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Vernon was held up against a wall.

By Joshua.

Even though the prank both Vernon and Jeonghan pulled on him literally wasn't as bad as everyone else's.

Seungkwan has honey in his hair for goodness sake!


"You were awake too Joshua?" S.Coups asked.

Jeonghan chuckled, "yep, he was in the kitchen at 3am"

"Shut your mouth!" Joshua sneered.

"Joshua, what were you doing in the kitchen?" The leader started to speak sternly. It was very unusual from Joshua to be awake at that time...and lurking around the kitchen as well.

"That's none of your business Seongcheol!"

"I believe it is, Joshua. Tell me what you were doing"

"Could you let go of me please?" Vernon pleaded, it was starting to get painful at the shoulders.

Joshua didn't hesitate to let go of him, he fell with a thud.
"I wasn't stealing anything, I just walk around when I can't sleep-"

"Bullshit, you were rummaging  for something" Jeonghan butted in again. Joshua was getting fed up now.

"I said to shut your mouth!"

"What were you rummaging for?" the leader continued to urge answers out of the boy. He noticed Joshua's hands were turning into fists. Seongcheol remained calm though as he knew Joshua wouldn't hurt him, even if he wanted.

" not going to argue with you. I'm leaving" Joshua ran upstairs and back to his room, slamming the door as usual.

"I'll go talk to him later" S.Coups sighed.

"Can I ask you something Coups?" Vernon sat down on the couch beside him. The rest of the members then sat on the several couches around him.

"It's about Joshua, isn't it?"

"Yeah...who was he before? And why does he act this way around us?"

S.Coups sighed loudly, scratching the back of his neck.

"I'm not going to reveal too much, it's not my place to say. It wasn't even him who told me who he was before..."

Vernon nodded while his leader cleared his throat, he also eyed Joshua's bedroom door in case he was peeking, or listening.

"I won't tell you exactly what he used to do, but it was a very strict job. Very similar to our job. It was like he was mind controlled, and not allowed to be his own person. He was only taught how to kill, and to do just that"

Vernon's eyes widened the further into the story the leader got.

"Because of his childhood, and being raised in that strict environment, all he really feels is pain. He received help though once he got out, he knew he needed it. When he was sent to join us, he didn't speak a word to us for three months. Crazy, huh?"

"Yeah, I understand. Has he ever shown any other emotion besides anger to you guys?"

"Hmm...not that I can think of" Dino started. "He's never cried, laughed, smiled. Never in front of us anyway..."

"That's...kinda scary"

"It is. But I think all he really needs is time"

Everyone nodded.

"Anyways, we have another mission!"

"Stay close behind me!" Joshua shouted behind him, Vernon made sure to not get on his nerves this time. And to do everything he says.

The mission was to retrieve a stolen locket, so much for a big mission, huh.

And there were MORE guards than the Kihyun rescue mission. At least Vernon wasn't as nervous as before, so he could actually think the plan through.

Vernon thought of the story S.Coups told him today, and he was curious to learn more. But at the same time he was going to be as nice as possible to Joshua, things couldn't have easy for him back then. And not even now.

He needed to show Joshua that people do care about him.

Joshua held a hand up to signal him to stop. Vernon immediately halted and waited for his next signal.

"Alright Vernon, there's three guards down there. They're going to be very tough"

Vernon nodded, Joshua continued:

"So, is like you to take that guard there while I take the other two. You have all your weapons with you?"



Joshua peeked through the entrance and eyed the guards a little longer before signalling Vernon to start moving.

Three guards down. Loads left to go.

"That wasn't bad, keep it up" Joshua continued to motivate Vernon on. Vernon smiled as he continued to follow behind.

Bullet after bullet, more and more guards were shot down. But there was still no sign of the locket, and the other members sure haven't found it either.

Jun and Dino were picking locks at several doors on the left side of the building while Hoshi and DK were picking locks on the right side. Joshua and Vernon were taking out guards in the centre part of the building, making sure they didn't go to the left or right sides of the building.

Even though they were pretty much everywhere...

"Let's split for a while, you go through that door while I go through this one" Joshua said calmly, but Vernon seemed to be nervous with that idea.


Vernon nodded hesitantly.

Without another word, Joshua ran through the door he said he would go to, and Vernon had to go through his. The corridor was quite dark, so he had a small flashlight to use.

He walked slowly through the corridor, being aware of every step he made. And he never stopped looking behind him as well as in front.

When he realised the coast was clear, he quickened his pace. Finally making it to another door.

To his surprise, it led him to the very centre of the building, which was large room. You could probably fit hundreds of people in here.

There were several entrances connected to this room, and Joshua seemed to find his way into the room also.

And several guards waited for them.

The pair were together again and firing as many bullets as they could, knocking down every guard in their path.

Joshua let out a loud sigh once the coast was clear, Vernon smiled to himself in accomplishment.

"You won't believe what I found too" Joshua fiddled around in his pockets and pulled out a turquoise locket. Vernon couldn't help but smile, "where was it?"

"I found another room when I wandered through the corridor-"

Vernon lost track of what Joshua was actually saying, cause a guard was creeping slowly behind Joshua, with a gun pointing his way.

The gun fired immediately, and Vernon didn't hesitate to push Joshua out the way...

And stand in his place.

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