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Seungkwan was the first one to run downstairs, and several others followed quickly behind.

They all saw Vernon on his knees, head on the floor. He was panting from how hard he was crying. Seungkwan ran over with worry, the others crowded around him.


Vernon didn't reply, but his breathing slowed down back to it's normal pace. He had finally calmed down.

Jeonghan kneeled down and tried to hug Vernon in the position he was in, which was rather awkward. Seungkwan did the same but hugged him from the other side. The rest of the group around them did the same, creating a circle of comfort and safety. Seongcheol walked down the stairs and saw the sight in front of him, and smiled.

"You feeling better this morning, Vernon?" Seokmin said during breakfast. Vernon nodded and smiled at his friend, which was the first time he felt genuinely happy in a while.

Minghao was finally roaming around...but on crutches. And he had a long cast up his left leg, just below the knee.

Hoshi stood next to him, just to make sure he wouldn't fall.

Minghao was greeted with cheers and smiles from the rest of the team, in which he smiled widely to them in return. He wobbled his way towards his seat in between Jun and Hoshi, his two friends helping him carefully take a seat.

"Right, are we all present?" S.Coups clapped his hands to grab everyone's attention. Everyone nodded.

"Now this is probably one of our biggest missions yet, and the most dangerous..."

The leader brought his whiteboard to the front and showed a diagram of a large building. Everyone leaned in to see the board cleared.

"This is the most dangerous mission because we're dealing with assassins here"

Vernon tensed up at the word.

"I was an assassin"

"And this is their main base. We've been ordered to take them out to save a few people's lives, since the ones they're planning to take out are actually innocent...

Say you're a married man, and you despise your partner for whatever reason at all. You call these guys, you give them information and you pay them. They accept offers from random people, not from those with more power"

Everyone nodded.

"So, it's about time we stop them before somebody gets their head chopped off!"

"Well, well, well! Look who showed up!" Daehyun smiled at Vernon, who glumly took a seat next to him.

" look awful"

"Thanks" Vernon croaked. He sighed deeply while looking at the ceiling.

"We've been given a dangerous mission to do and I think this is the first time I've felt so terrified"

Daehyun raised a brow, "What's the mission?"

"To take out a dozen assassins. Hundreds of highly trained men. As if we'd all come out that building alive"

Daehyun chuckled. "I've taken out assassins before, they're not as powerful as you think they are"

"Is that right?"

"He's right" Youngjae came into the room with two cups of coffee, and placed them on the side table. "Everyone has weaknesses Vernon, you just need to find them"

Vernon thought deeply for a moment, "what could be an assassins weakness though?"

"It could be a fear they have. Or it could be weaknesses in battle. There are different forms of weakness" Daehyun sipped his coffee before speaking again.

"They may have been trained to the best of their abilities, but that doesn't mean they're good at everything. They could be sensitive to light, they could hate the dark, they could hate fire or heights. Just think of different tactics and plan your routes"

Vernon nodded. It was now Youngjae's turn to speak, "or it could be something they love that they're afraid to lose"

"But in what situation could the things they love be involved with their job?"

"You never know. Anything could happen within those walls...especially when it comes to torture"

The three spoke for at least three hours, before Vernon knew he had to return home to get ready for the big mission.

"I couldn't thank you two enough" Vernon said as he embraced Youngjae in a hug. "You've been a big help"

"No problem Vernon, anything for a friend. Now be careful!" Daehyun raised a finger. Youngjae nodded in agreement.

"I'll try" Vernon laughed nervously. And with that, he was out the door.
Vernon told the leader everything he discussed with Youngjae and Daehyun, in which S.Coups was quite impressed.

"We'll have to use different tactics then huh?"

Vernon nodded. S.Coups turned to the rest of the group and told them everything Vernon just stated. All their expressions read 'worry'.

"We're all in this together, as a team. We'll help each other out throughout this mission. And we'll have Minghao on the computers as well as Seungkwan. Woozi will be joining us on the field"

Woozi gulped.
"Vernon, there are two assassins directly underneath you. If you open that vent you could probably shoot in a bullet in their heads from here" Minghao said through Vernon's ear piece.

Vernon was feeling claustrophobic enough in this vent anyway, he was desperate to get out. He opened the vent as quietly as he could (considering that it's metal, it wasn't an easy task)

Just as he was about to prepare for the kill, a bullet shot right in from of him, straight through the metal. Vernon gasped as a few more fired through the vents. He hushed himself so the shooter automatically thinks no one is there.
Fortunately for Vernon, his thoughts were correct as the gun stop firing immediately.

Bullets were firing from other directions beneath Vernon though, and that was Jun playing mission impossible. He was rolling and running all over the place. Vernon clutched his face with worry and he saw how careless Jun was being, it didn't look planned out at all.
Even Minghao agreed with Vernon's thoughts.

"Jun! What the hell are you doing down there?!"

"Doing my job! What does it look like I'm doing" Jun stuck his tongue out as assassin after assassin were knocked down, dead.

Once the room was clear, Jun smirked. "See, no damage done"

Vernon jumped down from his location, making the other jump. He wanted to hit Jun over the head for his stupidity but stopped once he saw something dripping from Jun's arm.

He was bleeding.

"So much for 'no damage done' huh?" Vernon pointed at the wound. Jun gasped as he then felt pain, watching the blood ooze from his bicep. He tried his hardest not to panic as Vernon wrapped his arm in a bandage from the small first aid kit his had attached to his belt.

"That should stop the bleeding for now, let's get a move on!"

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