Chapter XIV - Seeker Game

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Draco's POV

We spent the rest of the week with going to classes and hanging in the school grounds, and when Saturday arrived I noticed it was already the last day of twelve year old Harry. And that made me nervous, since professor Slughorn advised me to talk with him about puberty and all that stuff before he turned fourteen, and since I've been pushing the subject away for this whole time, today I needed to talk to him.

It was almost ten a.m. when Harry and I woke up in my chambers (he slept there almost everyday), and we slowly got up and headed to the kitchen to make breakfast.

"Dray?" he started.


"Tomorrow I turn fourteen, right?"

"Yes, Harry.You'll take the potion today, and tomorrow you'll wake up as a fourteen year old boy. Why?" I replied.

"Oh, nothing, don't worry." he looked at his feet.

"Angel... what is it?" I turned to him and lifted his chin so he would look at me.

"It's just... it's almost over... you know, professor Slughorn told us he hadn't managed to make any progress with the me remembering thing... and I don't want to forget!"

I locked my eyes with his, then leaned down and kissed his forehead gently.

"Look, Harry. Whatever happens, I'll never stop loving you, ok? Even if you become the same old Harry that hates me, I'll never ever hate you. And I promise I'll do everything to make you remember somehow. Ok?" I reassured him, and he nodded, then reached forward and hugged me, and I hugged back.

We stayed like that for a few minutes, and I broke the hug and looked at Harry.

I need to talk to him.

"Angel? Can I talk to you about something?"

"Yeah, sure. What is it?"

"Well... it's about the next phase."

"What about it?" he asked, confused.

I pulled his hand and went to sit in the couch with him. Then I sighed, and continued.

"Well, the age of fourteen is a age where you... hmm... pass through changes."

"What kind of changes?"

"Well, hmm, physical changes, hormonal and all that stuff. Well, essentially you'll start to have feelings you don't have right now, and it may confuse you, but you can always come to me if you have any questions, ok?" I explained awkwardly, and he nodded, looking at me suspicious. "Now, changing subject, should we go and make some breakfast, so we can spend the day outside, playing games, or even flying?"

His eyes lightened up at the mention of flying, and I chuckled.


We finished breakfast, grabbed our brooms, and headed to the quidditch pitch, and, luckily, it was empty.

We mounted our brooms quickly and began flying around.

Then I had an idea.

"Harry!" I shouted.

"Yes?" he shouted back.

"Come down for a little bit, I have a surprise!"

We flew to the ground quickly, and I went to ask for a snitch, so we could play together.

"What is it, Dray?" he asked, amused.

"This, my Harry, is a snitch."

"A what?"

"A snitch. You remember what I told you about quidditch? That you and I are seekers and play against each other?" he nodded. "Well, this is what we chase. Our job in the games is to catch this tiny ball. It's really hard, since it is really really fast, and you can barely see it."

His eyes were shining with amusement and I smiled at him.

"Want to try?" I asked, and he nodded eagerly.

I released the snitch and it started flying around, and when I looked to my side, Harry was already mounted in his broom and starting to chase the golden ball. I chuckled and mounted my own broom, and started chasing the snitch aswell.

It wasn't long before the whole school had heard about he seeker game that was happening, and half of it was sitting in the field benches, cheering for us.

Suddenly, I saw Harry leaning forward in his broom and flying with an enormous amount of speed, and I figured he had found the snitch.

I quickly turned around in my broom and started trying to catch up with him, but he was to fast.

I swore and then I heard cheers. I looked down and Harry had the snitch in his left hand, holding it up so everyone could see it.

Everyone was screaming his name, and I could tell he was battling over being embarrassed or flattered. He was flushed and smiling like crazy, and I knew he was happy.

I flew to stand next to him, grabbed him and settled him in my shoulders, so he could se everyone. Some people glared at that, some smiled, and some awed. But I didn't care. All I cared was about Harry's cute little blush and messed hair.

He leaned down in my shoulders so his lips were brushing my ear, and I shivered unwillingly.

"Thank you, Dray." he whispered, then kissed my cheek softly.

"No, Harry. Thank you. And you were really good, you know?"   

He giggled at that, then handed me the snitch back, but I quickly returned it to him, and he looked at me, confused.

"Keep it, angel. As a souvenir. Of our first game together."

He nodded and smiled at me, hugging my neck from behind me.

When people started walking away I released Harry from my shoulders and grabbed his hand, starting to return to our quarters.


Harry's POV

As we entered our quarters Draco kept looking at me funny.

"What is it? Do I have something in my face?" I said, wiping my cheeks in case they were dirty.

"No, no, angel. You're just... really cute, you know, when you're with your I just flew around and had an amazing time look." he said, chuckling, and I laughed at him.

We had lunch, and we spent the rest of the day playing wizard chess and talking about random stuff. Then, after we had dinner, it was time for me to take the potion.

Draco started walking me to my room, and I looked at him confused.

"Dray?" I asked, and he turned to me. "Where are you taking me?"

"To your room, Harry, where else?" he said, as it was obvious.

"M-my room? Why not yours? Dray, I don't want to be in my room..." I said looking down.

He sighed, then nodded, and walked me to his room instead.

We changed into our nightgowns and sat in Draco's bed.

He grabbed the potion, and looked at me, caressing my cheek softly, and I leaned my head into his touch.

"Ready, my angel?" he asked softly.

I nodded, and opened my mouth. He poured the potion inside my mouth and I made a disgusted face, throwing my tongue out, as I always do, and he laughed.

We layed down and I put my head in his chest and hugged his waist, as he rested his arm around my back.

"I love you, Dray." I said, sleepishly.

"And I love you, angel." he replied softly, and then I fell into a deep sleep, ready for one last month of adventure.

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