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"So what couples do?" Joshua asked Jun, who was munching on some crisps. Jun raised an eyebrow.

"Oh, you know...hold hands, hug, kiss. The usual stuff. Since when were you in a relationship?"

Joshua looked at Jun with a 'it has been so obvious how can you not see I'm in a relationship' kind of look on his face. Jun got the message instantly.

"Oh, right. Him"

"You're not surprised"

"Of course not" Jun continued to munch on his food, "everyone saw it coming when he walked through the door"

"Jun, you're in a secret relationship...sorta. I don't want to screw things up and you're the only person I can talk to"

Jun chuckled, "yeah, people think I've been best friends with Minghao for all these years. Idiots...

Anyway! I'll try to help you, but I'm no guru, okay? I'm just a friend helping out a friend"

Joshua nodded, "thank you Jun"

"Don't mention it"
Joshua immediately regretted his decision to stay since Jeonghan found many opportunities to tease him again. It was then that Joshua realised he needed to find Jeonghan's weakness.

But whenever Joshua had a single thought about leaving this place, all he had to do was take one look at Vernon then he'd change his mind again.

"Hey Joshie!" Jeonghan smirked while aiming the spray bottle in Joshua's face. Joshua remained expressionless, then smiledZ

"Hey Jeonghan"

Jeonghan froze. This wasn't how Joshua usually acted when he threatened him.

He wasn't satisfied. So he sprayed Joshua in the face anyway, even though he said or did nothing wrong.

Joshua's blood was boiling, but he took a deep breath and exhaled. Not bothering to wipe his eyes cause he knew Jeonghan would spray him again.

"What did I do this time?" Joshua spoke calmly.

Jeonghan was going red with little rage, "WHY AREN'T YOU ANGRY?!"

"There's no need to be"

"I don't like this!"

"Oh, neither do I. So I suggest you put that spray bottle away" Joshua smirked evilly. Jeonghan gulped. But then gained some confidence.

"Or what?" Jeonghan glared.

"I'll tell Seongcheol you like him~"

Minghao, who was sitting besides the two, overheard and sprayed his orange juice across the room. He couldn't stop coughing and spluttering. Woozi looked at him with disgust.

Jeonghan was a beetroot red, while Joshua had a cheeky smile spread across his face. He was enjoying this.

"You wouldn't dare"

"Oh, so it's true then?"

Jeonghan was getting redder by the minute, if that was even possible. He became so embarrassed he started to stutter.

"I-I...n-no! No I d-don't!"

Minghao now chimed in, "Oh yes you do~"

Jeonghan was now so frustrated his three the spray bottle into the kitchen, not realising Dino was in there rummaging through the cupboard under the sink.
All that was heard was a bang and a yelp.

Joshua and Minghao started to giggle and they could clearly see Jeonghan's frustration. The leader walked down the stairs and noticed something was going on. The two boys couldn't hold in their laughter anymore.

Loud laughter and squeals boomer loudly throughout the house, and since Seongcheol just walked in, he didn't know the backstory. And was utterly confused.

"Hoshi? Did you give these two medicine that makes them hyper? Why are they laughing so suddenly?" he called out, but no reply could be heard.

The leader's words made Minghao and Joshua laugh even more. Jeonghan was still as red as a beetroot.

"And Jeonghan...are you okay? You seem very red" Seongcheol walked over and placed a hand on Jeonghan's head to feel his temperature. Joshua and Minghao's cheeks were burning at this point.

Woozi, Dino, Vernon and Jun watched the scene in front of them with dismay. But at least Joshua seemed to be happy.

"He's a little unwell Seongcheol, I think he needs to rest" Minghao finally stopped laughing, he was about as red as Jeonghan was. Except it was from laughing too much.

Vernon eyed Joshua with a cocked brow, he completely missed why he was laughing and it's confused him as much as the leader. He shrugged and went back to skimming through a magazine he found. Just to pass the time.

Seongcheol walked with Jeonghan upstairs, leaving the rest of the groups to gossip.

"So, I don't think he'll be teasing me anymore! He didn't see that coming" Joshua chuckled. Minghao laughed along with him.

"I don't think I've ever seen Jeonghan embarrassed like that before. That was hilarious!"

"Do you think Seongcheol likes him?" Vernon chimed in. Everyone else looked and each other and shrugged.

"Who knows. But I don't know how Seongcheol would last with a guy who has the brain of a toddler"

Minghao started laughing loudly again, while Joshua only chuckled. "Not that it's a bad thing, but he causes a lot of trouble"
It was now 11 in the evening, and Joshua decided he would visit Vernon more regularly. know.

As couples do.

He was sitting on the younger's lap, both sitting comfortably on Vernon's bed. And Vernon was reading through another mission that Seongcheol offered, but did say that the younger could turn it down if he wishes. Joshua skimmed through it.

"It doesn't seem that bad" Joshua said while wrapping his arms around Vernon's shoulders, pressing the side of his head against his.

Vernon blushed a slight pink.

"Yeah, it doesn't seem too difficult. I'll take this one"

"When will you be going?"


Joshua nodded and took the paper out of Vernon's hands, placing it next to them on the bed. He snuggled closer to him and closed his eyes, the younger hugging Joshua tighter around his waist.

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