Crash the Wedding

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"Haha, at least it wasn't us in the hospital bed this time, right Josh?" Vernon chuckled nervously. Joshua smiled worriedly at their leader, who looked like he'd been dragged through a bush backwards.

"Next time the cake is going to be bread"
"Jeongin, you know you can't have sugar past-"

Woojin was interrupted by an energetic teenager, which zoomed past him like a cheetah on sugar.

Well, he indeed was on sugar.


Jeongin had two slices of cake already and he was buzzing. Himself, Hyuk and Dino were running around like their were insane.

The room was filled with screaming and plenty of cuss words coming from Hanbin's mouth. Agent after agent fell over like dominos since the boys were simply too difficult to catch.



Felix, Hyunjin and Jisung looked at their teammate with amusement but their smiles soon disappeared when Jeongin high jump kicked Felix. It looked as if a bowling ball hit the pin with all its force.

Hyunjin and Jisung looked at each before bursting into laughter. Woojin had his hand over his eyes while Chan was watching the whole show, casually munching on his cake.

Hyuk managed to scramble himself into the vents, so Hongbin and Ravi were ordered by Hakyeon to look for him. Ken's anxiety was through the roof since he's experienced this from the maknae before.

As for Dino...

Seongcheol was ready to explode.

He was throwing food in every single place he could see. It landed on the curtains, the wedding cake, and of course the guests.
Ten wiped a large piece of icing off his face, revealing his red, enraged expression underneath.

Jun and Minghao looked down from the balcony, seeing the large hall before them turn into a massive wreck.

They both found it amusing nonetheless.


But it was too late.

Except...nobody ran into the cake. Someone landed on top of it instead.

Hyuk burst out of a vent from above while making Tarzan noises, landing directly on top of the layered cake.

It all ended with a large crash.

The newly wedded couple gasped with horror as a large crack could also be heard. Hakyeon ran over to help the maknae onto his well as tend his new injury.

Leo had Dino and Jeongin tightly in his grasp, Dino was struggling to get out while Jeongin just gave up. He felt defeated.

Woojin told hold of Jeongin while Seongcheol just stared at Dino with disapproving eyes.
Jun and Minghao rushed themselves downstairs to see the disaster before them.

Dino and Jeongin looked at the couple and then their feet. They realised the trouble they caused and felt ashamed. But to their surprise, Jun started laughing.

"Don't worry about it you guys, that was the funniest thing I've ever se- oh my god Hyuk are you alright?"

"Broken collarbone" Hakyeon said bluntly, while giving the maknae a gentle smack on the head.

"Oh...I'm sorry-"

"You have nothing to apologise for, I'm the one that needs to apologise for his behaviour"

The evening ended with the maknaes (except Hyuk) cleaning up the mess.
"Broken collarbone huh..." Joshua winced at the thought. "Nasty..."

"This is why no maknae is supposed to have sugar" Seongcheol sighed. "NCT's maknae was well behaved though, I was quite surprised"

"Not the party type I suppose..."

"Anyone else seriously injured?" Vernon said with a cocked brow. It was now Woozi's turn to speak.

"Felix's back locked after Jeongin knocked him off his feet. Some guests had injuries from broken glass...some bruising. That's it"

"Oh! And Ten cried cause there was ice cream in his hair-"

"It was icing" Seokmin corrected the smaller.

"Whatever! It's still a liquid...ish"

"Yeah well...I'm sorry about your wedding guys. I'm sure you can't wait to leave for honeymoon" Joshua chuckled. He shuffled himself into Vernon's side for some extra warmth.

"Nah, Jun and I found it hilarious. Best wedding ever" Minghao smiled. "We need action like that more often"

Seongcheol scoffed, "you'll change your mind soon enough."

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