Chapter XV - I'm doomed

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Draco's POV

The next day I woke up before Harry, and when I opened my eyes he was cuddled in my chest, arms around my waist and pressed dangerously against me.

Fourteen year old Harry was hot. Like really hot. Almost as hot as sixteen year old Harry. And Merlin, my mind was racing and my heart was beating so fast at our closeness.

I tried freeing myself from his grip, but when I moved he groaned and pulled me even closer to him.

I knew I was blushing hard, and I knew the awkwardness that awaited me when he woke up.

I waited for almost fifteen more minutes before I felt Harry stirring and opening his eyes slowly.

"Mornin', Dray." he said in a husky voice, as he buried his face in deeper in my chest and yawned softly.

Merlin help me his voice is so much deeper.

"Hi, Harry." I said softly, trying to hide my discomfort. "Hmm... h-how do you feel?"

"I'm alright, I guess." he replied, before pulling himself higher in bed so his face was close to mine. "What about you?" he almost whispered, looking into my eyes.

He is doing it on purpose, the git! He knows it's affecting me!

"I-I hmm..." I tried to form words but I couldn't. Instead, I just stared into his beautiful green eyes and got lost in them.

"Am I bothering you, Draco?" he whispered in my ear in a deep voice, and I flushed even harder. "Am I making you feel uncomfortable?"

"Hmm... hmm..." I couldn't get a word out of my mouth.

"Your eyes are beautiful, did you know?" he breathed even closer to my ear.

"H-Harry... stop, please." I begged.

"Why? Do I make you feel... stuff?"

"Harry..." I let out, in a desperate whisper.

Then he turned around and got up, walking to my bathroom to take a bath without saying another word, leaving me there.

He was teasing me! I can't believe it!

I stayed in bed trying to regain my breath again, and I stared at the ceiling.

I won't be able to deal with him for a whole month if he's going to keep teasing like that! I thought.

A few moments later I heard the water of the shower stopping running, and then the door opened revelling a dripping wet Harry with a towel around his waist only.

My eyes were fixed on his naked torso and I was sure I was as red as Weasley's hair.

Then he coughed, and I looked up.


"Hey, Dray? Do you have any clothes I can borrow? The ones I have don't really fit anymore."

I simply nodded and headed to my closet to find something for Harry.

I looked to my side and found him standing next to me, looking through my clothes.

He grabbed a green and silver sweatshirt and turned to me.

"Can I wear it? I like it." he asked.

"Yeah, sure." I said, handing him some black trousers to match with the sweatshirt.

But, instead of going away, he stood there, looking at me, leaving me confused, as I didn't know what he was waiting for.

He just wants to torture me some more I bet.

Small Accidents, New Beginnings - DrarryWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu