Assassins Pt.2

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A scream could be heard from upstairs and panic suddenly rushed through Jaemin as he ran. Mark tried to grab for him but the younger was just too fast.

"Na Jaemin, you get back here right now!" Mark screeched. Jaemin of course, didn't listen. He was selfless, that boy.

Mark was about to run for it too but Seongcheol grabbed his sleeve and shook his head at the younger. "You stay here"

" their leader I need to make sure they're safe-"

"And they will be! They're very well trained and can handle the situation. If they need your help, they'll call you"

Mark frowned as he looked at the door Jaemin just burst through. He became more worried as an extra scream joined the first one.

"Nana!" a voice screeched, it clearly belonged to Renjun.

"Well, well, well" an unfamiliar voice spoke beside group, making everyone's head snap to the direction of the voice.
It was who Joshua thought it was.

"Hello Jisoo, long time no see"

"Kun...what do you want?"

"Oh, I don't want anything at all. Hmm, yeah since you're the greatest assassin the world has ever seen, who gets everything right, never got punished while we did...

Why would I want anything from you?"

Vernon tensed up at the assassin and his hands turned into fists, he needed to make sure that he wasn't obvious otherwise Kun would take it to his advantage to weaken Joshua.

But the reason Joshua was weak and uneasy was because his biggest enemy, was in the same room as his biggest weakness.
Not a good combination...

"Look, that was in the past. I left the place so you wouldn't have to get punished by me anymore...I- I left thinking you'd forget about me so why are you following me?"

"Look at you Joshua, you've turned soft. You're weak!"

Joshua tensed up and walked closer, "I'm not soft" he said sternly.

"The Joshua I knew was cold, killed a man before he even had a chance to speak. He didn't think, he just did what he was told. And now look at him...

He tells me he left so I wouldn't get hurt, aww. Since when did you care?"

"Kun, just what do you want from me?"

"I want you to come home and finish what you started"

"That shit hole isn't home, it's hell"

"The hell that created both of us. We were designed to kill, and fight"

"That's not who I am, Kun"

"I can see that. Now...about your little friends"

The door burst open and the rookies were dragged in by two other assassins. Joshua knew instantly who they were.
Even though they were both wearing masks.

The captives had their wrists tied tightly and tape around their mouths. They had given up on fighting.
Mark looked at Haechan with a heavy heart, he felt like he was about to cry.

"You close with them?"

"I am not"

Kun eyed Joshua suspiciously. Finding a weakness from Joshua sure was tricky, but what if he put a knife to the boys throats? Would he talk then?

Kun ripped off the tape from Jaemin's mouth and yanked his hair, pulling his head backwards. The younger let out a yelp as his eyes started to well up with tears.
Renjun and Jeno eyed the assassin worriedly as a knife came closer and closer to Jaemin's skin.
Joshua didn't look fazed at all.

But someone else was bothered about the situation.

"Kun, stop, stop!" One of the assassins spoke, he walked over to his leader and pulled knife out of his hands.

"Oh, you gonna do the job for me?"

"No, I want you to set him free"

Seongcheol and Jeonghan looked at Joshua while petrified out of their skins, they dared not speak a word if it meant Joshua's life was on the line.
Vernon too, was petrified.

Jaemin looked confusedly at the assassin as to why he wanted his life spared. The more he thought about it, he could see his eyes looked familiar.
But who was he?

Lucas took off his mask and looked down at Jaemin, making the younger's eyes pop out of their sockets.



"'re an assassin?"

"I am...and I'm sorry" Lucas looked back at his leader, who was becoming more and more angry.

"So, what makes him so special?"

"He's my brother, Kun, now I ask you to let him go"
Kun looked at Jaemin and then Lucas, and then back at Jaemin. He could slightly see the resemblance.

"Johnny, release him"

Johnny did as he was told and quickly untied the younger from the ropes. Jaemin rubbed his raw wrists and winced at the burning sensation. Lucas grabbed him by the arm and helped lift him onto his feet, the younger stumbling a bit. Jaemin stood behind Lucas like he was a giant shield.

"So, turns out your heart isn't as soft as I thought it was...Joshua" Kun took the blade back and then moved towards Jeonghan, and held the knife to his throat instead. Joshua again, seemed unfazed.

"What if I killed your teammate?"

"Oh, go for it. It'll make my life much easier"

"Josh!" Jeonghan shouted in a whisper, panic was spreading through his body so fast he thought he was going to faint. He didn't want to die today.

"Oh, will it? Didn't know your life was so hard..."

Kun pierced the skin on the side of Jeonghan's neck, making him scream out in pain. Joshua continued to show his poker face.
Seongcheol was mortified.

"Stop! You can kill me but not him! Please!"

Kun looked at the leader and tilted his head, smirking evilly. "So this one is your sweet"

"Still got nothing to say, Joshua?"

Joshua shook his head, he crossed his arms over his chest and continued to stare at the scene in front of him, completely poker faced.

Vernon was becoming more nervous now as Kun was going to each person like a predator. The assassin was so sure Joshua's weakness was nearby.

And he was right.

"And what about...this one?" Kun grabbed Vernon by the throat and watched Joshua's expression carefully.

Joshua's heart was racing as he was watched the blade place itself above Vernon's windpipe. But knowing Kun, he would kill him without a second thought. Whether or not he was Joshua's weakness.

Vernon looked at Joshua in the eyes, tears started to well up and his heart was beating loudly. Joshua felt he couldn't hold his character for much longer.

Oh Vernon, what have you done to me?

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