Chapter 28: Please

Start from the beginning

"Little hard to pretend your something you most definitely are not." She mumbled.

"Oh my god, Lilianna Price can you have some faith in humanity for once?" He groaned, his head falling forward in defeat.

"But you're not humane!" She yelled back.

"You're so impossibly stubborn! Nothing gets through that thick, blonde head of yours, does it?" He snapped, eyes glaring at her with his arms crossed over his chest.

"Oh and now you're going to insult me after you confess your undying love to me and how you wish you could be seen as the good guy? That's rich!" She laughed, crossing her arms over her chest as well.

"I do love you!" He yelled in a strained tone.

"Oh really?" She rolled her eyes.


"Then prove it!"




And he snatched her back into his arms where he kissed her deeply.

"That's not what I meant!" She yelled once he finally let go of her.

"You said prove it!" He reminded her.

"Not by making a sexual advance!"

"That was far from sexual, kitten. But if you want sexual I mean-"

"You're disgusting!" She cut him off, grabbing the child carrier that held a confused Rochelle and storming past him.

"I'm not done talking to you!" He called after her, quickly walking up to her as she stepped onto the staircase.

"Well, I'm done talking to you." She hissed, running away before he could stop her.

Terrence took a deep breath and sat on the steps, his hands threaded in his swept-back brown locks. "That tease of a woman."

Lilianna briskly walked about the kitchen, her head lost in song as she sang lowly under her breath. "I want you, oh my god I want you to see me in this pain."

She kneaded the fourth ball of pizza dough over the floured counter and bounced on her toes as she hummed out the song she had gotten stuck in her head. "So please just give me something for the pain, because my heart softens to your name."

"You're a great singer," Jeremiah admitted as he entered the kitchen. She jumped at his voice and looked up at the older man.

"I'm not that good." She mumbled, going back to the dough she was flattening with a wood rolling pin.

"No, you're really good." He repeated, sitting before her on the bar stools.

"My mom was better." She sighed. "She taught me some music in her short time with me."

"That's nice." He mumbled, thinking about his own wife and her relationship with Hannah.

"And what brings you to my kitchen?" Lilianna asked, looking up at him and meeting his gaze.

"Oh, I just wanted to thank you for taking the girls out today. They loved it. Hannah told me all about it as quickly as she could and Rochelle is dead asleep and has been since you got back. You do a lot for them and me, and I'm sincerely grateful for all you do." He told her.

"That's nice of you to say. But really, it's my pleasure. They are both wonderful kids and I wouldn't have it any other way." She assured him whilst setting the flat crust on a sheet and moving onto the fifth ball of dough.

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