She didn't know she was crying until she felt the tears on her body. She stood up to leave since she could get nothing from him. Her fears had been confirmed. She would suffer it all alone.

He suddenly dragged and sat her on his laps and stroked her hair like he always did. She cried like a baby on his shoulder. She sat still, the tears pouring freely, wishing things would be normal again.

" Ssssshh. Don't cry. I'm here for you. What did you think was going to happen ? That I'd deny it ? "

She didn't say anything. There was nothing to say. Her weeping became a low hiccup after some time. She held him tight and let herself believe everything he'd said to comfort her. It wouldn't make the baby disappear, but knowing he was there was enough. When she got her voice, she could only mutter a small but heartfelt " I love you " .

* * *

When Oma got up that morning, she had a bad feeling about the day. Maybe it was just a pregnancy symptom but it was so strong it was scary. She slowly got up to brush her teeth and cringed when she saw the size of her stomach. It still wasn't obvious but she didn't want it to grow at all. The baby was growing so well despite her diet change.

She was now four months pregnant and four times more irritated. She ran a bath to give herself some relaxation. As she lay in the bubbly water, she wondered what the next five months would be like. Nia would hopefully stop starving her, knowing it was already too late for the baby to be aborted. It was her own poor plan to make the baby go away since the two abortion procedures and the myriad of pills she'd given her hadn't worked. She couldn't wait to finally eat real food.

She dried her body and danced as she put on some clothes, before going through her morning routine of calling Dan. Even when everything was looking grey for her she still felt contented as she knew her boyfriend would always be there for her.
They spoke everyday and she told him everything. He'd been disappointed when the procedures didn't work but now he was even more excited than anyone for the birth of their baby.

The phone rang three times without an answer. She dropped it in anger. Everything annoyed her these days.

She brought down her clothes with a waist trainer. It was the day for their result collection. Hopefully, no one would notice her tummy since she had something to hold her slightly bigger stomach.

She stealthily moved down the stairs, watching to catch sight of Nia. They still hadn't talked about what would happen when her pregnancy showed. She feared Nia these days. Feared her silence. It was unnatural. She preferred the beginning when she'd tortured her in everyway, but now she acted like she wasn't there.

She got to school in an Uber. Her body stiffened when anyones eyes went to her stomach. It was no telling they could see it.
She needed to find Dan. She missed him so much. She needed to know if he'd finally told his parents about her. She would get to meet them finally, though she wished they could have met her as the perfect girlfriend for their son, instead of the clingy slut that got pregnant to trap him.

It was noon and Dan still hadn't come to school that day. She became more scared when he didn't pick her calls. What could have happened to him. She didn't know his house or his family so she began to imagine he'd gotten into an accident and there was no way of knowing.

She held her result and scanned through it. Alone. It should have been both of them. She'd passed chemistry for the first time ever. She would have kissed him for that. She'd only failed one subject, Igbo. It wouldn't keep her from graduating anyway.

She decided to call his friends. At least Dave. She just needed to find Dan. She made her way through the thick maze of students, some with parents yelling, some without. She was lucky Nia wasn't there to ask her how she could fail her own mothertongue, something she never bothered to teach her.

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