Chapter XXII - But I'm your git

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A/N - TwO ThoUsANd rEAdS??? I CAN'T DEAL WITH IT OH MERLIIIN!!!! You guys are absolutely amazing and I love every single one of you so much!!!! Thank you for making this happen, thank you for leaving your votes and for writing all those sweet comments❤❤❤

Draco's POV

The next day Harry and I woke up to the sound of loud whispers coming from the living room, and when we got up to find out the source of them, we found ourselves facing no one other than Hermione and Ronald arguing.

We stood at the doorframe, and they stayed oblivious to our presence for a while, until Ronald's eyes landed on us, and he put his head down, as Hermione kept whisper-yelling at him for some random reason.

Ronald pocked her and she turned around, then her expression changed into a sorry one as she came closer to Harry and I.

"Oh my- I'm so sorry! Did we wake you? I told Ron to keep quiet but-" she apologised in a rush, but Harry stoped her.

"It's alright, 'Mione! Don't worry about it! We were already up, anyway." he lied, and I shock my head and chuckled.

"Hum... may I just ask why are you both shirtless?" Harry and I exchanged a glance and blushed. "And why does Draco have hickeys in his arm?!" she pointed, shocked.

I looked at my arm and blushed even harder, turning crimson, as I looked at my forearm to find red and purple marks around the Mark. How didn't I notice that he started sucking! Oh, Merlin!

I looked up at Harry to find him blushing as hard as I was, and then Ronald coughed, and we turned our attention to him.

"Well, hm... we just wanted to make sure you were okay... and you are! So me and Hermione will be going... hmm... see you later..." he stuttered.

"Yeah... see you..." Hermione agreed.

As soon as they were out the door Harry and I were left in a awkward silence.

Until he broke it.

"I'm sorry Draco. For the... hm... you know..."

"I-It's fine, don't worry." I replied.

He walked tentatively closer to me, and when I nodded he took it as a sign to keep going, and soon his lips were on mine, in a hungry kiss.

We stayed like that, tongues dancing together, and only broke a part a few minutes later, both gasping for breath.

"Breakfast starts in ten..." he whispered.

"We should get ready..." I whispered back.

"Or we could just stay here..."

"Harry... you know we can't... professor Dumbledore wants everyone eating in the Great Hall, it's not safe..." I explained, caressing his cheek with the back of my hand, and he nodded, leaning into the touch. "Let's get dressed."


Harry's POV

After we got ready, we headed to the Great Hall, and sat opposite to Hermione and Ron.

As we finished eating, I asked Draco if it would be okay if I excused myself for a while, and when he nodded, I kissed his cheek, got up, and started walking to professor Dumbledore's direction.

Yes, I don't like him. But I need to find a way to talk to Sirius, and I don't know who else to ask.

When I caught the headmaster's gaze, he walked up to me immediately.

"Harry, my boy! How can I help you?" he asked.

"Hi, sir. I wanted to ask you  favour, it's about Draco." I explained, and he nodded.

"Then we shall head to my office, that way you can talk freely." he said, and I hummed in agreement and followed him to his office, catching Draco's confused eyes on my way out of the Great Hall, and I replied him with a smirk.


Dumbledore's office was a mess, with papers and books everywhere, and I could only imagine the amount of stress he and the other professors where going through.

"Excuse the mess, Harry." he said, as he sat in his chair at the other side of his desk. "Have a seat."

I walked to sit in front of him, and as soon as I sat down he started talking again.

"So, Harry. What is it you wanted to discuss with me?"

"I wanted to know if there was anyway I could contact my godfather." I replied.

"Sirius Black?" I nodded. "Well, of course! He is a member of the Order, so he has access to  the floo system in my office. It was set up so Order members could enter and leave Hogwarts grounds without having to take down the wards, so it does not endanger the school." he explained and I nodded.

"Thank you very much, sir. Could I know just how long would it take for him to arrive?"

"I'll owl him now, so he should be here in the afternoon. May I ask what does it have to do with Draco Malfoy?" he asked.

"I want to ask him if he wouldn't mind having Draco there for Easter break, as it is not safe for him to return to the Manor, as he has decided to switch sides." I said, and he smiled.

"So we have a Malfoy on our side?" he asked, happily.

"We sure do." I replied, returning the smile.


Draco's POV

Classes had been dismissed again, since the professors still needed to figure out what to doit 

Lunch time was almost arriving and Harry wasn't back yet, and I was getting worried.

"Draco, calm down! He's fine, Hogwarts is safe. Plus, he left with Dumbledore, right? Don't worry." Hermione tried reassuring me.

We were sitting in Harry and I's couch, waiting for him to come.

"How do you expect me to stay calm when my boyfriend is out there Merlin knows where doing Merlin know what!" I snapped, and she sighed.

Five minutes later the door opened.

"Dray? Are you there?" I heard Harry's voice.

"HARRY!!!" I yelled, and ran to the door, jumping on him.

"Hi, Draco... hmm.. I've been out for like two hours, why are you acting like that?" he asked, confused, and I smacked him on the shoulder.

"You git! You leave like that, not telling where you're going? What are you leaving for? For how long are you going? You had me worried, angel! Something bad could have happened to you!" I shouted, a tear falling from my face.

"Oh, Dray... I'm so sorry..." he whispered, and took me in his arms, running his fingers through my hair. "I didn't mean to worry you, love..."

"I-It's okay... where did you go, anyway?"

"Dumbledore's office. I need to talk to Sirius, and he was the only one who could help me with that. I'm so sorry I didn't tell you, next time I promise to do so, deal?" he said, and I nodded into his chest. "Hello there, Ron, 'Mione!" he greeted as he saw we had company.

"Thank Merlin you're here, Harry! Draco was going nuts!" Hermione complained, and he chuckled.

"Tell me about it! He shouted at us at every word that left our mouths!" Ronald agreed.

"Guess my boyfriend just loves me too much to stay away, hum?" he mocked, and I buried my face deeper in his chest.

"Git." I said.

"But I'm your git." he replied.

"Oh, that you are!" I said, as I looked up at him.

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