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"Welcome back Joshua" S.Coups smirked from the end of the bed, with his arms crossed over his chest.

Joshua laughed coldly, "who said I came back? I'll be out of your way as soon as I've healed"

S.Coups shook his head, "you're going no where, especially after what Vernon's been through"

Joshua cocked a brow, "what do you mean?"

"He's barely slept, he's become more sensitive. And he just isn't...Vernon

It's since you've been gone, Joshua"

Joshua felt his heart sink. He was speechless.

He wriggled around in the blankets trying to get comfortable, but bandages around his stomach were not helping one bit. They were extremely itchy too.

Joshua tried to change the subject.

"Well, at least I know how he felt when he was here" he chuckled. "Poor guy"

The leader furrowed his brows.

"Did anything I say about Vernon mean anything to you?"

"Look, I understand he's...hurt but I don't belong here Seongcheol-"

"Don't you care about him and how he feels? And us?"

"I do-"

"Then stay. You don't have to stay forever but for only a month or so...please. I just want to see my family happy again"

Joshua looked down, and thought for a moment.

"I'm really that special, huh?"

S.Coups nodded, giving Joshua a warm smile with it.

Joshua sighed.

"Only for a month"
"Hey" Vernon said softly as he shut the door behind him. "How are you feeling?"

Joshua looked up at the younger and a smile slowly spread across his face. Vernon was the only person he wanted to see out of the whole household.

"I've been better" Joshua sighed. "So this is what is feels like to have a hole in your stomach, huh?"

Vernon chuckled, "it's not pleasant is it?"

Joshua shook his head.

"So, uh...are you staying...with us?" Vernon looked at Joshua with puppy eyes. He didn't even realise he was doing it.
Joshua suddenly felt weaker than before.


Vernon sat beside him on the bed, and looked into Joshua's eyes with hope. He's felt the happiest he'd ever been while he was here. Missing Joshua was like a missing piece of him.

A small force was bringing Vernon forward, closer and closer to Joshua's face. Joshua didn't stop him either, he reached up to Vernon's shirt and gripped it, pulling him closer himself.

Their lips connected, and it lasted much longer than it did before. Butterflies exploded within the pairs chests and it felt wonderful. They could both feel each other smiling against each other's lips too.

Vernon stroked Joshua's hair as they stayed in that position, making the older feel warm and fuzzy inside. Once they pulled apart, all they did was stare at each other. Eyes full of love and warmth.

"I'll stay...for a short time" Joshua whispered.

Vernon's eyes lit up and he smiled widely, pressing his forehead against Joshua's. "How long is a short time?"

"About a we've got to make it worth while"

"Why are you staying for a short time, when you could leave again? Not that I want you to..." Vernon was looking down at Joshua again, the love in his eyes suddenly turned to sadness.

Joshua saw it clearly.

"I'm doing this for you...because I want you to be happy"

"But then you'll be gone again, and I won't be happy again"

"A person shouldn't be the only thing that makes you happy, otherwise you'll be empty. You won't find joy in anything else" Joshua sighed.
"Listen...I don't know anything about love or how these relationships work. I'm clueless. I don't want to screw things up"


"But the main reason I'm leaving you again is because I'm scared. We all have enemies, Vernon. And if my enemies found out about you, they will take that to their advantage and take you away. Since it's my weakness"

Vernon's eyes saddened even more. He knew being in a relationship with an ex-assassin was a dangerous game to play, but it was something he was risk.

"I know it's dangerous, Joshua" Vernon held both of Joshua's hands in his own. And looked into his eyes sternly.

"But this is a risk I'm willing to take, because I feel...I'm empty without you in my life. As cheesy as it sounds, I'm in love with you and I can't leave you"

Joshua's eyes grew wide and watery as it became more emotional between the two. His grip tightened on Vernon's hands.

"Please stay"

Joshua let some tears slide as he snatched his hands away from Vernon's and grabbed his face instead, pulling him into another heart-warming kiss.
"So, I'm guess I'm coming back" Joshua announced to the rest of the team. Eyes widened and jaws dropped.

"Really?! You'll stay?!" Woozi started to squeal. Jumping up and down like an excited child.

Joshua nodded, and smiled. Looking up at Vernon, who was standing next to him. Vernon smiled back at him, sending shivers down the older's spine.

The whole group sprung up from their seats and sprinted towards Joshua with arms spread wide. Joshua began to panic as the group enveloped him in a massive hug, he groaned at the pain in his stomach.


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