Leaving Once Again

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"I'm sorry to break it to everyone...but I'm going to be leaving for a while-"


Joshua rolled his eyes, "haven't been given the invite so how do you expect me to go?"

Jeonghan tried to hold in his laugh at the sudden sass, S.Coups even cupped a hand over Jeonghan's own hand over his mouth.

Jun was turning red, "of course you're invited, everyone's invited-"

"Give me a proper date, dumbass. Otherwise I'll miss it"

Jun looked towards Minghao who was just munching on chips, he looked over at his fiancée and just shrugged. Jun started to get frustrated.

"8th of June then"

"Fine, I'll be back by then....then" Joshua rolled his eyes again before looking at Vernon, who he just argued with a few moments ago.

"So...why are you leaving...again?"

Joshua kept his stare on Vernon, "I need time to just...think"

"So you need two months to think?" DK cocked a brow. The others nodded in agreement with the taller.

"Yes. No more questions please" Joshua concluded as he zipped up his bag and started making his way to the door. Something stopped him in tracks.


"What do you want, Vernon?"

"I want to apologise...I just need time"

"I hope you have all the time you need then. Goodbye"

And with that, Joshua was gone.

"Damn, that was cold" Hoshi said worriedly while looking at Vernon, "what happened between you two then?"

"Well...I ended things with him. And he tried to convince me that we're better together but I refused-"

Jeonghan started to get frustrated now, "well, do you love him or not?"

"I do..."

"And he loves you! He was trying to prove his point to you that he loves you and wants a relationship but you've pushed him away. Now look at him!"

"I kinda can't...he's out the door already"

"Don't get sassy with me! My point is you're both having a break...and that's kinda good. It'll test the two of you how long you can last without the other!" Jeonghan said with a small smile. DK nodded.

"And you never know, Josh may come back sooner than you think!"

"If he doesn't?" Vernon said worriedly. He was started to regret his decision already and it was bugging him.

"Then just give him more time. He said he needs two months so give him two months"

"What if he doesn't come back by Jun and Minghao's wedding?" Vernon's tone started to sound more worried.

"Then you fucked up" Minghao said as he finished his second packet of chips. Earning a slap from Jun in the process.

"OW! What?"

"Don't say things like that!" Jun hissed at his fiancée, making the younger pout.
"Sorry Vernon..."

"It's fine...I already know I've messed up. I'm just..."

"You're just?"

"Afraid of losing him"


"What brings you here? Something happened..?"

"I won't be living here permanently, I spoke to your leader. I'll be moving from place to place"

"God...did Seongcheol permanently remove you or something?" Youngjae furrowed his brows. He softly pulled Joshua over for a seat.

Joshua sank deeply into the softness of the couch and sighed.

"No. Relationship problems"

"Did I hear relationship problems?" Daehyun popped his head around the door. Once he saw Joshua there he was instantly worried.

"Will you be living with us permanently or..?"

"No, he isn't. He'll be with us for two weeks. Then he'll go and live with Hakyeon, and then Suho...and so on" Yongguk said as he walked down the stairs with a cup of coffee in his hands.

"Aah! Will you be joining us with missions also?" Jongup said excitedly as he spun two pistols round his fingers.

Joshua shrugged, "sure, why not?"

"So...what do you mean by relationship problems?" Daehyun continued.
"Wait wait wait, he ended things with you...because he's afraid of losing you?" Youngjae said confusedly. Daehyun was shaking his head while Yongguk remained as expressionless as the ex assassin himself.

"Well...he was ready for another chance but we decided we both need time away from each other. Besides...I need to be back for Minghao and Jun's wedding"

"They're getting married?! I didn't even know they were together?!" Youngjae's eyes popped out his sockets. Daehyun laughed softly at him.

"It's so obvious and you didn't know?" He continued to chuckle. Earning a punch from the younger.

"Yeah...they're getting married believe it or not" Joshua sighed. "Sounds nice"

"Oh Josh" Youngjae said in a high pitched tone as he wrapped Joshua up in a hug. "It'll happen to you one day! You're both just not ready yet-"

And before Youngjae could continue speaking, something caught him off guard. Bringing more shock to the whole group.

Joshua started crying.

Youngjae tightened his grasp on the older, making the hug more reassuring and comforting. Joshua has mixed feelings about it, hence the tears and sudden break down.

"This feels nice" Joshua croaked out.

The other members looked at Joshua with looks full of concern. And then they looked at the leader.

Yongguk sat beside Joshua and spoke softly, "you can stay with us as long as you need to, I think there's a lot healing you need to do in the meantime"

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