Not Going as Planned

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"Vernon~" Joshua whispered into Vernon's ear, while lying down next to him from behind. Jeonghan and Minghao giggled softly.

Vernon only hummed, since he was lost in a deep sleep.

Joshua guessed that whispering wouldn't do, so he had to try something else. He looked at Jeonghan and Minghao for a plan b, in which the two shrugged. Joshua grunted.

An idea popped in his head, but it was going to look ridiculous to everyone else. He pressed his lips against Vernon's neck and blew a raspberry against the skin.

While Jeonghan and Minghao fell to the floor crying of laughter, Vernon jolted up in his sleep to see Joshua next to him, chuckling at the reaction.

"What was that?!" Vernon whispered loudly.

"Let's not talk about that for now..." Joshua blushed, "we're doing another prank night"

Vernon rolled his eyes, "again?"

Before Vernon could continue to protest, Joshua grabbed both his hands and pretty much dragged him out of the room. Outside the room stood Jun and S.Coups.

"It's couple edition" Seongcheol chuckled. Vernon's eyes widened when he saw the leader joining them for the evening. And when he heard 'couple edition', he realised Seongcheol was paired with Jeonghan. While Minghao was with Jun.

It really was couple edition.

"So...who are we pranking this time?" Vernon asked, while intertwining his hands with Joshua.

"Woozi and Seungkwan, since they were the ones who finished the muffin stash" Seongcheol frowned. Jeonghan also frowned, "we have some silly string but Seongcheol says that's not good enough for a prank"

"Yeah, it isn't. We can use air horns!"

"Or, we can use the air horns and the silly string!" Jun raised a finger. Everyone nodded.

"Oh! I also want to pour water on Seokmin" Jeonghan added.

Everyone looked at him with confused expressions, "why?"

"No reason. I just thought it would be funny"

Seongcheol chuckled and placed a hand on Jeonghan's shoulder, "Okay, but you're facing the consequences alone, got it?"
Jeonghan nodded.

"Okay! Let's prank Woozi and Seungkwan!"
Joshua and Vernon had Woozi's room, while Jun and Minghao had Seungkwan's room.
Jeonghan dragged Seongcheol into Seokmin's room, so Seongcheol had to face the consequences too.

Woozi was sleeping soundly while snuggling close to his teddy bear, Vernon looked at him in awe. But Joshua was not going to let the cuteness get in the way of the prank.

The boys got their air horns ready, Joshua raised three fingers and they started to count down. Before Joshua reached the last finger, a loud scream echoed throughout the house, scaring the couple and little Woozi.

Woozi was screaming too, after realising two men were in his bedroom with objects in their hands he couldn't make out. It was too dark for the smaller to see.

The scream of course belonged to Seokmin.

Jun, Minghao and Seungkwan were also taken by surprise, I mean, who wouldn't be?

Seokmin had now tackled Jeonghan to the floor, making a huge racket. All Seongcheol did was laugh at the scene before him, they were just like children.

Jeonghan was pinned down and squealing loudly, with Seokmin was tickling him in all the the weak spots. The whole house was awake now due to all the noise.

So much for prank night...
The war continued the next morning when Vernon got the idea to scare his boyfriend. Jun woke up the same time as Vernon, and became suspicious when Vernon was unlocking the bathroom door with a penny.

"What are you up to Vernon?"

"Pranking Joshua" Vernon whispered to his friend. Jun snorted.

"What are you going to do?"

"He showers with his back turned, so I'll try and creep up behind and smack the glass" he smiled cheekily.

"His senses are do I say it? Very well trained? He could here a pin drop from ages away" Jun said worriedly.

But Vernon had high hopes in his plan.

"Don't worry Jun, I'll succeed"

"Good luck" Jun patted his friend on the back before making his way to Minghao's room. Vernon went back to quietly unlocking the door, and fortunately succeeded.

Vernon opened the door as quietly as he could (since it was quite squeaky) and managed to squeeze himself inside. He proceeded to tip toe inside the bathroom, without shutting the door behind him. He couldn't help but smile considering that his plan so far was working.

By now he had already reached the glass, and he could hear his boyfriend humming a tune to himself in the hot steam. Vernon raised his hand.

He mentally counted down from three and smacked the glass as hard as he could, immediately hearing a scream follow behind the noise.

Joshua spun round and saw Vernon on the other side of the glass and he screamed some more.


Vernon couldn't help but laugh, he could feel his cheeks starting to burn from how widely he was smiling. And he almost forgot how to breath.

The scowl on Joshua's face soon turned into a smile also, and he started to laugh with him.

"Why the fuck did you do that?" Joshua laughed. "What's wrong with you?"

"I thought it would be funny! And it was"

The door opened wider and in came Hoshi and Woozi, who was very confused about the whole situation in front of them.

Seeing Joshua laugh that hard was a first.

Vernon and Joshua noticed the two at the door and the younger waved at them while still laughing.


Joshua didn't feel embarrassed at the three since the steam fogged up the glass, covering his body nicely. But Hoshi and Woozi certainly didn't feel comfortable.

Hoshi looked at Woozi and both walked out, shutting the door behind the two of them.

All Vernon and Joshua could do was laugh some more.

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