Chapter XXIV - Stag

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Harry's POV

I spent the rest of the night tossing and turning, thinking about my talk with Sirius, and how I needed to talk with Draco about it.

After what seemed like forever, sun rose up, and Wednesday morning arrived.

I got up from bed, careful not to wake Draco up, and tiptoed to our kitchen, as I planned on making him an amazing breakfast, with all his favourite sweets, just so I could see the beautiful smile that I fell in love with.

I had been baking for about fifty minutes when everything was done, and there were only a few minutes until Draco woke up.

I set the table, decorating it with flowers and candles, and put two plates on top of it.

Then the only thing left was to wake Draco.

I walked slowly into our room, and layed next to him, resting a arm on his hip.

"Hey, dragon... good morning!" I said in his ear sweetly, and he groaned, then yawned, slowly opening his eyes up.

"Hi angel..." he whispered, cuddling into my chest.

"I have a surprise for you." I said.

"Hm? For me? A surprise? Why?" he asked, seeming obviously shocked.

"I love you... isn't that enough of a reason for wanting to surprise you?" I whispered, kissing his nose, which caused him to giggle and blush.

"I suppose..." he replied, yawning again, before sitting up and stretching.

He was rubbing his face and running his fingers through his hair, and sat there, watching him.

"What are you staring at?" he asked, which brought me back to reality.

"You." I answered.

"Me? Why? Do I have something on my face?"

"No. You're just so beautiful. And I want to sit here just watching you forever."

He blushed and smiled at me lovingly.

"You're not so bad yourself." he finally said, and we both laughed together.

"Now get up, I want to show you your surprise." I said, getting up and opening the door, which filled the room with delicious smells.

"What is it? It smells delicious!" Draco asked in surprise.

"You'll see." I replied, walking out of the room, followed by Draco. I pulled out a chair in our dining room for him, and he sat, looking at me suspiciously, and I turned around and disappeared into the kitchen.

I came back a few moments later, followed by floating plates of food, and Draco's eyes lite up as I set the enormous amount of food on the table.

"Harry! You didn't-" he started.

"Yes, I did." I interrupted him, and his lips turned into one of the brightest, if not the brightest, smile I'd ever seen. That made my heart melt, and I walked up to him, planting a soft kiss on his sweet lips.

"Harry... this is too much! You probably spent a lot of time with it! You shouldn't have-"

"I love you. You were worth every minute I spent with these sweets." he smiled again. "And that wonderful smile of yours? Makes me want to do this every single day, just so I get the chance to see it every morning, when you wake up." I whispered, close to his mouth.

"Thank you... I love you..." he whispered back, before kissing me again.

Then he looked at the table and back at me.

"These are my favourites!" he exclaimed.

"I know." I said, kissing him one last time before walking to the other side of the table, to my seat.


Draco's POV

Harry and I finished the amazing breakfast he had made after about forty minutes, which left us with a little less then half an hour before having to go to the Great Hall, since the professors has an announcement to do.

We talked, kissed and cuddled on the couch for most of that time, until we had to get ready to leave.

We got dressed in some muggle clothes, and much to my surprise I actually enjoyed them, they were pretty comfortable, and then we left.

We sat next to the other two members of the Golden Trio, and waited for Dumbledore.

Everyone was whispering and trying to figure out what would the headmaster want to announce, but quickly those whispers faded, as he entered the Great Hall, followed by the rest of the professors.

They stood in front of everyone, in a line, half in each of Dumbledore's sides.

"Good morning, students!" he started. "You must all be wondering what would we want to announce that would require the whole school gathering in here. Well, the answer for that is simple, yet, it may not be pleasant." Whispers were heard again. "Silence!" Quiet. "As I was saying, I have not so pleasant news. We are not as safe as we though we were. We were planning on getting classes started again today, but something happened. There is someone among us, who is not who they claim being." People started looking at me, and I felt Harry squeezing my hand. "Katie Bell, a Gryffindor seventh year, has been cursed by a necklace given to her. The person who gave her the said necklace, wanted her to deliver it to someone, who we don't know who is, but she touched it accidentally, which led her to be cursed. She is lucky to be alive right now, and we have no idea what will happen next. That's why we have to be prepared. We're going to focus exclusively on learning about defence and attack spells, so we are able to protect each other. We are strong, and, together, we can beat Voldemort. We only have to have faith, and believe in our strengths, because it is in dark times like these we live in, that they bring themselves to surface. Good morning everyone, you are now dismissed."

The Great Hall erupted into whispers and discussions, and quickly everyone was looking at me, so Harry grabbed my arm and ran to our quarters.


"What are you doing!" I shouted.

"Dementors!" he said.


"I could feel them, they were surrounding the school." he explained.


"I don't know. But I know that I need to know you'll be safe. So I'm teaching you to conjure a patronus."

"What?" I asked again.

"You heard me. You will learn to conjure a patronus. Now think of a happy memory."

And that's how we spent the rest of the day, and by the end of it, my patronus revealed itself to be a beautiful stag.

Like Harry's.

And you know why is that?

Because he's my happy memory.

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