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"Your leader told Yongguk about the whole situation...so we were told straight afterwards" Jongup bravely spoke aloud. The tension in the air continued to grow since Jeonghan wasn't convinced.

"And why would your leader tell you something that's clearly confidential?" Jeonghan started to challenge. Jongup started to become irritated.

"Because he trusted it with us"

"But it's none of your business what's happened to Josh and knowing about the wedding-"

"It's a wedding. And you're our friends, why aren't we allowed to know about it?"

"Because you're not invited!" Jeonghan raised his voice. Jun and Minghao were alarmed with the statement.

"Who said we weren't going to invite them-" Jun started to question but Jeonghan had enough.

"Well, they're not until they tell us where Josh is!"

"We don't know where Joshua is!" Jongup walked towards Jeonghan with fire in his eyes, Jeonghan stood up too and faced the agent before him.


Jongup couldn't take it anymore and his leg found its way under Jeonghan's legs, sweeping him off his feet. Jeonghan hit the wooden floor with a thud.

Gasps filled the room.

"I see we have another former assassin in the room" Jeonghan spat. He could tell Jongup observed his movements carefully.

Jongup stared darkly at the man on the ground.

"That's none of your business, get out our base"


"GET OUT! ALL OF YOU!" Jongup held a blade and pointed it directly in Jeonghan's direction. Jeonghan got onto his feet and internally panicked as the blade followed his movement.

"Guys...we are really sorry. But we told you, we haven't seen him. If we hear anything we'll let you know okay-"

"You don't have to lie anymore guys"


The group of spies all stared at Joshua in shock. Joshua decided he had heard enough of the arguments, and that he was going to deal with the situation himself. He was tired of hiding.

"You wanted to see me?"

"Yes!" Jeonghan walked to the younger with both hands pressed together. "We need you to come home"

"I don't think that'll be happening anytime soon" Yongguk spoke from behind Joshua, placing a hand on his shoulder. "He's in the process of healing and needs more time"

Seventeen's expressions faltered.

Minghao and Jun looked the most distraught.

"So...does that mean you won't come to our wedding?" Jun said with a soft voice. The rest of the team looked for the same answer.

"We'll see...but I can't make any promises" Joshua sighed. As much as he wanted to attend his friends' wedding, his health right now was more important. Even though the event felt a lot more important to him...

"And what about Vernon? What do we tell him?"

"Tell him I'm sorry but...he'll have to wait for me"

"So, any luck?" Seongcheol looked at the group with worry written all over his face. He managed to get Vernon to join them downstairs but the man looked terrible.

His eyes were red from crying, and you could see the old Vernon had faded away. Along with his mental health and ability to speak. He didn't want to see anybody besides Joshua.

"Yes...we found him" Woozi twiddled his fingers as he spoke, he could feel Vernon's expression brightening a little. But he knew that if he continued his sentence that face will falter once again.

"And why isn't he with you?"

"Because he said he needs more time, he's in the process of healing"

"Says who?"

"Says Yongguk"

"So he's with Yongguk?"

The team nodded, and all the leader did was sigh.

"But Vernon!" DK spoke this time. Vernon looked at the taller weakly and nodded.

"He asked for you to wait for him, can you do that?"

All eyes were on the younger now, and he felt his throat tighten. He couldn't speak and he couldn't cry either.

Vernon nodded a yes.

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