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"You guys are GROUNDED?!" Daehyun was on the floor crying while Youngjae just couldn't hold back his laugh.
"That's hilarious!"

The racket soon enough grabbed the attention of the rest of Daehyun and Youngjae's house mates. Many heads peeled around doors, with brows raised.

"What's all the noise for?" a deep voice boomed throughout the room, it didn't silence the two members downstairs though. They were in hysterics.

"Seongcheol GROUNDED seven of his members, Yongguk!" Youngjae finally got his breath back, he hugged onto a pillow tightly.

"I'm not surprised if it's Seongcheol's lot" Yongguk chuckled. "What did you guys do?" he walked slowly down the steps and took a seat beside Youngjae.

Jeonghan was more than happy to reply, "we poured ice on him, threw water balloons, used water guns and poured tomato sauce on him"

Daehyun started laughing all over again, while still on the floor. Youngjae chuckled a little bit, and Yongguk smiled in amusement. "You never fail to amuse me Jeonghan"

Jeonghan smiled cheekily, showing all his teeth. Joshua couldn't help but roll his eyes again.

"And Joshua! It's a surprise to see you here"

"It wasn't my idea"

"I thought so, did they drag you with?"

Joshua shook his head, "it was either I get in trouble for letting them leave or get in trouble with the rest of them. I'm not staying at home while dying of boredom"

Yongguk chuckled, "I'm surprised you're even bored, you're always locked in your room or glaring someone to death in the corner of the room"

Vernon snorted, which resulted in the rest of the group laughing at his reaction.
Joshua looked at him in surprise.

"And who's the new meat?"

"That's Vernon" Joshua said sternly, "he's new"

Vernon smiled nervously, he could feel the tension from Joshua, it was not a very nice feeling. He could feel his stare too.

The rest of the night consisted of truth or dare, never have I ever (except there was no alcohol involved, sugar was enough to make Jeonghan insane) and of course some video games.

It was 1AM now.

Jeonghan and Youngjae were sitting on the bean bags laughing their faces off. Jongup and Zelo soon joined the group too, finding the whole scene amusing. Yongguk went to see if Himchan wanted to join in, but he said he was too tired and didn't have time for 'imbeciles'.

Minghao and Woozi were soon arguing over what dare to give each other, Mingyu was watching that in amusement. Daehyun and Vernon were playing video games, and when Youngjae wasn't playing, Daehyun was the competitive type. Vernon loved a challenge though.

Yongguk and Joshua sat together, silently. Joshua downed a few glasses of water while eyeing Vernon, who was doing surprisingly well in the game. Daehyun started cussing at the constant losses in each round, making Vernon giggle.

Once Youngjae had finished his little 'giggle-fit', he sat behind Daehyun and wrapped his arms around the older's shoulders. The action relaxed Daehyun a lot, so he took the game less seriously to allow Youngjae to relax in his spot.

Joshua looked at the couple and thought to himself for a moment. He'd never really thought about love and it's meaning, he certainly couldn't feel it. But seeing someone being so loving towards another made him actually think...

If that was the one something that was missing.

Joshua shook away his thoughts and focused back to whatever Yongguk was saying, he didn't have time to be thinking about mushy things like this...right?

Mingyu and Minghao were playing a game of Rock Paper Scissors until Minghao finally checked his phone for messages. He did notice there were vibrations here and then.

And what popped up on the screen shocked him.

14 new messages from: icecream scoups
12 new messages from: jun 💞
6 new messages from: wonwoo
9 missed calls from: icecream scoups
8 missed calls from: jun 💞


"Uhm...Guys?" Minghao called our nervously. The only people who's attention he caught was Joshua and Yongguk's.

"Guys! Minghao has something to say!" Yongguk shouted for everyone to hear.

"They're looking for us..."

"Shit" Jeonghan spilled his drink, "we're going to need napkins.

"We need to go, now!" Minghao started to panic, it was making Dino panic too.

"We'll finish this game first then we'll- OW!" Vernon was now being dragged backwards by, well, who do you think?

"We're going Vernon" Joshua said calmly, pulling Vernon by the collar. Daehyun and Youngjae found it rather amusing. Jongup and Zelo had fallen asleep, so no reaction would come out of them anytime soon.

"You're a cool guy Vernon, catch up with us soon!" Daehyun called. Youngjae waved goodbye to them as the seven walked out shamefully, realising how long they've been out for.

They're probably going to be grounded for even longer now.

Before opening the back door, Joshua turned to the rest of the group. "We need to be as quiet as possible, we don't need to make a scene"

Everyone nodded in agreement.

Joshua opened the door slowly and carefully, tip toeing as he went. The others copied his every movement. All the lights inside were off, so they needed to be extra careful to not walk into any objects lying around.

Suddenly, all the lights switched on.

"Fuck" Joshua cursed under his breath.

"Yes, fuck, indeed" S.Coups stood there with his arms crossed. Jun stood behind him with tear stains, worry planted all over his face. The rest of the members stood behind him with no expression what so ever. They just watched the leader tear them to pieces.

Before Seongcheol could speak, Jun ran towards Minghao and embraced him in a tight hug, and cried some more.

"I was worried sick" his voice was muffled in Minghao's shirt. Minghao felt guilt immediately fill up his system, he hugged his best friend closer and hummed endless apologies.

Seongcheol walked closer to the group, "where the hell have you been?"

"Out" Joshua bravely spoke, he knew it would make Seongcheol angrier.

"Don't be clever with me Joshua, I can ban you from missions for longer"

"Then do it, see if I care!" Joshua's eyes darkened. The leader felt a little intimidated.

"You're banned for half a year"

Joshua scoffed and stormed up the stairs to his room, slamming it shut. The rest of the guilty members stood there, speechless. Jun finally let go of Minghao and stood beside him.

"Who's idea was it?" Seongcheol said crossly.

"It was mine" Jeonghan said while looking down. This was all my fault...

"Jeonghan, your punishment has been extended for two months"

"The rest of you, it's a month now"

Everyone looked at each in dismay. What's done has been done.

But all Vernon could wonder about was why Seongcheol was making the length of the punishment so harsh.

Maybe this is what the downside of having this job is, punishments.

Vernon also wondered about how Joshua was feeling, he could visit him upstairs but it would go two ways.

He was either going to get slaughtered or Joshua would let him live, and they could talk about it?

Vernon took the risk.

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