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And healing was the worst part to Joshua.

He never knew Yongguk was trained in the psychiatric field...and it was a living nightmare being able to speak the unspoken.

He had to release every painful thing he had trapped in his mind. His past, his job, his family, Vernon...

Vernon. He was the reason he was here.

Joshua couldn't help but feel his blood boil. He knew he shouldn't be angry at the younger...but he was.
And he admitted that there was more upset than anger inside him.

"How are feeling today Joshua?" Youngjae spoke softly, breaking Joshua from his deadly thoughts. The younger held his head in his hands.

"Therapy is frustrating"

"Understandable...Jongup had to go through it as well...poor guy"

"Yongguk gave him therapy?" Joshua cocked a brow, "he's probably one of the most chilled out of you lot"

Youngjae chuckled a little, before frowning. "He wasn't always like that...he was a lot like you actually"

Before Joshua could ask another question, Yongguk walked into the main room with two coffees in hand. He handed one to Joshua with an unreadable expression.


"How are you feeling today?" Yongguk spoke in his soft voice. Himchan soon emerged from his bedroom also and sat beside his husband. Himchan was never sure of Joshua...but understood his situation clearly since he's witnessed it before.

"Tired. Drained. Depressed"

"That's completely normal. We can't heal you within a week but progress has clearly been made" Yongguk smiled. Joshua faked a small smile in return.

Progress? Really? I feel the same way as before... but worse...

"I thank you for your help Yongguk...really"


"Why would he be in the trash, Seokmin?"

"You never know! He could be planning his next attack on us and say SIKE!" Seokmin shouted. Making the others groan.

"I don't think he would be planning any attack on us...anytime soon" Woozi raised an eyebrow.

Ever since Vernon's mental health dropped to minus one thousand, the others have made it their mission to look for Joshua and bring him home.

Seokmin and the maknae were the only ones not entirely taking it seriously. And since Jeonghan was in charge while Seongcheol was away...it got on his nerves.

"We've been searching the streets for three hours now, maybe we should head back?" Minghao groaned, taking a seat on the edge of the pathway to rest his legs.
Jun frowned at his partner and took a seat next to him.

"Where else haven't we looked..." Jeonghan tapped his chin in thought.

"What about Dae's place? He could be staying with our friends!"

"Hey! I suggested that earlier!" Seokmin pouted. Jeonghan sighed.

"By the way you're acting, no one's gonna take you seriously are they?"


"No buts! Let's head over there now!"

"What's the password?" Zelo said bluntly through the mic.

"There is no password Zelo, c'mon we need to talk to your leader" Jeonghan sighed. He was tapping his foot impatiently.

Zelo started to internally panic. He knew they were looking for Joshua...but Joshua still needed time to heal.

"Leader isn't here I'm afraid, sorry guys"

"Oh, that's okay. We can talk to Himchan instead!"

Zelo felt sweat drip down his forehead.

"He's gone too, it's date night"

"Shit!" Jeonghan cursed aloud. Making the other members and Zelo jump in surprise.

"Sorry Jeonghan-"

"Can we at least come in for a while, Dae and Youngjae might have an idea?" Jeonghan had grown impatient to a point he was ready to scream. Jun was behind him, rubbing his back in soothing motions.

Jongup entered the room Zelo was in and saw the commotion in front of him. The younger muted the mic before explaining the situation to Jongup.

"I'll hide him away, you go let them in and make them drinks or something...I'll go tell Dae and Jae as well"

Zelo nodded and mouthed a "thank you"

"Okay guys, come on in. Don't forget to wipe your feet at the entrance...unless you want an ass whooping from Himchan"

"Got it"

"Vernon is in a state" Jeonghan explained to Youngjae, who was sitting comfortably on his bean bag with a coffee in hand.

"He hasn't slept for weeks and hasn't left his room. He just needs to talk to Joshua and sort out things between them...he realises he's made a mistake"

"Well...I'm sorry I haven't seen or heard from Joshua" Youngjae lied. He tried his hardest to act sincere and serious, but Daehyun was he one trying not to laugh in the background.

Yongguk and Himchan had to hide along with Joshua, since Zelo had to lie to Seventeen and say it was "date night". Both the couple and the agent were worried that their cover would be blown.

"Nothing at all?" Minghao said with a worried tone in his voice.

"Well, he said he won't return until your wedding right? So maybe he just needs time alone until that special day, right?" Daehyun said with a small smile. The other BAP members smiled with him until Youngjae realised the mistake he made.

Seventeen didn't tell BAP that Joshua was returning for the wedding. Only Joshua did.

Jeonghan raised an eyebrow while Jun smiled sadly, completely oblivious. "Yeah, I just hope he's okay...that's all"
Youngjae became so nervous that he started biting his lip raw. Zelo and Jongup also tried to play it cool until...

"Wait...I don't recall telling you guys about the wedding?"


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