for the seeker's needs. That's why we are here. We will be having defence and attack classes in this very room, every day in the morning. Classes will begin next week again, but they will be held only in the afternoon." Dumbledore explained, before heading to the wall and walking past it three times, making a huge door appear. "Follow me."

We walked through the gigantic door, entering a huge room, with large benches that occupied half of the room, the rest of it was empty.

Draco and I moved to sit in the front row, Hermione and Ron walking in a few time later, and sitting next to us.

The professors stood in front of us, and waited until everyone sat down and the noise eased.

"This is where we will meet everyday. We are going to start with learning about how we can defend ourselves, and for that, we will divide the class in three parts: defence charms, which will be taught by professor Flitwick and professor McGonagall; defence potions, where you will learn to brew potions that can create protection, like shields or healing, which will be taught by professor Slughorn and professor Snape; and finally, muggle defence, which is fighting with our own hands, and it could be useful in case you are disarmed or have no protection on, which will be taught by Madam Hooch. I will be helping everyone who needs, and answer any question you have in the best way possible." Dumbledore said.

I raised my hand.

"Yes, Harry?"

"What will we start with? And for how long will this classes be held?" I asked.

"We will divide our time in three, starting with charms, then potions, then muggle fighting. The class will be divided in two for potions and charms, and each part will be taught be another professor, and then, for muggle fighting, you will be united again. As for your other question, I'm afraid I can't answer it with precision, it will be until you are ready, or until we are attacked, which I hope won't happen." I nodded, reaching my hand to hold Draco's, who was frightened with the idea of being attacked. "Any other questions?"

A few more hands were lifted, and the next half an hour was spent with answering those questions.

"No more time from questions, if you have any more, feel free to stop by my office. Now, Gryffindors and Hufflepuffs, you will have charms with professor McGonagall and Potions with professor Snape, Ravenclaws and Slytherins, professor Flitwick and professor Slughorn. You may begin." Dumbledore said.

"We're not together..." Draco frowned, and I kissed his forehead.

"Don't worry, you'll be okay." I said.

"No I won't... They will end up hurting me, and you know it. Slytherins say I'm a traitor for hanging out with you, and Ravenclaws hate me for being a Death Eater and for 'trying to turn the Chosen One to the dark side', and it won't end up well."

"Let's talk to Dumbledore, I'm sure he'll understand." I reassured him, and he smiled softly.

The class split up, and I dragged Draco to Dumbledore, who was standing in the back of the room.

"Hello there, my boys. What can I help you with?" he asked.

"I wanted to ask you permission to switch to the Gryffindor and Hufflepuff side, professor, as it is not safe for me to be around people who hate me without Harry around me." he murmured.

"You know it would be unfair for other students if you did so, don't you?" Dumbledore asked, and Draco looked down.

"Please, professor. I can't let him get hurt because of something he didn't do." I pleaded.

"I do not think you saw this clearly, Harry. He did do both of the things he's afraid to face. He did 'betray' the Slytherins, and he has the Dark Mark, which is understandable for students to be scared of." I looked down aswell, and Dumbledore looked at Draco, sighing. "But, I know for a fact that you were forced to take it, and that Harry is only trying to protect you, so I shall give you permission to switch." We smiled widely, and Draco threw himself at me, hugging me tight. "But if you disrupt classes or cause any trouble, you will immediately go back to Slytherin and Ravenclaw, are we clear?" we nodded, smiling.

"Thank you so much, professor!" Draco said, smiling and squeezing my hand.

"No problem, boys. Before you go, may I ask you something?" we nodded. "Are the both of you a couple? You don't have to answer that, but if you are, your secret is safe with me."

"I think half of the school has seen us kissing already, so it's not much of a secret. But we only made it official Saturday." I said, smiling at my beautiful boyfriend.

"Young love, how I miss it." Dumbledore said. "I used to look at someone that way in your age, sadly, he turned into an evil maniac and almost destroyed the wizarding world." he sighed. 

"Really? Who was it?" I asked, curious.

"Gellert Grindelwald." he said quietly.

"But didn't you defeat him?" Draco asked.

"I did what had to be done. Now, enough with my past, off you go!" he said, smiling at us, and we said our goodbyes and left to our first defence class.

A/N - Thanks for reading! Leave your vote and comment any thoughts or suggestions! Love you all!

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