Chapter VII - Such a Slytherin!

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Draco's POV

The next day was a school day, but we overslept, being woken up by professor Dumbledore.

"May I ask why are you two not in class?" he asked, sounding slightly angry. 

"We.. I-" I started, but was interrupted.

"I-I'm s-sorry, professor" he fake coughed "I'm not feeling really well and Dray offered to stay with me until I got better." He said, fake coughing again.

How isn't he a Slytherin? Because he certainly acts like one. I thought, grinning to myself.

"Is it true, Mr. Malfoy?"

I nodded.

"Very well, in that case I will let you have the day off, do you want me to call Madam Pomfrey?" he asked.

"There's no need for that professor, we already have the necessary medicine right here." I said, playing along with Harry.

"Then I shall leave you to rest." Dumbledore said, walking away from our quarters.

As soon as the door was closed, Harry started laughing, and I laughed with him.

"Merlin, Harry, how did you come up with that out of nowhere?" I asked him, still laughing.

"I just figured, that after yesterday, none of us would be in the mood to even get out of these quarters." he explained, regaining his breath.

"Very well played, my angel!" I told him, making him smile.

Seven year old Harry certainly looked healthier and happier, and I wondered if it was in any way influenced by my way of taking care of him.

"Let's bake a cake!" he said, excited.

"Why a cake?" I asked, confused.

"'Cause I know you love to eat all the leftovers of the dough, and because we could do it together!"

I blushed at that.

"I do not!"

"Yes you do! I've seen you!" he said laughing.

I rolled my eyes and looked at him, then grinned and launched myself at him, tickling him mercilessly.

"S-s-stooooop! N-nooo! Aaaaaaaaah!" he kept saying, out of breath. "D-Draaaaaaaaaay! Pleaaaaaase!"

"Why should I stop?" I asked, still tickling him.

"B-because i-if you don't then I'll steal all the dough and eat it myself!" he threatened, making me stop.

"That's not fair!" I exclaimed.

"Life isn't fair!" he said, straightening him clothes and hair.

He kissed my cheek gently, then got out of bed and entered the bathroom to brush his teeth and get dressed.

I smiled at the small gesture, and got up to start preparing the ingredients for the cake. I decided on baking a chocolate chip one, as it was Harry's favourite of all the ones I've done before.

As I was finishing getting the ingredients together, I saw Harry walking into the kitchen, wearing a green sweater and black jeans. I smiled at the combination.

"Wow, angel, you look amazing!" I told him.

"Thank you, I really like green, your bedroom if by far nicer than mine, I don't really like red anymore." he said, and I grinned to myself. Oh, if Weasley heard him I would be doomed!

"I think you look beautiful in green." I said, smiling at him, and he blushed. "Now come on, let's get baking!"

He picked up a small chair, settled it next to me and climbed it, so he could be taller.

As we were finishing the dough, I caught Harry looking at me, deep in thought.


"Hm?" he replied.

"What are you thinking about?"

"Oh, nothing, nevermind." he said.

"Harry, please."

"I don't want to bring that subject up again."

"Is it about your family?"

He shook his head.

"Then what?" I asked, getting worried.

"It's about you. I know what you told me yesterday wasn't the reason you were crying. Five year old me believed it was, for some reason, but I don't. Could you tell me?"

"Maybe another time?" I said, softly, not looking him in the eye.


"Please, angel, not now."

He nodded, his eyes filled with hurt.

"Harry, it's not that I don't want to tell you, I will, eventually. But I don't want to ruin our day..."

"It's fine, Dray." he said, kissing my cheek gently.

I smiled at him and we finished our dough. We put it on a cake pan, and with a flick of my wand, it was ready to be eaten.

We ate the dough that was left, then sat in the living room, eating our cake.

"It's delicious!" Harry said, humming while taking a bite at his slice.

"It sure is!" I chuckled. "You helped, so it would be delicious with no doubt."

He smiled at me.

When we were finishing eating our slices, the door of our quarters opened, revealing a really concerned Granger.

She then looked at us and gave us a confused look.

"I'm sick." Harry said, fake coughing.

"Of course you are." she said, obviously not buying it, shacking her head in disapproval. "You can't be skipping classes because you feel like it, both of you!"

"Look, Granger, we barely slept last night, so, when Dumbledore came in, I told Harry to pretend being sick so we could rest."

"Why would you do that, Malfoy?! Are you insane? You're turning Harry into you!"

"Dray's lying!" I turned to him, alarmed. "It was completely my idea and I'm sorry. I had a really bad nightmare so Dray spent the rest of the night trying to calm me down." Harry lied, again. Damn, he is such a Slytherin!

"A nightmare?" she asked me, and I nodded. "Ow, poor darling!"

She sighed then came to sit next to us, and caressed Harry's cheek, making me slightly jealous.

"Do you want a slice of the cake? It's delicious!" Harry asked her, and she accepted.

We spent the morning together since she had a free period until lunch, she handed me her notes so I could catch up on what we had learnt, and I explained her the situation that Harry was on, and that he needed to take one potion at a time.

Then, when lunch time came, she left, but not before giving Harry hug. 

When the door closed, I got up and cooked us some mashed potatoes with steak, obviously, all done with magic, and we ate and talked about everything and nothing.

When we finished lunch we spent the afternoon playing board games and playing with Harry's toys, then, after dinner, we fell asleep on the couch, Harry laying on top of me, and we slept peacefully, not bothering about anything that had happened the day before, and determined to make the most of our time together.

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