First Mission

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After another awkward silence in the room, Joshua became fed up and went to his room again. The others didn't stay seated though, they decided to do the same thing.

Wonwoo carried Vernon's things while Mingyu opened the door and showed Vernon his new room. Vernon thanked the two and started unpacking his things, starting with clothes and toiletries.

Some arguments could be heard from some of the rooms, especially between Mingyu and Woozi, since Woozi couldn't reach the cabinet and Mingyu was teasing him for it. And Jeonghan and Dino were arguing over toothbrushes.

Once the arguments were over, everyone had settled down to sleep. It was finally peaceful.

Vernon was probably the only one awake at this time, he stared at the ceiling while being lost in his own thoughts.
He finally had a home, and some people he could probably call friends.

He didn't know how he felt about it.

Suddenly, his bedroom door sprang open, snapping Vernon out of his thoughts. He immediately sat up and watched as two dark figures tip-toed into his room.

Vernon grabbed his phone and flashed the torch in the figure's faces. It was DK and Jeonghan.

They squinted and squealed in a whisper.

"Hey, hey! It's just us" DK whispered.

"What do you guys want?" Vernon whispered back.

"We need some help, and we want you to come with us" Jeonghan whispered softer, "please could you turn that off?"

Vernon nodded and mouthed an apology.

"What do you need help with?" he said and he got out of bed.

"It's Joshua, he took our pistols from us a few days ago. We accidentally shot at the ceiling while messing around and he confiscated them" Jeonghan laughed softly.

Vernon rolled his eyes, "why did he take them? He's not our leader?"

"He likes to think he is. He's used to a position of being in charge, so he doesn't like being bossed around" DK said.

The three boys tip-toed out of the room and made their way to Joshua's room.

"A position of being in charge? What did he do before this?" Vernon cocked a brow.

"It's not our place to tell you I'm afraid" Jeonghan looked afraid, he took out a some tools and picked at the lock before him.

"He locks the door?!" Vernon shouted in a whisper.

"Dino sprayed him with a water gun in the middle of the night once, he never left the door unlocked since"

"I don't even want to imagine how that ended"

"No, you don't" DK chuckled.

The door squeaked open, and that made the boys flinch. They really didn't want to wake up the sleeping nightmare inside.

"Any idea where he's put them?"

"Under his pillow..."

"Are you fucking kidding me?" Vernon sternly whispered.

It was a bit of a loud whisper though.

Jeonghan and DK shushed him in panic, since their lives were pretty much on the line in the situation.

"So, who's going to get them?"

DK and Jeonghan looked at each, and then Vernon.

"Oh no, not me!"

"You're not doing it alone, don't worry. It's teamwork"

Vernon rolled his eyes and tip toed into the bedroom. And there Joshua was, fast asleep.

"Is it the pillow under his head?" Vernon mouthed the words to his colleges.
The other two nodded.

Jeonghan walked next to the bed and waved a hand above Joshua's face.

There was no reaction.

Jeonghan turned and gave a thumbs up to the other two. They both sighed with relief.

DK also walked over to the sleeping man and did something much more risky.

He poked his face.

Jeonghan was going red as he held in his laugh, DK was also trying to hold it in. Vernon on the other hand was terrified.

He waved his hands in panic to motion the other two to stop. They took notice and stopped what they were doing.

There was still no reaction from Joshua.

"He must be in a very deep sleep" Vernon whispered to himself. It was now his turn to walk up to Joshua, but he had to do the most difficult task yet.

To retrieve the pistols. From under the pillow.

The other two held their thumbs up to motivate the nervous boy. Vernon gulped.

But Joshua has showed no sign of waking up soon, seeing what Jeonghan and DK have done already.

Here goes nothing.

Jeonghan and DK stood back and Vernon slid his hand under the pillow, things were going smoothly...

Until a hand grabbed Vernon roughly by the wrist.

Vernon grabbed hold of the pistols and snatched his hand out of Joshua's grip and immediately ran for the door and zoomed through the corridor.

Jeonghan and DK on the other hand, screamed as loud as their voices could reach. They too, ran for their lives.

Joshua was not far behind the three of them, he leaped into the air and took a few steps on the wall before taking off, right onto Vernon's back.

It ended with a crash, and more screaming.

Joshua held Vernon down beneath him and tried to grab the pistols, which were actually underneath Vernon and digging into his chest.

Jeonghan and DK did nothing but stare as Vernon protected their pistols underneath him.

"Give me the pistols you idiot!" Joshua dug his fingers into Vernon's sides, making him squeal. He was very ticklish.

Suddenly, all the lights flicked on. The rest of the place was wide awake due to all the noise.

And the first thing everyone saw when they left their bedroom, was Joshua on top of Vernon...tickling him.

Everyone was confused.

"What the hell is all this racket?!" S.Coups shouted above the screaming. Everyone stopped and looked up at the leader, who was clearly exhausted.

Joshua looked down and realised it was Vernon who was underneath him.
What's this idiot doing helping retrieve these pistols?...

"It was our fault Seongcheol... we woke Vernon up to help us get our pistols..." DK looked at the floor in shame.

S.Coups sighed, "Joshua, get off him"

Joshua did as he was told and immediately rose up from his spot. He continued to stare coldly at Vernon.

Vernon too got up from his place and still clutched the pistols to his chest.

"Hand them to me, Vernon" S.Coups held a hand out, retrieving the pistols in an instant. Vernon didn't want to get into any more trouble.

"You too will get these back next week, understand? If you work harder you can get them back earlier".

DK and Jeonghan nodded.

"And as for you Vernon..."

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