Chapter XIII - Where it all began

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Harry's POV

We fell asleep cuddled in the couch without even noticing, and the next day I woke up with a groan. Merlin, my back's so sore!

"Ugh!" I heard from behind me, and I figured Dray's with the same problem.

"Uuuugh! Why did we have to fall asleep in the couch? Couldn't we at least have moved to the bed?" he said to himself, annoyed, and I chuckled and turned around to face him.

"Good morning to you too! Someone's extra grumpy today." I mocked and giggled.

"Don't you laugh at me! I'm serious! I might die of pain!"

"Drama queen! I'm hungry. And today's our first day in school again!" I said excited.

"It's my first day back at school, not yours, you're just going to sit beside me doing nothing!"

"No I'm not! I'm going to pay attention. We start with charms, and I love charms. Then we have Herbology, where I probably won't pay attention, I don't like it. Then we have lunch, then double History of Magic, which is quite interesting."

"Didn't we have double potions?" he asked, confused.

"We did, but it was changed, so it didn't have to be three days in a row. Now the class you were supposed to have today will be in friday, instead History of Magic." I explained.

"Ok, makes sense." he said. "Anything else?"

"Not that I remember."

"Fine. Now get up, I have to shower then make breakfast so we can leave."

"Don't worry about breakfast, I've got it covered. Go and take a long nice shower and I'll deal with breakfast."

"Harry, I can't have you cooking more! You've already done enough for me for the past week!" he pointed out.

"I do it because I want to, Dray. And I wouldn't change what I did for you for nothing. Now get up and go take that shower!"

"Ugh, fine!" he groaned, getting up. "But I won't have you doing that many times, okay?"

"Yes, yes. Now go!" I said.

When he faded from view I entered the kitchen and started preparing breakfast. I made us some pancakes with chocolate chips, and spilled chocolate syrup over them.

A few minutes later Draco entered the kitchen and smiled at me.

"Hmm! What is that delicious smell, angel?"

"Pancakes!" I replied. "With chocolate chips and chocolate syrup, since you are a chocolate addict!"

"I am not!" he claimed, faking shock.

"Oh, but you are indeed!" I chuckled, and he burst out laughing.

After we both calmed down we took the pancakes and plates to the dinning room and served ourselves.

Dray took a bite and hummed. "Merlin, Harry! Those are delicious!" 

"Only the best for the best, right?"

"Ow, you're so adorable!" he said, while ruffling my hair.

We finished eating the pancakes, washed the dishes together, since Draco wouldn't let me wash them alone, and then we headed to charms.


Draco's POV

Charms was pretty exciting actually. We demonstrated our progresses in the engorgement charm, and, to everyones surprise, Harry managed to do it better than many people in class. He knew how to do it almost perfectly since he was the one who taught me.

That, of course, caused almost the whole class to look at us in shock, Hermione being the only exception, looking at Harry with pride, and professor Flitwick to be delighted with the capacities of the little boy.

Then, when lunch time arrived, the word had spread that the twelve year old Boy Who Lived had aced charms. 

Harry and I sat at the Gryffindor table, next to Hermione and Weasley, much to mine and Harry's discomfort, but we decided to ignore him.

"You are such a clever little wizard, Harry! I'm soooo proud!" Hermione said, while pinching Harry's cheeks hard, causing him to send me a look begging for help, but I shock my head and mouthed for him to deal with it. That earned me a glare and then he threw himself of Hermione and fell to the floor.

"Harry!" I shouted, running around the table to get him. The Great Hall had their eyes in us, but I ignored it as I kneeled next to Harry picking him up.

"Are you ok, angel?" I asked. Weasley and many more people gasped at the nickname, and I felt Hermione grin from behind us, but I ignored.

"Dunno. Head hurts." he replied, wincing.

"Oh, Harry, you need to be more careful! You could have broken something!" I advised him, and kissed his cheek softly, which earned even more gasps from everyone.

"It's okay, Dray." he smiled at me, then kissed my nose in return, which earned even more gasps.

I turned to the people around us. "Stop gasping! Don't you have anything better to do with your poor excuses of a life?" I shouted. I was getting really annoyed from the constant stares and gasps when people saw us.

"Dray... don't be mean... let's just leave." he said softly.

"I'm sorry, my angel. It's just really annoying that we can't be left alone, you know?"

"Yeah, I know." he said, giving me a soft smile, then opening his arms for me to lift him.

I picked him up and headed to our quarters, ignoring the stares and sneers.


The rest of the week passed by quickly, and when we knew it was weekend. More precisely, Hogsmeade weekend, and I decided to take Harry there, since we've never gone to Hogsmeade together.

I showed him to the school supplies shops, coffee shops, candy stores and many more. We ended up with lots of bags of candy, clothes and toys, not because Harry asked, he actually had said he didn't want to spend my money, I just decided to buy him whatever he stared at a moment to long, and the things that brought light to his beautiful green eyes.

Then we passed through a specific shop, that made me stop and look closer. Madam Malkin's Robes. The place I first saw Harry. The place I saw those beautiful shiny green eyes for the first time in my life. The day my life changed.

"Dray? Are you alright?" I heard Harry asking.

I looked at him and smiled, before turning back to look at the shop. "Yes. I'm more than alright, actually."

"Hmm... ok?" he said, unsure of what to reply.

"Do you know this place, Harry?"

"No..." he replied, confused.

"It's where we first met." I explained to him, then smiled.

He offered me his hand, smiling, and I took it. Then we just stayed there, hand in hand, looking at the place where it all began.

"Can we go in?" Harry asked, suddenly.


We entered, and Harry tried on different robes, just for fun, as I relived the encounter, and chuckled at how confused poor Harry was when I had talked to him.

Then I took Harry's hand again, and we walked back to Hogwarts, not saying a word, just enjoying each others company.

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